Yes, we can: what made feminists personally for you


If it were not for the souffringers with their right to vote, you would now sit in lace and did not go to work, but on the contrary, it would have guaranted the piano Chopin and did not know grief. Paradox, but many women condemn feminism for the fact that he allegedly seeks to turn a gentle daisy to the fraternity horse.

Meanwhile, you use the opportunities every day that the fusionists and feminists knocked out for you in the world, which was, to put it mildly, not very friendly to women. And we are not only talking about the right to vote and wear jeans.

You graduated from the Institute

Of course, before the souffriks took up the gaza, there were pensions and institutes of noble maidens, that's just they were in the root differed from today. The knowledge that was given there was superficial and eclectic - the mixanin of dates, names and entertaining facts, exactly as much as required, so as not to blink and not ask if someone from the guests will drop the name "Macedonian". The main objects were dancing, housekeeping, etiquette and the law of God. The level of knowledge of the graduate of the best institute was regrettably low - so much that many girls from noble families wrote with monstrous grammatical errors. But the waltza danced charming.

You choose my surname

Changing the surname in marriage - formality. You can stay with your husband or take the surname of the husband, or even double blowingbaching, through a hyphen. But even before the revolution in Russia there was no such choice. Going married Kozulkin, you would be obliged to become Kozulkin.

You earn money

And although, according to the UN, nor in one country of the world of the Women's world does not receive more men (even in the liberal Sweden, the average women's salary is 91% of the average male), you can still live by providing yourself. Meanwhile, in the 1970s, a woman was obliged to provide a written permission from her husband in the latest European countries.

And herself decide how to spend them

At the end of the XIX, the early twentieth century almost everywhere any incomes of women were considered the legitimate property of her husband. Or father. Because a wise woman to figure out how to spend money? I suppose on the hats everything will seek. It is better to put them in business or at least lose in a stale. It concerned any income - inheritance, dowry, wages. In order to dispose of the rented money, it was even not necessary to live with her. Even with a separate accommodation, his wife had no rights to a penny from his income. He could make all her property with his extramarital children, and would be in full right. Only widow used financial freedom - it is not surprising that many women perspective to wear black caps before the end of the days seemed very attractive.

You combine work and family

Representatives of some professions were forbidden to marry, and the situation has changed only in the 1970s. For example, Swiss teachers and British female diplomatic services could not bind themselves to marriage: Choose, or family, or work.

You use contraceptives

Fertility controls were available only to men - however, they used these primitive condoms mainly to protect against STDs. However, in some countries and there were problems with it. For example, in the USA in 1918, a court was held over Margaret Singer, which was not enough that he had opened the birth control center, so also had the audacity to sell confedema women and talk about how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. At that time, the sale of condoms in the United States was banned, because it fell under the law on the "distribution of obscene materials". Sanger's court won, but many years the contraceptives could only be obtained by a doctor and only if you are married.

Illustration: shutterstock

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