Hero Zen-Labor: 15 reasons why lazy is right and useful


The fact that laziness is the engine of progress, since thanks to her everything appeared in the light of the wheel to elevator and multicookers - we can even repeat laziness, so this is an undeniable truth. However, in this ignorant and gluable workaholics, there is still a bunch of positive, sometimes saving places, sides!

So put aside your work, friend, and touch the immortal wisdom of the sloths. If you are a workaholic, train and achieve - and if not, repeat and fix the material! :)

1. Laziness - the second name of the intuition

In your brain, not one hole bitter mother's tears were already shouted that the Patchsson was not hidden in the garden. And you are ready for two extra dissertations to give birth, just to somehow unsubscribe from the punishing chip. Why? Yes, because you need it in fact, like Freud Zucchini, but zabachka semantics. Laziness is a Lamous paper need. When it really is yours, everyone will take care of him as with a lover on the second date.

2. Laziness - the ability to enjoy

When you have some dadlines in your head with ceitieties - and nothing more places - it is not clear why nature gives you the ability to get pleasure from the beautiful and sophisticated, contemplate, eat and hang. Epicuretes would not understand you at all. And they were wise.

3. Linen releases our internal child

Skip past the ears of the boring and monotonous notations of adults - and with the ecstasy of the spontaneous anarchist, to score on the wrong mind, neither the heart lesson ... God, how long ago it was! The most terrible thing is that the adult is no longer worth the soul. He moved inside the soul. And from there threatens a corona finger. Freedom of the inside peppy! Well, at least on the day.

4. Linen holds from stupid adventure

Jump on the rope from the bridge without insurance? Change profession in 45 and get the third highest in the field of dumplings? Throw your husband and flip with a stripper? Somehow lazy ... what to say: thanks to this quality, we have been alive for many times. Well mentally healthy at least.

5. Laziness is a way to deal with evil

And many more would surely tried if you do not fit the older older or rob the kiosk with chups, then somehow slyly smoothly and deceive or the state, or the neighbor, or everyone. No, it is better to hut with a bucket of pop-root and watch a movie about Phantomas and Dr. Lector.

6. Laziness - Natural overload protection

When the soul with the brain is not talking to the brain in time: "Hey, we can no longer be your sixteenth ton of coal, we are not far from the corner, in facebakes" is a great risk that soon the body can give them, silent, their verdict: " You as you want, and I fell. I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I do not like, not a whole, tone look under the plinth. "

7. Linen is good for health.

It comes, air and good, gentle and caring, normalizes pressure and increases life expectancy. She can even lose weight. In the event that you with some frightened so much and nervously, that I earned the stress that I had to eat. Maybe sleeping?

8. Linen allows you to save energy

It is proved by long and exhaustive experiments: if you lie on the sofa, real at least half a day - then the charge received allows you to move all the dishes, including the fatal, ever-invisible frying pan on the burner. At that moment, when a green light is lying with the inscription: "So, I'm tired of the corn on the back to rub".

9. Linen eliminates extra alterations

This is especially true for designers and other proletaries of creative labor, but can manifest themselves in all areas. If you do everything in advance and on time - always at the last moment it turns out that the concept has changed and need to do everything first. And if we propagately propagate, the task can also fly.

10. Laziness - Mask of Intellectual Work

Loose all, I'm not sticking, I will generate! The most productive ideas are always invented for some reason not on the brainstorm, but on the edge of the forest or on the Alley of the Park. The brain is like a Victorian young lady: it is not necessary to storm it, but to walk and climb.

11. Laziness - reducing the number of steps to the result

The most complete and ideal illustration of this postulate is a joke about the negro, which is lying under the palm tree. Well, the one where the businessman reads him: "I would take a stick, the bunch of, I would sell it in the market ..." - "and what?" - "Like what?! Hire other blacks, they are twice as much, you will only sell ... "-" and what? " - "Never mind! Buy a banana plantation, you will row money shovel! " - "What for?" - "So you can roll under the palm tree, do nothing and bananas to burst!" - "Dude, and I'm doing now?"

12. Laziness - cute vice

The Creator did not plan perfect people, so if someone suddenly approaches perfection - it wants to knock on, so as not to stick out in vain from statistics. So the shortcomings are not a whim, but a harsh necessity. But cowardice or bastardism, picking in the nose or the tendency to torment the quotes - it is flawed with frozen, they are uncomfortable in them. But "ah, I'm lazy" - this is compared to the above even charmingly. If not in the summary, then you can confess easily and elegantly.

13. Laziness - Philosophy Girlfriend

Antique philosophy of why occurred? Because parts of the population did not have to bargain on the cultivation of vineyards. For them, everyone cultivated specially trained foreigners. And these sloths were lying under olivia and tensely thought: and from what space arose? Otherwise, from Chaos ... And by what the thinker was Ilya Ilyich Oblomov! .. Working gallerie galley next to him a boring tear and a bore.

14. Linen is independence.

If you know the whole office about you, you take on yourself and with honor you are unbarrous mountains, be sure: everyone will try to increase the mountains to enlarge. If you hang clothes for the whole family, know: soon you will wear slippers even tuzika. For those who are lazy more, the smaller way is in vain.

15. Laziness is also active!

In addition, what to do oh very much I do not want, you often do a bunch of other. But in it can also have a lot of useful! Even in tanks. Not to mention stacking to good cognitive and duddy articles about the benefits of laziness! ;)

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