Romance? What is it? We asked live real women


Many women want romance. Many men are not very away to arrange their women how much romantics need! It would be possible to figure out what it is.

We interviewed our readers, and here are their frank answers.


If the "love" romance is definitely a joint creation of all sorts of strange things like festivities in strange clothes, written upside down and the construction of the Aztec pyramids from the sand.


1. Spontaneous

2. Unusual

3. The fact that only for us two is there if, for example, I ask you to buy me cheese and husband buys - it is not a romance. And if he bows on his own initiative that grade of cheese that we usually eat - not romance. And if the cheese is very familiar with the whole family - also nea, not romance. But if if it is some unusual cheese, bought by inspiration, and we will eat it in the evening together, sharing each other sensations, the element of romance appears.

The most romantic thing I can remember from my life: when I gathered to go hitchhiking in Saratov to the CGC tournament, my young man went to accompany me to the track, we could not say goodbye and ... He went with me!


I realized that the base should be a sense of a family with this man. I generally do not care, even though there will bring the stars from the sky, but if it is some mumbling moth - not interesting. And "You are the most important person for me, and I - for you" - everything turns into romance automatically. There is simply otherwise it will not work.


Community in a broad sense. Understanding from the half-breed, contemplating with each other or even a chorus, the desire for joint classes by anything. Dance - very romantic, how many years in Tango, but still with my husband I want to dance some "our" things.


A trip to some kind of pleasant place with overnight stays in full comfort (best of all - a good hotel!), Thought up by my partner route, convenient transport, high-quality restaurants (I can not endure tables without tablecloths and serving), a little active recreation (swimming, cuffs On kayaks or horses, yacht, not too tedious, but a solid walk in a picturesque place in nature), communication and, yes, mutual, relaxed care for each other at the physical level. This is in the process of communication or arises, or not. And when it occurs - yes, it is romance.


Romance - For me, this is when the world around the world begins to pass through me (or me + of another person) as through two very similar filters, reinforcing all its positive qualities. That is, in a romantic condition water is wet, the grass is greener, the birds fly not the wedge, but a heart, frowning people suddenly smile, cute and funny surprises occur. I have long understood that romance is a mood. She comes from the inside. May increase if someone is on the same wave.


Joint trip somewhere. It is better very far away, but it is not fundamentally. And joint suffering idiocy. Because nothing brings it closer and does not give a feeling of magic as the creation of every garbage.


Romance is something irrational. Something nonsense is nice. To the window to get out, colors to nail.


Maybe if a person was guessed without a request, he felt the most important desire for me at that moment ... and carried out. But, since it never happened to me - alas is only a theoretical guess.


For me, the romantic is when I see that a person sacrifices his time and effort for me. 100 roses from a person who for pocket 200 is not as valuable as something made with love and do it yourself.


For me, romance is concern for each other. Not ephemeral stars from heaven, but concrete actions. Maybe it's stupid, but when the husband goes early goes to work and he needs to get together and turn on the light for a minute, he covers me with a blanket with his head, so that I would not shine. This is some kind of men's stupid but sincere romance.


Unusual. Something new, which goes beyond the routine. But preferably with a plus sign. Meeting with maniac is also not every day, but it is hardly romance. But to pull the foot in Russia together - yes.


Understanding with a half-sleep or without them. Walk, holding hands. Night spontaneous walks, conversations. Sit on the river or the sea, meet sunrises and sunsets. Inadequate, albeit trifling, surprises, bouquets without reason ...


For me, romance is that not ordinary everydays, brings pleasure to both and causes warmth towards another person. When we get together until the morning and decide to go through the park for coffee and twisters. When we go together to feed the crows with dog delicacies. When I accidentally leave the tab on the general Ipad with what you need, or I will tell about it in a conversation without requests and rear thoughts, and he suddenly mines. When we go with wine at night in the park. When you arrange a holiday from my son and then a week in vindicately admire his reaction. When it is met in the morning, a freshly-drawn greeting card is celebrated with the owl or custom decoration. When the surprise is preparing for a long time, and you already jump on the pope, so as not to sleep. When you draw stickers in the messenger specifically for it. When he sails for a long time and buys a tool strictly for your project. When he did not see how I was going and went to an important meeting and asks Selfie. When I meets me home at the entrance with two circles of tea, because good weather. When some of us learns all sorts of difficult things to help each other or just please, surprise. When he shuts me articles on quantum physics and astronomy, after reading and checking, which is not a link, although he has time and strength on it. When he is ready to sit four days at his own fear and risk with a child who has actually convulsions and which can decompanside at any time so that I flew to the sea.

Illustration: shutterstock

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