16 things with which we will never part


Well, okay, still Soviet Christmas toys or the first kid cannon. This is understandable, it is holy. But we, girls, store a whole bunch of much less meaningful things found to face saints at the same time with real values.

Clothes do not

Skump, honestly confess, is short to one and a half dozen years. However, honestly admit - not our method! I will lose weight, I will definitely lose weight. It is inevitable as the victory of communism. And it is this skirt that will inspire me to the feat. From his distant, the god of the forgotten angle of the cabinet, aha.

Very necessary prubambas

It is with their help I will lose weight. And already advanced in this path inhuman far away! Three times led these dumbbells and twice brought over the hulahup. True, if you remember when it was the last time ... it is better not to remember. This dust on the surface could tell a lot. But you can not throw these pieces. Because it will be a recognition of defeat. And so there is hope. Somewhere deeply deep ... At about the depth of that layer of the cabinet, where the cherished skirt comes with.

Wild clothes

Wild, but pretty, damn! It is not known what a promotional star stood on that evening over his head, which constellation was climbed by overheated Mercury, but the case was done. The hand shuffled down to the wallet and acquired this miracle of cut and design. Just do not ask, people why he has so many centimeters here. And it is precisely this shade of Malinovaya Blembab here. Well, cool. With which and where it can be put on, do not ask at all. Maybe I will finally go crazy here - and when a dozen Sanitara will pick me up, I will be in all this - the star of the department. Therefore, let it hang.

Scary ornaments

Masterpiece of Pakistani busoprotens for ten rupees from high-quality exclusive chalk, seemingly pure emerald. Well, scratched, so almost imperceptibly. To buy them, it was necessary to overheat much ... However, the heat somehow did not cooled and so on. Therefore, they are lying. But what if. Ka-Ak will come out, Ka-Ak Tink. Ai-na, you did not know me, but you will find out!

Unsuitable cosmetics

So you do not use you with red shadows. At least after that case in the older group, when the mother did not see at his cosmetic, somehow did not have to. And we will not clearly use it, you have a brain in my head. However, this body for some reason, every time refuses when you enter your hand over this box. "Well, what are you, this is Chanel! Which koko! " - Quokhitch cerebellum. And both hemispheres immediately according to nodding: Well, yes, well, yes, and you never know what cases.

Secret documentation

The protein of the reflex to save nuts, at Sapiens - paper with seals. If there is some kind of centenary circle on a piece of paper - it is sacralna, which means it needs to be stored forever. Especially if this is a super-important instruction for thirty-three languages ​​for the toaster. Which, by the way, was not read on one thing, because there is exactly one button. And the warranty card to the toaster is also kept in love: And then suddenly the button breaks down! Nothing that warranty has passed fifteen years ago, and the toaster has long been thrown away. For this piece of paper, the soul of the toasters will certainly be resurrected on a terrible court for household appliances.

Potted gloss

The life of this paper moth is like a one-day: bright and brief. According to the idea of ​​the editorial office - month. And in truth - exactly two purses, for which you in the toilet will study everything from the crust to crust. For what purpose the stack of magazines continues to live and grow - a question from the field "How to deal with cellulite" and "who drank all the water." Angelina During this time, it was married three times, and at the bottom of your stack she was still a maiden girl ...

Ficus Vasya (Aka Ficus Schrödinger)

The patient is either alive or he is dead. If he is dead, it can be revived or can not be revived. Vasya is permanently located on the border of this and other world. It seems to dry, goes stains, bend and crept. But it will not die, Gad green, finally! And sometimes in the spring suddenly some kind of crashing kidney releases. And how is it then on the garbage?! It seems that you have a heavy sin with these hands. And he will come to you at night, innocently killed, and cry the green tear.

Book with autograph

There is absolutely no outstanding work. Read before the thirteenth page, then the mission is impossible. Perhaps she could make it possible to make some microdistanic bucket buckle. Or a rural library in the area where the internets are not found, and all fire safety brochures are read up to holes. But you can't, no. Someone will open the first page - and read: "Mute Olenka for a long memory from the author devoted to it." And the signature is wide, swallowing and happy, like anticipation of folk love and non-Nobel. And then everyone will understand: here because of those like you, cruel, he did not get his nobel. And probably fade in poverty and obscurity.

Divinely beautiful jar of tea

16 things with which we will never part 39114_10
Infinitely beautiful and meaninglessly mercilessly useless, like Lamborghini in the collective farm "Light way". On its walls, hardworking the Chinese were not too lazy to portray sophisticated Japanese women, and on her cap, chrysanthemums of the infants of the shades were blooming. But what, neither come up to put - buttons, paper clips, checks or invisible hairpins - when they need, you still do not remember that they are embarrassing precisely there.

Pink mouse

16 things with which we will never part 39114_11
Pretty as angel, although in fact terrible as a mortal sin. Depends on what mood to see. You most often look with moutigation, because this crap (that is, the insanitina) was presented to you by your first boy. On your very first day Valentine. He is the last. But then it was forever. Only the very first of eight times forever ...

Stupitskaya Aromalampa

When this reptile (no longer the first, and the other) you threw you, you would nicely swallow him with the Eight Migratovsky Present ... But on the way the hand for some reason stopped. Valuable thing, and cho. It is possible to light the candle and drip useful essential oil (as they advise magazines at the bottom of your glossy bog). Nothing that you have never done a similar ritual even when the donor was still with you? Therefore, see, and got off the path of the Pohod that he did not shine a voucher light of this crumpled Bandura ...

Photo album

With such a lighted velvet cover, in Maiden - Bordeaux colors. With hand-made photographs. And so the designers decorated with the help of the recessed postcards of Zarubin, that this new-fashioned scrapbooking can shove himself into his molecin. And there inside such young parents take away you from the maternity hospital! And such gladioluses are one and a half times higher than you are heroically drag the first of September! And such an epochal nobody is built on the first disco! .. And somewhere on that closet (by the way, this year it would be time to wipe the dust) there was a box with a chasing on the lid. There are postcards from Favorite Lenks and Tanks, with immortal rows: "The cat wrapped in a blue ink in blue - and drove out: Olya be sank!"


Pupils 1- "A" class of secondary school. Four lessons on Monday, on Tuesday nothing is specified, on Wednesday two round funny five, at the bottom of the page - Mine signature. In three places - the unlocking squeezed: "Vacation !!!" through the entire turn. Well, laying solid. Only somewhere at the beginning of the fourth quarter a strange record: "sings in the lesson of environmental education." So spring after all, behind the window birds bloom!


They themselves were forced in the kindergarten to memorize Barto's cruel Agniya with her heartbreaking: "All the same, he will not bother, because he is good!" Do not be surprised now that he, albeit a loved by moth from all sides, is now always alive, steeper grandfather Lenin and Duncan Maclaude combined. And what looks so sad with his sewn buttons - so he knows about me too much ...

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