10 psychological "gifts" from our parents who did not fall


It will not be about the green floor lamp, which does not fit into the interior. And not about the frank naughty, like beatings. And about common pedagogical failures, which are greatly poisoned by our, now adult life.

I don't need such a child

And also "And why I need this grief on my head," "I would be better to bring a dog" and other cheerful statements up to "In vain I didn't take an abortion." Most likely, saying such terrible words, parents meant something like a human one, like: "I'm terribly tired at work, and you stained a sweater, there is no other clean and I will have to wash at night, and I will not sleep again." . But it turned out literally: "Umci". Travel psychologists from such a background rubbed the handles and configure long-term therapy: count after all, the living dead man from the grave will have to fall.

I will leave you here, but I will leave

Rent in the orphanage, I will give the policeman, Won Uncle, a gray wolf. Children up to some age it is easy to blackmail to what they are very afraid, namely, separation from their parents. Children grow from this shugal, and are in full in confidence that the Earth can fly from under the feet at any time. Consequences are different. For example, as an option, terrible jealousy and suspicion - what if the husband is throwing? Or in general the lack of personal life, because if you have no aunt, then she will not go anywhere.

How are you talking to your father?

Or "not hami mothers", "hold a distance" and in general "Who are you here, the smartest, or what!?" The problem is not the fact that inequality is designated between children and parents, it objectively exists. The problem is that it is incomprehensible, and how to talk to parents so that this is considered normal? There is no answer to this question, because such phrases of ancestors usually covered their fear, incompetence and confusion. Nevertheless, how to correctly talk to the father, that is, how to behave in the hierarchical system? It is better at all in any way, it is terrible, some decide some and this does not improve their career prospects. And others prefer to attack any authority, checking its strength and borders: I will sell "Pope" or is he? In general, in any case, unhealthy heritage.

Why do you need money?

Where went. Do not dare to shove. What do you hide something? Who do you write there? This is what you have, diary, ha ha! Sometimes similar control persists to deep maturity. You know: "Hello, where, and with whom, and with whom the children stayed?" Or "I ran to you here, while you at work, I put a little bit, stroked, laid out ... What is your mess for a mess in the wardrobe!? Having got rid of constant control by the parents, an adult sometimes remains in misunderstanding and does not know exactly what questions it is better not to climb, and where you can politely ask if its intervention is not necessary. Where you can decide for others, and where you need to discuss your plans. If you have ever arranged a scandal due to the one who should check the pockets of the trousers before washing, to no longer throw out a flash drive, then you may know now where such problems come from.

I'm not talking to you anymore

And does not speak. Some particularly strong spirit - weeks. And so we learn that in case of conflict, it is necessary to allow it ... no way. Frames are pearing. And I suffer. And we all suffer.

You're a girl ... (boy)

Under this sauce, you can inspire a child with a lot of nonsense. From the popular: the boy can not cry, but you must definitely give. And the girl can not run, jump and get dumping, but you can not give delivery. Etc. Sometimes you can teach something useful. For example, it is delicious to cook or deftly climb - excellent skills. But not because "you are a girl or a boy." These skills are good for any genetic scenario. As a result, fat cockroaches are carefully ashamed in children. Oh, I have topographic cretinism, I'm a girl. Wow, I have to get drunk and fight, I am a man. Many never get rid of them.

Just be yourself

Well, if everyone jumps into the well, you will jump too? Oddly enough, despite the horrors of adolescent hobbies, to be like everyone else - pretty useful skill. People who observe traffic rules too, for example, terrible conformists. But alive and get there, where they drove. But forcibly raise a white crow - not the best idea. In any way or another there will be conflicts with peers, but sometimes parents seem to do everything to be more and they were harder. How living when you do not know how to find a common language with others, you and so clearly, probably.

It was possible and better

Four is not an assessment, this is a sign of disgusting, lazy, nor not capable of illness. Mda. Which then or does not receive satisfaction, whatever did, no matter how highly climbed. Or just does nothing, because I'm so much, the govne. By the way, not only "laughter", but also to everyone who is next to him. Such education grows in a person an invisible third eye in the forehead, configured to notice extremely dust on plinths, cellulite on the sides and missed commas in texts on PICS.RU :)

Until you eat all, you won't get out of the table

And many more unique dietary principles. For example, a tasty must be left for later. Throwing food - sin. Split - especially. With food do not play. Leave others at least a bit. Delicious must be divided. And the corona combo: "Something you drank me ... you sing pies, but it's very pale." It is difficult to even assume that these principles twisted the fatty children's brain. Some say, they are trying to actually eat everything that they will not be put on the plate, even if they do not want to eat. Others get used to life (not only about food) to refuse themselves in joys, until they are "naming" as you follow. And when a light strip begins, we are confident that it is about to turn around, because it does not happen so that it is delicious - and all of you. And of course, if you recovered, then this terrible tragedy needs immediately ... ot.

What problems do you have?

Stop root, do you have anyone died? Nothing hurt you, do not pretend. What you sneeze like a mouse on the barbell and so on. First, it means, refuse to a child in his own feelings, then say what it is experiencing, in fact. The strongest telepaths among the parents, by the way, really missed fractures and appendicitis under the sauce "there is nothing to rescue." But to know where and that you have a hurt, in a physical and mental sense, is extremely important for again and physical and mental health. And it is very helpful to deal with that I am now feeling. I'm angry, offended, but maybe I envy? What to do with all this economy, we will write some other time. And for a snack we offer another twenty "excellent" parent statements and waiting for your additions! 1. Well, you're just like your dad / Momash / Uncle Kolya - Alcoholic 2. How much can you dig? 3. Intelligent people do not behave like 4. You are - my shame, my punishment 5. Will you spoke so much before the boys, you will be a prostitute 6. Will you learn badly, you will go to the wipers 7. So I'm at your age ... 8. But Dasha, By the way ... 9. Did you touch something again? Hands-hooks, eternally you spoil all 10. Well, what to take from the fool ... 11. Here you will have your own children - Flaw with mine 12. Yes, you will not marry anyone. "There is no one to marry you." Nothing is scary, go and do not turn anything 14. You specifically do it, I called it! 15. Because I said so much 16. You will bring me to the grave, you want to death 17. Here I will know the Father! 18. No entertainment, until you all do 19. Move how to make it easier for themselves, only lazy 20. And take these burghers of the phintiflushki

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