Glitter and poverty of famous teachers


Analysts, probably, know why so, and now we simply note: the last time the parents swept the wave of interest in the former once famous educators. Their names are pulled out, their techniques praise, they are trying to build life with children.

But maybe not just so they moved into the past and maybe enough there, in the past, look for golden times and universal recipes of happiness?

Oleg Ossetsky


The screenwriter of the film "Star of Wreaty Happiness" and the series about Mikhail Lomonosov still many remember as a music teacher who discontinued the talent of his daughter, Poland Polina Ossetian. In the same quality, he still gives an interview.

The truth is that Oleg Ossetian himself has no idea not that about pedagogy, but also about music. He does not play and never played on the piano, does not know not a lot of letters, and Poland from Polina raised by the method of permanent active physical and psychological violence. After the daughter already had a teenager escaped from the house, she had to be retrained to play the piano normally. Her book "Farewell, sadness!", Dedicated to how he lived under the dictatorship of his father, still tickles his nerves, and in every interview it is taking care of the book, and on his daughter. By the way, he called his music system for music. "Double-stress".

Jean Jacques Rousseau


Jean-Jacques Russo loved people and kids and called on parents to raise Chad comprehensively developed, in nature and never bits. Nicely.

And now look closer. Rousseau believed that it was necessary to raise comprehensively by the boys, because of them there will be men, and girls are important to grow obedient, good and not too educated, because of them will be the assistants of men. By that time, a similar concept was a step back: Renaissance expected an interest from a woman to art and even to some extent, sciences, so that girls from rich families were educated. In addition, his five children he simply surrendered to the shelter, despite the fact that they would hardly be treated without rugs and on the lap of nature. Even worse, in educational houses was incredible, according to our ideas, high mortality. All reproaches answered that children are better: their life will not be boring, they will be looking for adventures by the poor. Well, of course, Jean Jacques himself was not enough formed, but, just like Oleg Ossetian, was distinguished by high self-conceit regarding all his abilities and person as a whole.

Lev Tolstoy


Mighty humanity, as you know, did not raise the kids with a school system with children's lessons and textbooks, but was easier. He collected the peasant kids and in living conversations handed them knowledge. In the evenings, he read the children interesting and educational books. We like!

But his stories for children are mainly not possible not to cause a feeling of extreme hopelessness and, to put it mildly, hostility to adults appearing. Did you "filip" read? A simple story, and to whom in childhood did not get ruth? Is it something else, and "lion and dog"? And about the bolk? And how do you quote from the memories of his daughter? "But behind the lesson of arithmetic he was a strict, impatient teacher. I knew that when he was first a knock on my part, he would become angry, a voice will raise and lead me into a state of complete cretinism. " With other children, Tolstoy appealed the same way. All love, patience and meekness were delivered to the peasant guys.

Anton Makarenko


Most likely, the Makarenko's maximum collectivist and strict approach was exactly what was required in a difficult situation of the twenties: after the civil war, with a universal disorder and an incredible number of streets, whom the street had already managed to teach the bad. The minimum number of teachers falls the maximum possible number of children, the officials do not provide the colony as follows ... It is not up to the individual development of the wards, but an active, saturated, almost peasant in load labor activity was a forced measure of self-sufficiency: go, wait for, when you are chairs from the city Finally, they will bring or while pork will be allocated. Here we will not find the strength to reproach Anton Semenovich.

Like all these your great teachers, Makarenko bounced on girls. If the girl immediately arrived, what it is necessary, then let it be. But in the colony "for some reason," the girls from the street, who passed rape and prostitution classes were taken. Their Makarenko did not love and considered the spoiled, seedlings of debauchery and the like and immediately looking for a reason to dump the girl to some other institution. Or get married to issue.

Boris and Lena Nikitin


They were criticized, challenged, exposed and sneeze again. Two simple Soviet citizens took, gave birth to Orav kids and raised them severely and svabno at the same time. All the children were with the smallest nails are accustomed to homework, self-service, strict savings (however, so in large families and is found), but it was added to the reconciliation as a useful hardening. Even sleeping children were to be cold. Mom allowed himself only to warm the heel of babies, because the babies did not fall asleep without it.

The children held at each other, learned to read from three years and, encouraged by the Father, actively studied and jumped through classes. Many have finished school with a red diploma. If what is written above is simply relevant in the current economic situation even in not very large families, then the learning results of Nikitin technique are frankly good.

One problem: Nikitins did not think at all about the fact that their children live not only at home, but in the big world, and not only later, but also right now. No attempts to socialize children were produced. In school, everyone had problems with classmates: at the same time the poverty of small nikitins, a big difference between the ages of the ages and their "lack of parents" became the cause of dislike, unfriendly, frank verbal aggression. Parents did not intervene, and even hardly knew: to follow the life of children outside the house did not occur to them, the children were accustomed to not create adult problems with their complaints. As a result, the eldest son escaped from the house at the age of 14. The rest live in the parent house and now, with husbands, wives and children, as if they are afraid to go to the big world - what have they seen good there? What about him, actually, to do, with this world? Only go there to go there, without it could not do.

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