Cancellation syndrome: how to abandon coffee, drops in the nose and sweet


Do you think this is Pete Doherty Addict? Look at yourself! Getting used to harmless things like things may be pretty to confuse your life. But PICS has already pressed his Superman's cloak and hurries to the rescue! Here are the 5 most common addictions and proven ways to get rid of them.


Caffeine does not just allow us to wake up and with sin in half will turn to work. This stimulator makes us feel wellms and winners, tones the muscles and gives the pretext to drag your potential passion to your home. For a cup of coffee, aha. At 2 am. Select it from us and you will select everything from us: caffeine maniacs without their morning dose espresso jerk with the eye and the asshole on others, and they sleep by noon, curled up, right under the table. But those who do not limit themselves in an invigorating drink, very good - they have tachycardia, and gastritis, and the teeth of the sea oak.

What to do?

If without coffee you will not even raise the pipes of the archangels and the tramp of the apocalypse riders, try to go to bed earlier. It will be easy: without a stimulating effect of coffee and so starts the clone in the dream immediately after "good night, kids." Caffeine breaking is also expressed in the headaches with which green tea and water with lemon will help. And if without a hot cup in your hands you feel like a donkey EA without a tail, deceive your tactile feelings with heated chocolate milk. The teeth are not darker from it, and the caffeine in it percentage 4, no more.

Lip balm

Already not to remember what the tempter slipped this hellish tube to you, but the result is obvious, that is, on the lips. Without balm, they turn into two pieces of pine crust in an hour. Nothing strange - you fed the skin of the lips of the lips with mineral oil, which thinks the skin and leaves from the water-fat balance of the horns and legs. And the ear producers still love to add Menthol to Balsam, which in itself provokes dryness where it is neither smear.

What to do?

Replace balsam on a drop of honey (if you are not allergic, of course). Right rub it on his lips and try to stay away from the OS. You can still mix honey with vitamin E in capsules, it is sold on any pharmacy for a half penny. A week later, the other skin will begin to recover and you will notice that the hygienician left houses no longer causes you to have panic attacks.


Who did not give me a gingerbread member, he did not know life. Sugar differs from other carbohydrates with a lightning speed of absorption. You still lick your fingers, and insulin has already stitched everything and asks additives - walk so much! And you're like this: "Yes, my lord!" - And attractedly pulling the tenth cap.

What to do?

A sugar dependence may well be moving with cocaine, so you have to take the will in a fist, if you do not want to turn into a copy of the Mishlen man. Never buy Salty "Just in case" - you understand that every case will come immediately after you come back home. If the non-nightness is black chocolate with a 70% cocoa content, he has such a rich taste that you are at least Robin Bobin Bararak, do not eat it a lot (and still in it and sisha antioxidants). Pour, otherwise the hooked brain will start demanding more and more of these soft French lumps with the jam, because sugar is its fuel. And do not neglect the breakfast, and the level of glucose will collapse and the light image of the podcils will begin to light up before his eyes.

Social networks

People who stick out on social networks are generally very unpleasant. They constantly roam with their smartphones, as with metal detectors on a minefield, and turn any break into an IT party. It is possible to reach them only with the message in PM. The most severe patients fall out 30 statuses on the day and shaking hands are harvested by huskies. Sorry sight.

What to do?

Once when opening a Facebook, the power will turn off, will have to replace its force for coercion. Programs like Time Boss and Inet Protector limit Internet access time. An hour was cut down and enough, shouter into the real world and the cat Pokori finally. The method is less radical - sift your social network through the sieve. To lose all these incomprehensible personalities, which you are Zarthhinel during the President of Bush, unsubscribe from the "Daily Fun Capillary" community and the Locomotive Club Club Group. After such reforms, the tape will become much powerful and slower, which means that it will not look so interesting.

Nasal drops

It will be cool, they said. Immediately you breathe, they said. But the runny nose passed, and the drops remained. Now you and Nasal Spray - like LED and Nancy, Bonnie and Clyde, Tom and Jerry. You are inseparable and sooner or later one metering of another.

What to do?

Most drops for the nose are narrowing the vessels, the swelling instantly passes and you breathe full of breasts. But as soon as the action ends, the vessels are delighted expanding and the feeling arises that potatoes shoved you in the nose. All, you are naphthyzine sticking, welcome to the club - hundreds of thousands of people sit on drops of years, or even decades. To jump from this devilish potion, rinse the nose with water with sea salt. Yes, for some time you will walk, erotic, the option of the mouth, like Merilin Monroe, but soon the edema will start to subscribe to himself. Another lifehak is only one nostril with drops. Days after 5 deprived nostril will begin to breathe independently, and from the drops can be abandoned at all.

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