4 unexpected side effects


We would love to read, even if the books were the most dangerous substance that street powers would sell from under the floors in dangerous meal. Praise the Heavens, the expression "Reading is a drug" - no more than the figure of speech. Even on the contrary - books make you healthier.

Here are 4 reasons to postpone the smartphone and go to the bookstore.

Reading Enhances Empathy

And generally makes you socially delicate. Because in the artistic literature of a high sample, the authors constantly chew the feelings and thoughts of heroes. It is not by chance that the mention of quality is: in the boulevard novels, they are mainly concentrated in action - the heroes snatch the guns, fall into the arms and crush the trolls, but the authors do not deepen their heads into the contents of their heads.

In 2013, a study was conducted, during which three groups of volunteers read the classics, boulevard novels and non-Fikshn, and then passed the test on empathy and recognizing emotions. And those who fell reading the classics, they scored much more points.

Reading relieves stress

6 minutes of any reading so that the heart rhythm slows down a bit, and the pressure fell. At the University of Sussex, scholars explored and brought to the knob examined the effectiveness of different ways of relaxation, from video games to a cup of tea. Reading broke into leaders - it reduces the stressful reaction by 68%. By the way, computer shooters are only 21%.

Reading helps to cope with depression

Reading during depression allows you to cope with social isolation, when a person and in the company is nauseous, and alone disgust. Reading is something average: it seems to be one, and at the same time in the company Ron, Hermionees and Harry. At the University of Liverpool, also proved that regular reading improves self-confidence, the ability to concentrate and the ability to control their feelings.

Reading brain simads

Lovers sit with a book in old years much less often suffer from senile dementia and memory problems - if you are accurate, 32% less. Scientists associate this with the fact that when reading the brain works very actively - you are not just watching the plot, but you imagine how everything happened. The TV, by the way, does not give such an effect: it is proved by the results of MRI scan.

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