How to give a woman flowers and do not get on



Paradox. On the one hand, women want to receive flowers as a gift. At least they write so. Even we write so much. On the other hand, come from, so much of any subtleties and unwritten rules. And in fact, it is necessary to dance not from the rules, but from a woman. will tell what kind of woman what to give, and what - in no case!

Defender of nature

She does not eat meat, wears an artificial coat, collects money on sick quotes and is thinking about to save the planet from overpopulation with the help of a triple method of contraception - so as not to multiply, do not give a goddess.

In no case. Do not give her colors from the Red Book. Do not try to weave her wreath of dandelions or climb the baby. Or she will seriously think about passing you by the environmental prosecutor's office.

In general, career with flowers. Most likely, even greenhouse plants, from its point of view, will be explained by meaningless waste of natural resources. Especially in the cellophane wrapper. Do you know how much this nastyness will decompose in the ground? Flowers (and even better - vegetables) in pots - already better. A bouquet of origami-roses from secondary recycled paper or old tin - excellent.

Perfect option: "Native, let's go to the environmental cleanup, clean the park from the garbage and plant the Dubki."

Daughter Nostradamusa

It is ready to pay for the horoscope of your compatibility, can take rid of work if I saw a terrible dream, and regularly utters phrases like "Chur-Chur, knock on the tree". And then really worries, thinking about whether the table from the chipboard is a suitable tree.

In no case. Do not give her even colors. Yellow and black flowers leave overripe goths.

In addition to the common superstitions, there are little-known, so try to carefully find out what she believes and try Google. And then it turns out that in its system, let's say, Chrysanthemum is an energy vampire.

Perfect option. Go to the advance by offering your interpretations: "Dear, these gentle freesia, as it is impossible to suit your deep blue aura."

Tolerant feminist

Why tolerant? Yes, because it suffers you, Ollha! Well, since she, in principle, I agree with you to meet, then, most likely, in the ass, you will not sleep roses. But since she struggles with gender stereotypes, you should not give flowers on the template.

In no case. Do not give her flowers on March 8! For her, this is a feast of dealing with rights. And you will tell her with your bouquet: "Milk, all year I will inhibit you, but today I swear minting mimoba." If you really want to do something on this day, they went the same money on the expense of say, the Foundation for helping women who survived violence. Show Solidarity.

But the feminist is most likely not too superstitious, is not mercenary and it is unlikely to find fault to the variety of colors, except that she is allergic. The main thing is to avoid the slightest hint of the option: "Bouquet, coffee, went to bed." Dari flowers unexpectedly without commitment.

Perfect option: "I drove past here, remembered you and decided to make you a gift. It seems to me that they will look good on your desktop. If you do not like, I can give to someone. Well, while I went! "

Woman with money

It does not matter, she earned them, inherited or won the lottery. The main feature of the rich people is that they know the price of money. Droinity and pudding even those who are rich in the day before yesterday, seem something like a contagious illness, so most importantly when choosing a gift - not to be in an economic sense.

In no case. Do not buy brooms! The broom is a flower arrangement that the seller invested the minimum forces and for which they require the most money. A typical broom is a set of 3-5 dangling roses or chrysanthemums surrounded by a pack of flying gypsophila and a pair of polyethylene layers. What is buying people who forgot about the date in the nearest stall in the nearest stall.

But you can quite give not the most expensive bouquets. Believe me, the shoulder and baskets of flowers have already seen. It may well be that just a budget, but the Merry Gerber bouquet was lacking. And if you doubt in your taste, forward, in floral boutiques.

Perfect option: "I'll take care of your tables always standing on the table." If it does not trade with ammunition, it will be nice to see the stability somewhere.

Woman with concepts

She has a taste and opinion on all reasons, even in the same way that you did not know what to have it. How many mushrooms put in risotto, what feathers to fill the pillow and what the apricot color is different from peach. All this is important and principled. It's about politics and stutter scary.

In no case. Do not exercise amateur. You'll lose.

You need to find out what she likes personally. It does not hurt any woman, but then this is a matter of life and death of your relationship. In fact, it is not difficult at all. A person spending so many forces on the establishment of opinions will not be able to deny himself the pleasure of imposing them.

Perfect option: "By the way, my heart, do you like orchids?" And listen to the lecture. Then, most importantly, do not be a robe and do not choose from voiced options the cheapest. She will definitely notice, it checks you so.

Romantic special

There are not many romance in the world, so the main feature is the most powerful ability to self-december and the formation of illusions. She sees romance in everything. Second Saturday of the month, when you met - our day. A popular melody that came from a stall to that Saturday is our melody. Wearing T-shirts with minions - our chip.

In no case. Do not break her dreams. This is not the person who will enjoy jokes about St. Valentine's or notation on the topic of christmas commercialization. For her, all holidays are about love.

In terms of choosing colors you are lucky. Her fantastic imagination will betray a halo of romantics to any gift. And the aforementioned broom, and a lonely hot rose, and a veteran carnation and a pair of yellow roses, wrapped in a black ribbon, and at least a pot with geranium. But nevertheless, it's not too cluster. A little more feeling!

Perfect option: "Favorite! I ripped this lilac in the locked city park at midnight! And this is just a scratch: I escaped from the guard and fell into the bush of Rogovnik. Look, there is a flower with 5 petals! Khe-Khe, no, no, I did not catch it at all. " (We are in not romance and say: spoil green plantings - bad. But she will like it).

PS Yes, and the main rule. Do not drag flowers on dates if you do not get home for half an hour.

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