6 "scientific" theories and discoveries that we aggressively surprise in social networks


Academic science and authors of school and university textbooks hide much from us. Just because a number of theories break the well-established systems of knowledge of knowledge, and also threaten the system of production and consumption, which, of course, is unprofitable by the scientific and industrial lobby.

But we found these theories and today for the first time we publish them for you. And do not even refute. We do not know how to refute so perfect nonsense.

Holy Pupovina


Did you know that Pupovina is a pickle tube? Through the umbilical cord, growing inside the mother looks at the world. Closing the belly of clothes, you are fatally impoverish the baby's life, turning it into a vegetable for 9 months. Do not believe? See what children are born! They do not know anything about the world, everyone has to know from scratch.

Humanity keeps its origin from ancient India. Take a look at the ancients, how are weales? In women - necessarily an open belly. Fully closed body from slaves.

What is the secret goal of the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia? The invaders demanded that women of enslaved territories wore closed clothes. That is why IHO lasted for so long, for 400 years the habit of dressing, closing the belly, became part of the traditions and our people forever turned out to be pushed from natural space knowledge. That's our true tragedy!

Do not break the life of children during pregnancy, go with an open stomach in beautiful places! A resident of the northern regions can wear warm jackets with heat-windows or insert in the navel of eyepieces.

The mystery of a snowy person is revealed

Snow man really exists. Reveal his mystery prevented global warming - it was met in the forests and even in the jungle that he knocked off researchers from the right track. But when it turned out that their habitat was the latest territories, freed from under-ice and snow as a result of warming, which comes due to man-made human activity, the scientist was all clear.

Snowy man is now attributed to the class of so-called "unclean strength", which also includes éy, water, houses.

13th zodiac sign


Dragon is the only non-existent animal in the eastern horoscope. For a long time, scientists of astrologers broke the head, why he is there. Respond to this question, scientists of historians helped them.

Dragons existed.

But they got rid of them, since this reptile ate people.

In Europe, the dragons kicked the knights.

In China, the dragons dealt with heroes. For the same reason, they ate people, preferred young people: the largest and more fresh.

In Russia, they are well remembered as a snake of Gorynych (about 3 heads) and a miracle yudo (3, 6, 12-head).

In ancient Greece, the dragon was also, almost ate Andromed (after many others) and was defeated by Perse.

Rare species no one guarded in old days. In our time, miraculously surviving dragons were reborn in crocodiles. The type of food of those and others proves their close-based communication. Crocodile catches one antelope GNU, after which it digescing it for 6 months. Snakes Gorynychi, starting in some terrain, demanded themselves on the young man / girls a year. All year round were not disturbed.

By the way, with his long life, they seem to have learned speech. All refer to that the dragon spoke. Conditions put in words.

There is an assumption that their ability to speak was also the cause of their mass death. People experienced a sacred horror in front of the talking cattle, and religious consciousness required or degen her or lime.

Another reason to kill dragons was human greed. Dragons fed weakness to brilliant. We lived for a long time, in the caves, near people. Collected gradually treasures. The Chinese of their dragons are also depicted - with a huge pearl in the paws. Indecent wealth mined knights, killing dragons.

Archaeologists of the world are preparing to re-explore the restored skeletons of dinosaurs. There is reason to believe that some of the frank dinosaurs are dragons.

Exhaust brains in your nasal scarf

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Rubber is useful. But not because, according to doctors, it contributes to the establishment and strengthening of immunity and is generally a protective mechanism. And because the runny nose is mental intoxication, expressed in physiological processes. Liquid and mucus leaving the nose, i.e. snot is nothing but spent brains. If you do not give them a way out, the cerebral poisoning can begin with decay products. And then only surgery will help.

Why do people sleep at night?

People sleep at night at all because the body needs rest and time for repairs, as previously thought. And not even because at night dark, and human eyes are not adapted to see in the dark, and closed.

Business in the sun. More precisely, in gravity. At night, the sun is from the opposite side of the earth. And the force of attraction from the opposite side of the Earth is enhanced. And the person pulls to lie down.

In the afternoon, the sun is on the other side of the earth, where the person changes the attraction, the person begins to pull up, and he gets up.

It is because of gravity in full moon, many people sleep well. The moon is from the side of the land where a person is, and also changes the power of gravity - attraction.

What follows from this? Do not fight with nature, you do not defeat the power of gravity, sleep at night, awake in the afternoon, is the key to the inner harmony!

Than dangerous cow and soy milk


Environmental and humanitarian catastrophe is coming. A significant part of one type of mammals is fell by milk of another type of mammals and milk plants.

It is known that genetically modified products are dangerous, because it contributes to the organism of the genes of another species, which leads to unpredictable qualitative changes. And here is a whole tradition of nutrition with milk of other species and, scary, soy and palm milk.

At the heart of children - milk of cows and goats. This brings unequivocal harm. That is why the children are mucked for a long time. Speech Delay - Time Spetion.

The hyperactivity common among modern children is also a consequence of the use of milk cows, for which it is especially important that the calves were strong legs that allow them to walk a lot, and not strong brains.

The destruction of the Institute of Marriage is also associated with the rapid growth in the consumption of milk of harvest cattle.

In the past, the aristocracy could afford to eat food on the milk of cormalits. And therefore remained elite.

World religious and associated great-container elites drink virgins milk to acquire superhuman qualities and extend life. See the cult of the Virgin, widespread by Christians.

But, the current plot, we will be able to use the discovery in medicine. It is assumed that it will be possible to treat the impotence with milk young rabbits.

Theories collected Natalia Kalashnikova

Photos: shutterstock

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