It infuriates! And scientists know why


We in very much love scientists. At least for sometimes they are distracted by the collider and the human genome and are taken for something really useful - for example, explain why we are inflicted rather strange and innocuous things.

Sound of your own voice in record

Bad news - yes, you are a squeak. Good news - everything has been accustomed to this for a long time. When we say, we hear our voice as if from the inside - oscillations are transmitted to the ear through cranial bones. It distorts the sound - it turns out much lower, harder and velvety. Another good news is not a gundosick, even if the entry proves the opposite. Amateur recording - on the voice recorder, for example, or a video camera - is not able to transfer all the frequencies, because of which the sound becomes beast and deaf. To understand how your voice sounds in fact, you need to go to the recording studio with professional equipment.

Rain that is only on the weekend

If you live in a big city, it can very much that you don't seem to you - really, on Saturday and Sunday the weather spoils. The reason is in contamination. During the working week, Fyrchat cars, factories smoke, dust hanging in the air and to the weekend reaches the critical mass, attracting water drops and the launching process of forming clouds.

Self-Ryger Curve

In the mirror you see a gentle rose, and on the selfie, lifted in the same room at the same light, some kind of toad comes out. Why? For what? And because we prefer to see familiar objects. Man by nature is conservative and does not like change. In the mirror you see your mirror (naturally) reflection, and on the selfie, the face seems to be turned over vertically. Whether you are perfectly symmetrical, you would not notice the difference, but asymmetry is the normal property of the human face. And you, encountered with an indignant version of yourself, perceive your face as someone else's and unfamiliar - and extremely nasty.

Semi-empty tutu chips

It's terribly infuriates - judging by the size of the pack, there should be a shelter of this good, and it is worth opening, and it turns out that you bought a bag of air and a dozen chipse. It is not sad, everything is fair: this air is actually nitrogen, and it protects the chips from turning into a dug and retains their taste.

Skin foaming

We learned how to hate the foam creak long before the appearance of the foam itself. Somewhere else at the dawn of evolution. This sound lies in the mid-frequency range - something about 3-5 kilohertz. Approximately there is a lot of other sounds, much more dangerous - in particular, predators are growing at such a frequency. So it is quite logical that those who are definitely unequivocally survived in the collisions of evolution - and very nervous! - reacted to such sounds. We are sharpened to panic and covered with goosebumps, barely having something similar. Today you have little chance to hear the rumbling of the cheetah, but you still redistribute, hearing a knife in a plate or a foam creak. Just in many thousands of habit.

Children's root

Do you know how much time is it required by your brain to react to these cries? 100 milliseconds. Practically instant ping. Faster than a reaction to a neighboring drill or a gas bike. The roar of babies leads to all. And all so that we immediately throw swearing in the Internet, paint your nails, catch the mammoths and ran to the help of the human cub - even if he is not ours. Thanks to this, we did not die in one time the saber-toothed opossums and the view survived. If it comes up, of course.

Gramist errors

If you disturb you, barely noticed the absence of the second "M", we hurry to delight: this is not you unbearable grammar-ntsi, this is your brain forcing you indignantly stick. Neurobiologists from Oregon University tested a bunch of volunteers and found out that grammatical errors seen in the text cause cognitive caused potentials - electrical excitement that occurs when something goes wrong. It is impossible to control this, just torture.

Paper paper

It is not clear why the Spanish Inquisition did not use this method. Where as more than all these cumbersome fittings. Cut from the edge of the book page is really painful than from a knife or blade. And all because the edge of the paper is not even, but the serrated, as drank - just jar is very small. They do not cut the skin, but tear it.

Fly, which FIG moves

It seems that a dull flies have a special forces reaction. It doesn't matter how long you swung a newspaper - fly still faster than you. She has a very small brain, but it almost completely consists of a perfect autopilot. In flies, the viewing angle is almost equal to 360 degrees, it develops a cruising speed for one (!) Wings with wings and can take off in any direction - even straight, even though sideways. It calculates the speed and direction of the newspaper movement as a supercomputer. And all this takes only 200 milliseconds, and it does not matter exactly what Muha was busy when you planned your maneuver. Sorry, but against a healthy, young and sober flies of chances you have almost no.

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