6 myths about the work of the brain, in which it's time to stop believing


You could not believe that there is a special female brain with your functions and the male brain - with your own, but still carry another number of myths about the work of the brain, not even realizing. Here are six of them.


Some people are multitasked

There are people who, from nature, can make 5-6 cases at the same time, says a popular legend. They say, they have the brain itself so much. In fact, the human brain can monitor normally only for two processes at the same time.

Multitasking people know how to quickly switch from one pair of affairs to another and spend for it, by the way, a lot of strength. Most such "multitasking" is forced, they simply pump a bunch of affairs at the same time, not interested in how they will cope, but requiring brilliant results.

Most people in the world - right-handers

Clean right-hander about as much as clean left left. Most people are born by ambidexstraces, but in childhood they are trained as follows only right hand.

If a person, despite the studied training, still remained an ambidexter, is the likelihood that he has an autistic spectrum disorder. In addition, problems with the specialization on the right or left side also give a problem with orientation in space. But many geniuses in history were ambidexters, for example, the legendary Nikola Tesla.

Left-handers learning worse because they are created for art

Legshies can learn as well as right-handed when they do not have to spend their strength to try to write with the right hand and in general "to be right." Do not reap the left-hander, dear parents. They will never be real right, their whole life will turn into efforts to simulate the rights.

But the fact that among the artists a lot of left-handed is also true. Lefters were, for example, Greta Garbo and Merilin Monroe.

Alcohol kills brain cells

The brain cells kill the choking, and alcohol, even poured straight to the neurons, suppresses the speed of transmission of information between the nerve cells. The person is stupid, but the neuron of the brain does not lose.

Nervous cells die all their life, and new not give out

Mature neurons are unable to share, but new cells in the brain, however, can increase. The oldest person who has discovered the growth of new neurons was seventy two years.

Logic games increase intelligence

Logical games are developing well-defined logic skills. On the overall level of intelligence, the development of higher cognitive abilities and so on they do not affect at all. Another question is that many specific logic skills will not be superfluous, and the games themselves support the brain in Tonus. That is why, by the way, it is not necessary to play in them for the night - the whole dream will overcome.

Illustration: shutterstock

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