8 awesome discoveries of British scientists


British scientists do not cease from year to year to amaze the public with their research. For example, nine discoveries committed by them over the past few years.



British scientists recently found out that the libido of young mothers falls greatly due to ... fatigue and lack of sleep. How would humanity guess about it?

# 2.

British scientists measured their ears for several years and found out that they grow almost all their lives. Just think that the centuries-old folk sign was not mistaken!

# 3.

The joint British-New Zealand group found out whether there can be stones of different few shapes to see people having different characters. Who could imagine, but human imagination can be given by the character of anything, as it has shown this is a relevant study.


Just two years ago, British scientists found that people with appendicitis becomes painful when the car in which they are located, drives along the "lying policeman". Have you guessed?


By the way, three British psychologists found out the experimental way that when it suddenly becomes hurt, it helps to get off! Can we refer to them?

# 6.

The British doctor and the American pinchloride found out that the most frequent injury in the medium of the swipe cores is the cuts of the esophagus, and published an article about this in the British magazine. I wonder if readers were surprised.

# 7.

Seven British scientists at once found out that the Taxi drivers "smarter" in terms of spatial thinking than ordinary people. They develop the corresponding part of the brain!


But this discovery of British scientists has nothing to do with well-known facts, but we could not pass past. British scientists find out that in the presence of people, ostriches become sexually more active. Live with this.

Why do they do it?

It is difficult to believe, but finding out what is so known to the whole world, scientific methods, scientists really (not always, but often) help science to go ahead. Recall that even at the beginning of the twentieth century were the norm of approval, supported only by personal beliefs and random sample in three people (such as the famous statement about a small female brain). All that we know centuries or seems obvious, may be prejudice. Before finding out why something works exactly as it works, you must first make sure that our ideas about it are generally true. So Vivat British scientists!

Illustration: shutterstock

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