Survival School: how to read the Fritrent and do not go crazy against anxiety



In Iraq, nine-year-old girls in sexual slavery are captured, in Syria and in the Donbass, peaceful residents are dying, terrorists explode airplanes and dozens of tens of people have been shot. This is what day your tape is full in social networks. And you are worried about all the dead, raped and crippled, express support, they will repost some signs for you and ... you feel the anxiety pathologically increases, until it breaks out of control, covering you with panic attacks at home and in the cinema, in the subway or aircraft.

Scientists have established that for many people, read about catastrophes, terroristrates and armed attacks - it is not like to witness their witness. The hormones of stress and danger into the blood is injected almost as much as well and psychologically reading about all these terrible things leaves a serious trail, up to post-traumatic disorder.

What to do? In principle, do not read anything other than the work mail? Get into deaf offline, joining gadgets near garages? The exit, of course, but you will not follow this advice. To begin with, it is worth flexing what and why happens. Often, the person who understood how his fear arranged, immediately loses half the intensity of sensations. Why do we reach the terrible state, simply reading the events that occurred with other people?

You have broken personal boundaries

Because in your family and another close surroundings were not taken to respect them. Well, here you have grown without social skin - that important, albeit fine, the shell that protects your me from too close and sharp contact with everything around. You distinguish "I" and "they" in essence only in grammar, and not in life. If someone carries a hat that you would not wear, in a different way eating or generally satisfied your life, you perceive it as a violation of the order in your life and seriously worry. What to say about much more serious and painful things! The bomb, thrown into the window of someone else's house, is a bomb that was in your apartment, and a bullet released in someone else's forehead is a bullet who pierced your frontal bone. You do not know how to feel and sob, you feel that you feel and live yourself. This, theoretically, can make you a subtle poet and a thrift artist, and in fact - very much and greatly complicates your life. Look for how to grow skin.

You are afraid to detect an insensitivity


Many Eastern European peoples have peculiar social ideas about how emotions should be tested and manifest themselves: or are you worried about the other for the whole coil, or you are an insensitive, indifferent bastard. Many of us grow with the idea that the intermediate option is not given, and, facing the event that causing an emotional response, wind themselves at the maximum, because it is bad - to be an insensible bastard. And even when your mind now said to himself: oh, I, of course, I understand that you can empathize, but not to kill for another person, the family, folk and class cockroaches laid in you: No, but what, I generally At all do not care with a high bell tower, or what?! You have to agree with them, and know, and negotiations will be long and tense.

You do not control your life

It doesn't matter who actually controls it, your native family, your husband, your husband's family, your boss, the result is one: the less the person controls his life, the more anxious, more tense. The more often the phobias suffers, obsession with supreme and obsessive ideas, obsessive-compulsive disorder. The deeper and harder is experiencing any emotional and psychological trauma. In addition, the person who turned out to hostages or the armed attack, also does not control his life and you feel deep relatives with him. And this leads to the fact that you are sharply experiencing what happened to him just as if the terrible happened to you. This is called identification with the victim.

You think you are in the same circumstances as the victims before the catastrophe

Previously, these circumstances were not so much to strain: when the aircraft refuses the engine, for example, or when you live in the zone of hostilities. But the news from the Fritrents give us to understand that there may be a dangerous stay at the stadium, in the cinema, store, and that in the cabin can not be understood in advance: they are now taking off the rocket or explode. Not only a maniac from the gateway can be attacked for you, but also your neighbor, the order, the officer is quite peaceful in the city of the garrison, and the pilot can now think about the spectacular suicide immediately disliked his girlfriend. This is what happens, everywhere is dangerous, and everyone is dangerous? How to do without panic attacks. Well ... in fact, the coincidence in the circumstances will be complete, only when the bomb or the armed psychopath is already on board. Without this circumstance you have completely different. It is not easy to believe, but the fact. All theory of the probability for the fact that right now you are in a much safer atmosphere than the victims of terrorist attacks and the vulnerable pride of the pilot or a police officer. Psychopaths are not physically lacking at all.

You are in a dangerous situation, but do not decide to admit yourself


There are people who cry, because they watched a sad film, and there are people who are deliberately looking for a sad film, because they just cry like it's stupid, but pulls, it means you need to find an acceptable reason. The same happens with the news, and with panic attacks. If your life is now completely dependent on the husband, parent or psychopath pursuer (in the sense, any of them is a psychopath), but you don't want to admit that the situation is dangerous, because you do not consider it right to recognize the danger of a loved one or you just have nowhere to escape From circumstances, then you are subconsciously looking for reasons to legally experience the attacks of anxiety and pity, well, at least not to yourself.

What to do?


Suppose you believed us and thoughted, I realized that I was exactly with you and ... what's next? How to cope with stress and post-traumatic disorder resulting from reading tape?

Just as you should cope with these states, if their reason was an event in yours, it is your life personally. Cut your emotions to toys and pillows. Just honestly. Not just "How can you kill such small!", But and "I am afraid that they will also attack on my children!"

Turn to artist art therapy. Draw. Color - this is an occupation, according to scientists, in general, akin to meditation and well soothes.

Dance. Seriously, frightened and dance - movement perfectly helps to recycle horse doses of adrenaline, drove into your blood, and dance, like any art, express your feelings directly. As you know, Aseedor Duncan got into a mad dance, when her children caught from the hay - so she coped with tension and expressed her grief

Write - only not posts that spread the atmosphere of horror in social networks around the water, but stories, essays, poems. Optionally, the fact that you scared, and even on the contrary, psychologists now believe that it is necessary to talk about injury after a while after receiving it, and at first there should be the so-called period of silence.

Code yourself this period of silence. From what you need to cope with the experienced (for others!) Horror, you will not become an indifferent bastard and a bad person. Write about birds and butterflies, love is something stupid and cute. And then, when it is easier to cope with emotions, write out and your injury.

But best just turn to a specialist. We just wrote it so, suddenly you still listen. After all, broken bones do not spare on your own, but are you going to the trauma? We hope. So with broken fibers of the soul, I would also have the same.

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