Super heroine ancient Russia in a fantasy style


Artist Roman Psyuyev portrayed all famous characters of Russian fairy tales and epic in modern game fantasy style. And what we especially liked, he painted and described a lot of heroines-women. Therefore, we decided to show you his versions of Vasilis, Alenushki, princesses are unmeasured and others, with his comments. And you can explore the rest of the heroes on the website Geek Times.

Vasilisa beautiful

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I will start with Vasilisa beautiful (not to be confused with Vasilisa Promotra, aka Tsarevna-frog). The combat magazine, even to think there is nothing, one skull, crewing enemies (mentioned in a fairy tale), which costs. And of course, a doll in a bag, everything is as expected. A small remark: maybe not so clearly can be seen, but she has a steel kokoshnik, part of the priest.

Vasilisa Revision (Tsarevna Frog)

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There are already three common versions of the fairy tales (in one of them it is generally called Elena beautiful), so I decided to try to collect in one image everything is known about it. So, the sorceress. Wheels and with the help of his own strength, and with the help of Mamok-Nyanki (grandmother-nyanki, mothers-manki, etc.). I decided that the nannies would be in my version with plump flying faces. The magic of Mamok-Nyankk is not separately so that it is strong, but if you start to do something together - only hold on ... I completely forgot to mention - she is hanging on her chest in the form of a culone arrow tip. That very.

Tsarevna Nesmeyana

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I wanted to make my face open first, then I decided immediately the mask-took the show. Kokoshnik - part of the helmet. Observationary spectators will pay attention to Burdyuk and horn at her belt. Why? Because because of the ever bad mood, it is constantly applied to alcohol. By the way, when she laughs (and she laughs extremely rarely), it means that she began the attack and she becomes a bersercker, - a very terrible abilka.

Marya Morrevna

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Everything is clear here. The only film - since the fairy tale indicates that she is a steppe warrior, then I slightly added asian elements.


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Crowdders of Kurganov. Strictly speaking, this is a film character, in the mythology, Varvara-Krasti seems to be no. But, first, everything, probably, know the film Row, and secondly, it is very notable for her name, could not pass by. I think it is clear who was a reference. A bit of comments: the topories are attached to the shuthes on the hips on the belts, amulets amulets, Kokoshnik, as always, metallic are hanging on the belts. When a lot of opponents, she attacks, turning the wolf, and mows the enemies (ha ha). The braid itself may well be made of leather, like a whip, that is, it is not cleaned hair, but a part of the helmet.

Baba Yaga. V. 1.0.

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Water and waterman

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There is extremely few information about the waterman, it is known that she is not a mermaid, dressed in a ragged sundress, she has a big breast, she is a lean, but in general, no one does not hurt anyone, that is, a positive character. Drew it in the forty (headdress of married women) to emphasize the family status. And this character also has a key feature that hooked me hard: "Waterman is a drowning of baptism, and therefore does not belong to undead." Do you understand yes? The baptized drowned is a water wife who is actually evil (undead). There is a huge scope for fantasy, of course. And that's what I was naphantazized. I wrote before, in a water is extremely bad character. It is constantly necessary to ensure, otherwise it is also the paff accomplished, and dries, and the cloth waves. However, it can also provide a catch, and save, if that, - and in my version, all his good matters are directly connected with the waterman. As his wife is essentially kind, but young, mischievous and divert, she turns the old man, as he wants. And often makes the husband to make good actions, although this contradicts his unclean nature. And vice versa, when they quarrel, water goes on the campaign and rapidly, releasing steps. All river spirits in Slavic mythology are distinguished by passion for hair separation (all of them are definitely long and loose). Waterman is no exception. In one of the sources, I saw that she was calculated by the hair with fish bones, but I decided to give her a steep comb (hanging on the belt). This is a gift from the sea king, a long-range relative of the water (Bolotnik, by the way, is also a relative, but the wild, "in the family is not without a freak", as they say). Greenwater hair is green, she herself is very pale. Her decorations are predominantly pearls and all sorts of pieces with shell and water motifs. On the belt, besides the ridge, hanging are charging, but they do not act on the water, because he is a husband.

Sister Alyonushka (and brother Ivanushka)

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I understand that many shocking this picture, but before you judge, please re-read the fairy tale. In a fairy tale (in many of its iterations) there are several key moments that are united for all options. So, facts:

  1. Ivanushka became a kid.
  2. Alyonushka drowned.
  3. In almost all the options there is a "Luta Snake", which Alyonushka sucked the heart (and there was "heavy stone" on the neck, "Bela-fish eyes got away", "yellow sands on his chest", "Shelkov grass in her arms", dust, Tlen, hopelessness, that's all this).
  4. There is a witch-sorcerer, who settled all this catavation with drowning.
  5. Alyonushka from the river was taken out, "plunged it, they all overwhelmed in clean water, turned the white blade, and she became even better than it was."
  6. In all the versions of the fairy tale, where Ivanushka turned into a goat, he remained. Well, you understood what I am, yes?

First, Alyonushka, as it were, is alive, right? In my opinion, not quite. Luta Snake, according to my version, was a magic viper, who deprived the Alyonushka of life, but could not sick her soul because of the cross on her neck, and in the end, this snake became a symbiotic, giving himself to the chest of Alyonushka, giving her magical abilities and supporting in her a life. After such an unpleasant experience, Alyonushka began his hard post-tramatic syndrome, the death of the sorcerer did not calm her down, and after some time she exploded, took the goat and left her husband's husband (remind, he almost stabbed her brother). And became the witch hunt. Yes Yes. She is a witch hunter, and it is the sorcerer - her specialization. Of course, she can kill another evil, but she is merciless with evil sorcerers. Ten years passed. The goats have grown ... He became her bodyguard and a tool of rough strength. They are high-sample professionals, with evil spirits merciless, unsurpassed Middle Master: Ivanushka takes force, Alyonushka - dexterity. Ivanushka is generally strong as a bull (ha ha), so it pulls all their sisters with his sister plus a huge hammer, which he naively calls "Witch's Hammer." Ivanushka is complex about his appearance and can kill if someone suddenly calls him a goat. Details:

Alyonushka: - The wreath is woven from the jugs (drowning in fact), poppy (flower against witches), leaves and sprigs of aspen (magic tree); - the cross on the neck - the defense of the immortal soul. In a fairy tale, it was not said, Holly Alyonushka, I believe that baptic; - witches are afraid of all sorting-cutting weapons, including braids. Alyonushki bid-sickle, created specifically for the fight against evil spirits; - Alyonushki costume is partially and very rapidly based on curl and arms clothes; - on the belt is hanging against witches things - a bottle with spring water (bun, who says why spring), bag with poppy seeds, mandatory charms and bag with all sorts of things. Well, the semi-powder also loves the ridges.

Images and text: Roman Psyuyev

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