How to pump power? 4 simple rules that really work


Psychologists compare the power of will with muscle strength. If the muscles are overgrown - you can't raise the smartphone, and the ass from the sofa. But if you strain regularly, but neatly, then you punish and become superviser, or, for example, quit smoking.

How to pump power? 4 simple rules that really work 39089_1
Rule 1: Exhale, Beaver!

Before being taken for training, you need to learn to understand when the power of the will is weakened. If you are already holding back today, tolerate, you strain your attention, refuse yourself in the desired or learn the child to fraud, then, most likely, you dried up. So, you need to do a break. For example, a couple of minutes to kill here on

Rule 2: Use dumbbells for the brain

  • The Diary. It may be a diary of food, a dream diary or just retelling the whole day. The main thing is to pay a diary at least 5 minutes a day. But it is not necessary to make it a public domain of the public.
  • Charging. At least the simplest. The goal is not to lose weight. The goal is not to quit.
  • Native speech. Try at least an hour a day to talk only to finished and grammatically proposals. Or refrain from the use of mothers or words-parasites.
  • Posture. Try every day to see or take a few minutes with a straight back.
  • Order. Regularly clearing the space around yourself. Yes, not all at once! It's enough every day to lay the bed, wash the dishes for the night or clean on your desktop (if, of course, you did not do before).
  • Intellectual exercises. 15 minutes of chess or mathematical tasks, reading in a foreign language is quite suitable.

Rule 3: Use the Secret Reception

Old habits on the contrary. Skills brought to automatism do not strain the power of will, but on the contrary, save it. Therefore, it is useful sometimes change them. For example, try to brush your teeth, holding a brush with a different hand, or take a computer mouse into another hand.

Rule 4: observe security measures

  • Lightly with alcohol! With the will, he makes about the same as with the ability to walk in a straight line.
  • Put yourself with fulfill tasks. For example, a list of cases where you really are inscribed, can undermine the desire to perform at least something. You will not beat the marathon if you reach the subway with a breath.
  • Some gusts are framed in a person evolutionary and for a beginner in the volitional sport to fight them anyway, what to go to the Olympics. "Get sortied" belongs to such desires, so starting to train with a strict diet - a failed idea.
  • With any convenient case, save yourself from dangerous temptations. For example, if the whole day performed monotonous work, requiring concentration of attention, then do not decide the question in the evening, should you take a loan to a new TV. It is better to look good at first and eat.

Little secret

Fuel for the brain sites responsible for the will is glucose. So if you need urgent doping - eat a sweet candy on an honest noodle sugar. We are absolutely serious.

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