How to work without leaving home and keep mental health


How to work without leaving home and keep mental health 39061_1

It only seems that the work of the house is a complete lafa, you want - Havwa eat, you want - gingerbread. In fact, one day you find yourself at three o'clock in the kitchen in the cowals of the writing letter for work and you understand that it is impossible to live further.


Be sure to plan your time. And not only to work, but also on vacation, because otherwise the work will devour it all: first the evening will go in time, then the weekend, and then the holidays. But if I planned to work in the first half of the day before dinner, then be sure to chealing.

Make pauses

Many people admit that at home they work even more intense than in the office. That is why breaks are needed. Get up because of the table, go to the kitchen, drink tea, play with a cat. Well, OK, OK, eat a chocolateer!

watch yourself

How to work without leaving home and keep mental health 39061_2
The work of the house is scary, because no one sees on the phone that the "leading landscape architect" sits in some shorts and stretched T-shirt, and the head is not a man-made three days. No one makes you wear at home office plankton costume and starch the collar, but at least get out of the bathrobe.

Organize workspace

Otherwise, all your very important pieces will spread all over the house. If the places in the apartment are not enough, then work, for example, at the kitchen table, and, by finishing all the cases, collect everything in a bunch and fold in one place. And God forbid you work in bed. The bed is a place for sleep, sex and recreation, work there is not there at all!

Go for a walk

How to work without leaving home and keep mental health 39061_3
When you work at home, sooner or later, miseantropy catches you or simply laziness: it becomes lazy to go somewhere, to meet someone, and at home so good, cozy and cat! Pervent falnic moods for the root! Come into the world and people, but at least just walk around the area. Hike to the store for meals - not in the account.

Minimize distracting factors

Ask your home does not interfere with you, but a husband - do not walk in front of you in those ridiculous cowards with an elephant. Version for iron and self-disciplined people - close on the opening hours Access to social networks, YouTube and sites that can distract you. Work means work.

Do not lose control

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In the office, you somehow have to collect yourself in a bunch and work, despite the fact that the mood - sucks, colleagues are furious, and the only thing you want to do is to lie and lie. And at home you can afford to lie down for a minute, see only one series and do not work, because I do not want. Surprise how quickly the chaos will grow and absorb you.

Communicate with children

Of course, when you have a grandilan and head on fire, children can be terribly annoyed. But then causing imagine: Mom, girlfriend, nanny, husband - the one who can give you time and the opportunity to finish things. In return, you will get a lot of pleasure from what you will see the first steps of your child with your own eyes, hear his first words and that's all this.


Periodically, during the day, remember that you are at home - in the most comfortable and usual atmosphere that you do not need to get up early in the morning and go to the office that your favorite cat is near and tea is exactly the same as you love, and in general all so native and your own. And truly enjoy the work of the house.

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