# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for "perfect" figures from different countries


"Beauty in the eyes of the looking", well, well. We are all calling themselves modern and free people, we still exist in the world of stereotypes imposed by upbringing, media and traditions. External appearance questions are no exception.

The artist Esther Henig decided on a concrete example, to figure out what it is "bodily country studies", and with which it is eaten, and why in different groups of people there are completely different ideas, about what is beautiful, and what is not very. A photograph of the average American girl was sent to marketers in 18 different countries with a request to reflect her figure in accordance with the internal beauty criteria. That's what came out of it.


# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(The girl was noticeable after handling Argentine masters)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for

South Africa

(here the girl also lost weight noticeably, but she also had a significantly blurred skin color)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Here, a change with hair came to the fore, it was apparently, densely brown browns very in honor in Venezuela. and chest)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Spaniards did not torment a poor girl, except that a little smoothed looseness and added a little tan, the most humanities)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Americans are maximalists, and roundness want a sharp line of waist and "hole" between the hips)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Omg! Here I worked the whole shop of photoshop masters, changed literally everything, the girl is unrecognizable and needs a five-volume regular nutrition)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Colombians almost did not change the body shape, but added hair length and changed to platinum rim, beauty!)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(here the legs were drowned, the hips were suling, on their background, of course, the chest began to stand out)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(inborn artists, the Dutch girl rebuilt and changed the swimsuit, also added bright Rye, the figure changed the smallest)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(here they worked on the face, lifted the outer corners of the eyes, narrowed the waist and foot line, but the hips left round)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(there was some photoshop mistake, the girl clearly wanted a little "arrange", but in the end they added looseness, she became like a lump of dough)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(there was a real connoisseur of Eastern beauty, the girl became a burning brunette with the figure of the belly dance performer, it looks unreal)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Romanians showed themselves the gods of photoshop, the girl did not lose the form in the way and looks very natural)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(We did not expect such from our Italian friends, made a model from the model, that is, a real, podium, very thin and dressed in red underwear, in short, upset, big vulgarity these Italians)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(suspicious similarity with Italian options, there is also red hair, and one breast is more different suddenly)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(Mexicans changed the girl hairstyle, returned roundness, made the waist of the thorough)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for

Great Britain

(British made flat stomach, lined the silhouette, in general, not bad and naturally)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for


(In Serbia, the girl just denouncedly, not giving any particular values ​​of the features of the figure, no comment)

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for

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