The whole truth about Cesarean. Brave women, their stories and photos


In the US, 30% of childbirth end with a cesarean cross section. Despite the public debate, the overall level of the loyalty of Americans and information that this operation is saves the life of a mother and child, the myth that these are "non-secrecy", and those who give birth to, lazy are still strong. These 13 women agreed to participate in the Huffington Post photo session and tell their stories. We hope if you thought that the cesarean section is not "labor", you change your mind and begin to respect the medical selection of other people.

"I love this scar, he seems to be smiling at me," Lijia, 37

"I started to depart the water on Saturday night 18 months ago. By noon, Sunday I was already in the maternity hospital. I was not going to do Cesarean, because the coward and believed that it would be cool to give birth to the most. But the doctors went to the hall and they said that I had a pressure jumping, and the child could be clamped. They said, need to do Cesarean. I never think about a second. And after 30 minutes my baby was already lying on my chest.

Scary when you are told, now we will cut you and chopping your child. But it was the only available option. And I never think that I gave birth to "not really".

"I knew that I need to calm down, otherwise - the end", Mara, 41

"We tried to conceive our second daughter for 3 years. There were two miscarriages. Then 4 attempts to artificial fertilization and one eco. While I wore her, I was terribly afraid to lose her.

After 37 weeks, when everything was fine, heartbeat gone to the ultrasound. My doctor, whom I know for 15 years, turned and told me calmly: "We will need an emergency Cesarean." And I generally mental, very disturbing and nervous. And then I realized that if I do not calm down right now, I will lose her. My first birth was simple and natural. But both of these such different cases I will never forget and very much grateful. "

"I liked the idea of ​​Cesarean and I was very glad," Joda, 42

"I gave birth to your girls 8 months ago. From the 26th week I was on preserving because of the infantality of the uterus. Doctors thought I did not reach the 28th. But there was the 30th and 32nd. I even ate and did exercises in bed. Then I was told that Cesarean, I was very glad. My husband and I tried for several years, and now I just love your scar. After all, he reminds me that my baby is now here with me. "

"I want my feelings respected," Susan, 32

"My five-year-old daughter I gave birth with Cesarean. I wanted natural childbirth, but after 15 hours, the doctor said that they could not find the head, and that her heartbeat was weakening. They said, need cesarean section. I was terribly upset. They scared all these pieces, I felt a fault, because my uterus could not push the child. I was all talked later, but your child is healthy, and I could not calm down.

I gave birth to my second daughter after Cesarean naturally. And it was right catharsis. I ceased to blame myself for the first time. Just wanted at that moment so that I was supported and told, ok, be angry, you have the right. Now I study at the midwife to help women with these questions and difficulties. "

"I'm bitterly seeing my body in these photos," Molly, 37

"Doctors monitored my contractions and with each new heart of my son beat everything weaker. Then I was told that Cesarean would do. I am a big fan of the series "Anatomy of Passion", so I asked doctors to behave as much as possible and dramatically. Most likely, I will no longer have children, so, of course, I would like to feel everything, but I do not have any regrets. I don't like me on this intimate photo, because I do not really imagine my body. I love him, however, I care about him, as I can, because it gave me my son. I had a light pregnancy and recovery. But I want women to know, be displeased with their body after childbirth - this is normal. "

"I thought about the tattoo, but now I don't need her", Liz, 27

"I had three days Fights, it was natural, honestly tried all this time, but the doctors said that it was necessary to cut. And they did everything so that it looked as if it was my personal choice. Of course it was not. The child chuckled and he had to be released. My husband and I didn't imagine everything at all, but now we have a healthy baby.

I have a pacemaker, so there were two operations in my life. And every such physical intervention is very hard perceived. Previously, I wanted to make a tattoo in honor of the Birth of the baby, but now I realized that I would not. I already have a reminder in the form of a scar. He helps me take everything that was.

"I still feel the injury to this experience," Marissa, 34

"I had a terrible toxicosis. I was taken to the hospital several times and I lost 9 kg. At the 36th week, I began to reduce the uterus. I was taken to preserve, but the fight was not studied, but were divided by hours. And so two weeks. I could neither eat or sleep. Ultrasound showed suspicion of the disclosure of the placenta. Doctors could not figure out for a long time, as they do, until it became clear that the fetus had a distress syndrome, and it was necessary to Caesar. Then, what was, my husband told me, my eyes rolled out, and the next frame - I already lies my newborn daughter. I had wildly severe pregnancy and childbirth, so I'm joking that the scar from Cesarean section is generally nonsense compared to the rest. But I still feel injured. "

"I wanted natural kinds", Savannah, 35

"My first son was born three and a half years ago. My mother's midwife. So, I planned non-changing and absolutely natural childbirth without any intervention. But it turned out that the fetus pelvic preview. I tried everything, even acupuncture and chiropractic. But Kesarean was appointed. I felt terrible, I was very sad, I thought that I did not do with my body and why it did not work out a natural way. I envied women who were already walking in the park with wheelchairs in a park after such gods, and I was still looking at the hospital.

Then I got pregnant for the second time. And she insistently was to ensure that it was naturally. I was literally a professor by childbirth after Cesarean. The program had yoga, stretching and much more, I was preparing as a flight into space. I know that I would be happy with any scenario, but the second childbirth helped me to accept the experience of the first. "

"I did not expect Cesarean, but I am absolutely happy," Mariel, 32

"I had an insufficient volume of accumulating waters, so the genera was induced. After 13 hours, the fetus did not advance further 5 cm. I said: "Guys, do anything".

In 2010, Pitbul attacked me, there was a huge scar on the leg, so the scar from Cesarean, it is generally, Ugh. I actually never show him and was not going to hang him on the avatar in Facebook, but I show for this project. Usually I don't think about it. "

"It's hard for me to imagine that my child appeared from this scar, Latina, 41

"My childbirth lasted 36 hours, but the child did not advance further 8 cm. I also have a high resistance to anesthesia. That is, when they started to cut me, I felt very well. Doctors asked for my, now former, her husband get out. And then I miraculously cut me off.

Scar does not bother me at all. He is very neat. After Cesarean, I gave birth twice by naturally. If you need to be quaede again, I would not be upset. I would not even reflect on it. "

"Stopped feeling guilty", Nicole, 30

"My son is 6. He was very large and doctors said that she was better than Cesarean. I do not think agreed. It was scary, but everything went well. Half an hour and hello. I also planned the second child through Cesarean. I was only disturbed, whether the scar will become more and will be more painful. It was more painful, yes, but the scar did not change.

I have long felt guilty for not even trying to give birth naturally. Strongly surprised by this online discussion about women who choose Cesarean, they say, it means that this is an easy way. I do not care who thinks. There are two healthy children around me, and I know that I gave birth to them, and no one else. "

"I was worried that the scar would be ugly", La Chanda, 40

"I quickly recovered after Kesarev, but the wound did not bother, so I had to care for a nurse for the seam, and I worried that there would be a deformity. Just the word "scar" scares itself.

Now I am a professional lactation specialist and blew. I treat the postpartum period with great sympathy, I know that after Cesarean, this time is even more difficult for a woman. And I do not think that something unnatural happened to me. "

"Felt surrounded by care and very beloved," Caroline, 36

"I have glaucoma and about the cesarean section in my case I was in advance. I remember about childbirth only some incredible lighting in the operating room and good faces of the team of doctors. If now I would be offered natural painless and fast childbirth, I would say: "Leave them for someone else." I was so good. " And the scar serves as a simple reminder of those wonderful circumstances and incidents that accompanied the emergence of two of my children. "

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