7 things to which daddy daughter in adolescence should be prepared


Steve Sampon, the father of three daughters, decided to share with other fathers with his observations, so that they were not so scary to face the discoveries of adolescence of their daughters. This is what each dad should get.


Get ready to feel old

When the awareness of the fact that you are closer to the appearance of the grandchildren are now closer than your daughter's birth. Because of this, you can pull to get drunk and / or buy a sports car. Please, just do not do something at the same time.

Get ready to feel overwhelmed

To detect, how rose daughter, sometimes brought into those moments when you've been waiting for the least. As when her younger sister comes home from school, crying, because the boy in the bus called her "abnormal", and your always coarse-grant, without blinking the eye, she declared her: "Yes, it just envisses him that you are beautiful." And one phrase he will heal the wound, which you would try (not very successful) to heal the rest of the day.

Get ready to feel frightened

However, she can turn out of a cute child in an insane and stupid teenager, and you cannot even realize the causes of the transformation. Maybe you did something. Or did not. Or stand. You will never be sure. And from what you do not know what is to blame, everything gets even worse: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Also, expect a feeling of inexplicable thanks when she later approached you to hide and break on your shoulder. Understand - not your business. Your business is just to continue to be near.


Get ready to feel that you are used

More or less regularly. While she again and again rises your opinion, your sense of style, your player speech, without ceasing to spend your money without a shadow of doubt. And get ready to feel yourself the wisest of wise when it is being inserted into real problems and come to you for the councils. And hears him. And say: "Thank you, Dad".

Get ready to feel sometimes lonely

Because the girl who always admired you, now much more interested in friends by the society of friends, his phone and, maybe, the boy. And she will rather talk to his mother about anything, because you will always be a little stranger for them, even though they will continue to love you. Prepare for the fact that at such moments you only need to go drink beer for watching the match on TV.

Get ready to feel the longing for old good times

When she stands in a blue dress on which he had a bunch of money, and photographed with girlfriends in front of the graduation ball. You remember how she hugged your knees and giggled when you danced with her, putting her feet on your own. And she will bring eyebrow and inquire: "What do you look at me so much?" And you just shake your head and merge with the surrounding.


Get ready to feel pride

And fight with hardening tears, when it will bring some fives, or score a goal during the match of your football team, or write the song that the whole family becomes. Prepare for what you always have reason to be proud of it. Get ready to become her the most faithful fan.

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