5 species of self-destructive behavior to which we resort instead of suicide


When something terrible, destroying the soul occurs with us, or when we are just in clinical depression, something inside us really wants us to stop exist. Because then will cease to exist our pain.

Some are solved in this state of suicide. But the majority choose the path of slow and faithful self-destruction. Here are the five most popular methods among modern women to which people resort to.



It seems that your life is a series of carbon consignments or, on the contrary, the bohemian spending of evening clocks with a good movie and a chemless brandi, but you know that you do not drink for funny dizziness, not in anticipation of fun, but as if from the duties - you need to drink and that's all here?

You know perfectly well that from alcoholism and adventures in a very drunk, people die, and this is what you are looking for. Let everything be disguised as a fler Ugon or decades.


An ordinary adrenaline maniac is not easy to distinguish from the one who is trying to destroy themselves, especially since slow suicides are also sitting on adrenaline. The difference will be held in the choice of hobby: a person with self-destructive behavior will choose where the mortality rate is higher (like a hooking) or where the challenge of death is thrown as often as possible (therefore mountaineering, for example, does not fit).

In an amazing way, it is this kind of self-destructive behavior that can return to the person to live if the hobby is selected moderately extreme, such as fast ride on a motorcycle or parachute sport. Once at once, throwing the challenge of death and winning in the fight, once at a time, revealing the boundaries of her body and how much it is strong, a person can find peaceful forces. But this, alas, not necessarily.

Failure to eat

Direct food refusal would be a frank suicide, and this is not our case. Rather, we are talking about a strong decline in appetite or, on the order of time more often, choosing a particularly strict diet. The accompanying flour of hunger (or banal gastric pains) become a measure of purification from pain of spiritual or dirty, omitous, which seemed to be inside inside due to the injury.

The disappearance of the body causes joy. The disappearance of the hunger, which comes from many when the body is humbled with the fact that food will not be given to him, immediately compensated for by the measures of physical cleansing. Preferably unpleasant feelings, such as enema or drinking oil. Calculate the flesh in a similar way for years.


We all know the expression "burn at work". Many seriously try to move it into life and gain so much obligations at work and in everyday life to fall from the end of overwork and inclipboard. In order for the load to do more, complicate each task, for example, striving to do it is not normal, not well, but perfectly or as if coming by the most curves and labor-intensive ways to fulfill its execution.


Refusing from anything that you have, at the first request or even without it or tightening in a relationship, where you act as a savory of the lost (aggressive alcoholic or a man with eternal problems because of his association) or patiently carrier cross his companions in Mountain and trouble (and for some reason very rarely - joy), you try on the role of martyr, stories about which our culture is full. On the one hand, they will certainly die, on the other hand, their sufferings or kindness are cleaned - and the thrust for special purification accompanies almost all slow suicides.

In addition, the role of the martyrs is socially approving, unlike alcoholic, and not everyone is ready to resist the annoyance and contempt of society, no matter how much it helps to destroy themselves.

What to do?

It is difficult to accept the fact that you need a psychologist or even a psychotherapist, because you do not want to save, you want to stop being. In addition, it is terrible to stop special cleansing practices, as if dead inside infection with rot, what else was alive, and the dull sucking pain, which you try not to notice, will be intolerable.

But think about the fact that when you are amazed by the caries tooth, it helps little trying to scrape and reject it. We need the help of a dentist who sees well and understands that you are going on in your mouth, it has all the necessary tools and can carefully clean the rot, remove the patient's nerve and close the hole in the victim to the seal. So with your soul as well. Nobody will clean her like a person who knows how to do it and where to look. The best procedure for clearing, which you can only do - go to a specialist.

Illustration: shutterstock

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