Interview with Pikaper: "We give a man's hammer"


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The information about the seduction of women is extremely dosed: the pair of men's journals occasionally written about it, and the main flow is a pick-up courses, which are a great set. Pikaperov girls do not like and fear, and the Word itself almost turned into a crucial. We tried to understand whether it was so terrible, as a small one, and talked to the Guru of the Domestic Picap and an expert on the seduction of girls Alexander Samsonov. Sasha's entire conversation tried to convince us (and we almost believed!) That a pickup is a harmless training on self-development, and all men need only one thing - a hammer. PICS: Pickup and pickupartes - the theme is odious, so we are very interested to find out the state of affairs from the inside. Sasha, how did you come to this difficult business? Really from early childhood to the question "Who do you want to become when you grow up?" Did you immediately proudly answered "Pikaper!"?
Alexander Samsonov: In my opinion, everyone wants to become a picker, they simply call it differently! In fact, the pickup is a man who knows how and loves to communicate with the girls. It seems to me that every man has a dream to be interesting and learn to interact with the girls so that this leads to the desired results. You like the girl very much - you will meet with her. You want only to spend the night with the girl - you will spend the night with her. All honestly and most openly. PICS: At what point did it become a way to make money? Alexander Samsonov: I myself was trained in the Russian model of effective seduction (RMES), after which I was invited to develop the project. PICS: Don't you seem like a pickup as a way of interaction implies a few consumer approacy? Or do you think about the feelings of girls, about their emotions? Alexander Samsonov: Pickup is not a worldview, it is just a way. As a school of English! People come to learn the language for their purposes, then at the end of the course go to the club celebrate, you will not blame them in alcoholism? Pickup is a tool to achieve the desired! We just learn men, how to become an interesting interlocutor, how to be more stylish, how to interest the girl, how to behave correctly, so that it does not consider you a brake, concerned, did not make you a friend if you have romantic feelings. And the tools that we give, each man uses in its own way depending on its goals. Pickup is like a hammer that we give people and say: if you want to score a nail, beating so. And man already makes this hammer what he likes. PICS: Oh, someone, for example, like to beat people with a hammer in the face! Alexander Samsonov: Even if so, the problem is not in the hammer, but in the head in humans. What you see on the forums in the format "Girl Pyaterochka, Yabvdul" is private manifestations. For example, I am an expert on the seduction of girls, I have a wonderful five-year relationship with a girl, but for some reason no one runs after me and does not poke my finger with the shouts "Fu-Fu, he is a pickup!". Unfortunately, everyone looks at the most obvious manifestations, and much remains behind the scenes. And external is normal male desires! All men want more beautiful girls, and the more, the better! Each man takes place in life through this stage, and he must pass through it, otherwise it will be compensated for all his life. But this period is sooner or later, it is necessarily ends, all come to the thoughts about the importance and need of relationships. But the relationship is not yet the abability with whom, but with a beautiful and desired girl who chose a man himself, and not with the one who met on drunk in the club, slept, here's a relationship. PICS: Girls need skills to communicate with a pickup? Or can you just relax and enjoy?
Alexander Samsonov: No skills need. Girls need the same as guys: watch yourself, develop, become better, that's all. PICS: Was there any cases when girls or your friends have gained around a finger? Did you get all that, and dynamic? Or is everything honest, everyone gets what wants? Alexander Samsonov: I do not really understand what you are talking about! You think that there is some kind of trick, some kind of divorce, super-equipment, pitfalls, but it is not. Pickup is just science. PICS: Science, yes. But in general, the girls are afraid of pickuparts, believe that they will nourish them and throw. And the guys are Natobort, believe that they will become steep pickup and will be all sailoring and drop right and left. Alexander Samsonov: You seem to be discovered! The feeling that before the Pickup appeared, everyone had only a serious relationship for life! No one sailor, did not throw, but guys did not dreamed of girls! PICS: But now it took shape in some kind of nearly consumer system. Alexander Samsonov: Yes, it took shape, but in general, nothing has changed: those who want sex for one night, exactly also get sex for one night, only in science. It should be found for this not with twenty girls, but with three, that's all. Those who wanted a relationship receive relationships, just now get the desired girl who is suitable for him, and not unclear what. PICS: But there are guys who in principle do not imagine themselves, and they look, honestly, not very, but they want the girl next to them there was a "goddess" level. Is there any trap in your system - inadequate evaluation yourself?
Alexander Samsonov: Everyone wants to be beautiful, cheerful, tanned goddess. This is an excellent desire! PICS: But if it does not fold with the Olympus, is it necessary to agree to the smaller, on the appropriate? Alexander Samsonov: Not everything is so simple. Pickup is not so that you came, clicked my fingers and instantly became Casanova, everyone wants you, and on the street you have to hide, because everyone runs on you with the screams "That's finally, the Picaper came out!" And kiss, undress. This is a rather difficult process: you are studying, you work on yourself, change your style, habits and eventually you just begin to like people more, you begin to communicate in a different way. From the first shot, the best finding is not easy, there is no such thing that you approached the first girl and realized that it was your fate. It is necessary to try with one, on the other, with the third, after which it is important to understand what qualities are important to you. Someone is a sense of humor, someone's mind, it is important to someone that the girl does not strain and it was comfortable with her. The first time it is incomprehensible, so you go through the options to find the one on which you marry. And this is a rather laborious process, because you need to meet, communicate, romantic relationships to build. Not everyone is ready for it. Someone says that he is not necessary for him, there is a girl, not the most beautiful, but it will come down, it is satisfied. And there are those who are ready to apply any efforts so that there is a dream girl nearby, and in the end, the reward will find his hero. PICS: What people come more often? Those who wait for a magic recipe for happiness or those who are configured to self-development? Alexander Samsonov: Of course, everyone wants everything at once and quickly, by clicking the fingers. We explain that it is so impossible, and perhaps only after a couple of weeks of painstaking work, start changing and change their lives and relationships with girls. But the majority realizes that we offer the shortest way. Better with us than to lose myself for several years, swaying at random. PICS: Are unhappy customers?
Alexander Samsonov: We take money only with those who already know what it goes, more often this people are conscious, which themselves come with money and ask to teach them everything. Someone does not come immediately: in a month, a year later, it also happens. PICS: What is the biggest age of a person who came to you? Alexander Samsonov: 64 years old. PICS: Did he stay satisfied? Did you find a dream girl? Alexander Samsonov: We did not specify about the girl's dreams, but he performed all practical tasks, he got acquainted with the girls, he did everything. He came to us and said: Guys, teach! Either you or so die! Then the question is not at the age, but in the desire of self-development. And in how much you want this. PICS: Some funny cases from practice can remember? Alexander Samsonov: Somehow one student came after practicing, sat down, grabbed his hands behind his head and says: "I gave me two models of our phone numbers. What should I do with them now? " If earlier it was a problem for him just approach and meet you, now he has phones of the girls who really like him, and he does not know what to do. PICS: What would you advise your children? Alexander Samsonov: I would advise constantly developing and learning to normal communication with people - it is very important.

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