14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world


Of course, children are infinite happiness, they do not always behave like a little sacchade of hell. But when they lead, then ... May God, old and new to us help us!

When children are looking for their boots "

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_1

And in fact they are on the spot, looking around everything around and Noah "Well, help me, Hermita." And you with one painted eye, yes.

When children "clean teeth"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_2

Yeah. Sluggishly call one tooth. And then a long time to look at himself in the mirror "with meaning," until they remember that it is necessary to clean a couple of teeth. And some clean everything in a row. For example, your own pot standing nearby.

When children make you watch "performances"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_3

Meanous curves with imitation of some moon. Who is it? Sailor Moon? We are just a pig pepta know!

When a child is "ready to leave the park"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_4

And actually disappeared from your zone of visibility and prevents that he does not hear how you call him!

When children "help with cleaning"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_5

At best, they simply dilute even greater mess. At worst - re-dirty that you have already been washed / cleaned / repeated / removed.

When a child "goes to bed"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_6

And at this time you are hostage in his room until it gets caught. And this is after reading all the world's books!

When children are "drinking medicine"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_7

That is, with a martyer look at the tablet and draw: "Yes, it is huge !!"

When children "do their homework"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_8

Again and repeat again "I do not understand !!". Of course, in the hope that you will tell them the right answer. And achieve your, small manipulators!

When children "dinner"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_9

Yeah. Wave all useful ingredients and a plate on the table: "Or maybe you can already dessert?"

When children show you a "cool cartoon"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_10

In which the huge speaking beetle or thoughs of all colors of the rainbow appears. And just try to turn or look into the phone - they immediately shout "Look, look! Now there will be the most interesting! ".

When children "remove their room"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_11

That is, they find some old forgotten crap for a long time and selflessly play with her for about 40 minutes.

When children drag you to the toy store "Just see"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_12

And everything goes well smoothly until the moment when they do not find a toy of their dreams and begin here. Here: "Well poaaaaaaaaaualuista !!"

When children "let you go to the bathroom"

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_13

And they themselves are sitting under the door and periodically (about 2 minutes) are interested in when you finally get out of there, irresponsible mother-cleanly.

When children tell, how are you at school "

14 evidence that parents are the most patient creatures in the world 39117_14

Answering "everything is fine" for any questions. But, frankly, we are glad.

A source

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