10 nightmares of adolescent age with which all parents will encounter


Great time - youth. The first dates, the first kisses and all the roads of the world are open. It is likely that we will understand in old age. In the meantime, we seem to be able to slip our nightmare Pubertat, and almost humbled with what they were recently at 16, how suddenly, children appeared and began to grow.

A little more, and all the hedge of puberty will have to go over again. And to know his true depths - those that are revealed only by the parents of adolescents. No, we do not scare. We just help you to morally prepare. As they say, warned - it means armed.


This is what you will notice first. Cute, although a restless boy suddenly starts about and without a reason to make terrible syapple sounds on the maximum volume, and the mixing and also a cute girl will go to the ultrasound at all. Something similar was during the crisis of one year, but the lungs and bundles at the Baby then were weaker. Mumped.

Idiot music

The same new vice voice, the Baby will be accepted in the way to sing on completely terrible music. And it is unlikely to be punk rock. Because punk rock was the horror of your parents. You are waiting for something like musical entry into the anime series and hits from Roma Zhomdy. Khmykai - they say, "Nothing terrible, I also love anime"? No, you love "Sailormun" and "Hellsing", and the baby looks, listens and sings something brain-resistant. As a particularly terrible option - the child will collect his own rap-gang and starts a pathos to wall in a webcam, waving his hands, like a gorilla, chopping from the wasps.

Murder Hair

From your boy or a girl, only the details depend. Believe me, the baby of any sex will experiment with hair with a probability of 100%. That is necessarily. Sharching golden curls to shave, dreaded, cut under some superpopular young idiot ... The most classic option is to burn your hair under the base of some cheap and poison paint, which, besides, will not be exactly the color that Dietyatko expected, and As a result, declare his life finished forever.

You will try to bribe the child in advance. We offer to go to the salon together or buy the most beautiful hairpins in the world. Showing how from golden curls make a steep punk comb. It does not prevent anything. Nothing at all. The child does not want games with mom, even if almost adults. The child wants everyone to hit. You can die. In general, an expensive mother, better Sostrigi curl for memory now, still there is from what to sink.

Forever vulnerable pride

You do not understand everything. You are an old man where you. You do not respect it all. They said, as if the baby was some kind of hat to wear. You hate him all. Otherwise, why don't you tell him listening to music and generally wear out every way? Not that tone. Not that look. Not that breakfast. Not that shirt bought. They did not ask if he wants to Turkey. For some reason I remembered the funny trick in kindergarten for a guest. Photos! Pull these photos! There is nothing nice in them! Who generally asked you to make such ugly photos! And all the more lay out them on the Internet! Especially this, fifteen years ago, on a pot!

Strange subculture

If the teenager did not come to some strange subculture at 12, it simply postponed this thing to 16. And if it did not fit in 16, it means you just don't know something. It's when you were 16, "subculture" was just cool friends with whom you were engaged in cool things. And now these are strange personalities with whom your spin cooling, stupid music, whom they sing, idiotic precisions, in which Chado is the eyes of guests and neighbors, and the jokes "for their", which your ribbon is scored in the social network - you kind of like Mutual friends there. And no, no longer mutual. You are just a subscriber. Like everyone who is not among the Favorites, that is, comrades on informal movement.

There is no point in nostalgically to remember how she shocked the once surrounding your leather in chains and a bandana with turtles. This is how if your grandmother wondered to you a teenager with his ballads about styles. By the way, just now you will begin to think about why movements with such a strict dress code that even pants cannot be pulled out (naturally, it is impossible) are considered informal. If you have introduced such formalism at work, just if you have seen.


They will not necessarily disappear in the abyss, but they will definitely begin to write out curves that have an obvious correlation with hormonal bursts of the Baby. Do not even try to start a song about the janitor, the army and the future career. Although you still try. As about the wall peas. A teenager is not that does not want to learn well at all - he can't. I can't want to want normally, in the sense. He is all the time or something busy, or depressed. And you do not even know what is worse, because what is busy, drives you into depression. The battle for the assessment is the task of "drinking the Black Sea" area. At some point, you will easily catch yourself on the fact that there are short-swords in the most vile expressions or, on the contrary, you ask with a quiet hope: "Maybe you're just pregnant? BUT?"

Terry cynicism

It seems that the child in the eye fell a fragment of the drawing mirror, as in the "Snow Queen". He grew, letters cynical jokes and frankly mocks even over the most tight moments of historical films. Then the fragment is melting, but it is not for long. The devils will carry past one more mirror, it will break away again, and everything is new. And the ramp is simple: dyatyko is trying to be cool. And it is difficult if you have nights in the night because of the unfortunate dog, which they forgot to squander by the end of the film along with other heroes. Yes, yes, he shoes. Nights. Because of the dog. Drawn, by the way.

Horrible forgetfulness

You will believe that she overwhelmed the child, and the child, on the contrary, will blame you. Because he will forget all-go to endure the garbage, pay the receipts and ask about the resulting evaluation for a quarter. And you, cruel-child parents, let something really important. The ticket is very necessary, do not buy or forget to record a child on a master class on filling three-chamber piglets from felt. And why? Because you do not respect the child and is generally unclear why they gave birth to light.

Idiotic hobbies

Teenager will fed passion. When canonical scenario - to computer games. In the launched cases - to role-playing games, urban quests, local theater, game in the school music group and Parkour. You simply must be in this passion - otherwise you do not respect the same - to invest. And it is under her a space in Kvarir is captured. Wherever you turn, or anime figures, or acute dolls on the hinges, or drawings of monsters, or model tanks, or elbows all sorts. And all this is worth it, it seems to be inexpensive, but if you sell, you can buy a plane. All conversations at the table are only about raids, general rehearsals, new clip and how Bafomet hasgated from the garage. You, parents, it is better only to succinctly and not with your opinion in this monologue do not climb, because, first of all, you do not understand anything, secondly, all the pleasure immediately spoiled. Although the eyebrow is now punishing.

Thousand secrets

Everything, literally everything is surrounded by a secret abruptly than just state importance. Everything that happens in the children's - mystery, and therefore it is impossible to enter without a knocking. Never. A smartphone with a force is pressed into the chest of a teenager, it is worth someone from parents to get up passing by. The browser hastily closes when knocking on the door. On calls, the child meets a special spy voice. What happened the day at school? Secret. How is the name of your friends of Bafeet and Miko Coca, Tian's hand? Stop interrogation. What are you laughing there at the company? None of your business. Once you do not stand up and, sick yourself for disrespecting for human dignity and at the same time, encourages stories about sects and pedophiles, you will climb the logs, read the SMS and examine the drawers of the Baby table. And, to be honest, you will not find anything other than stupid jokes, an old sock and sites with morri duly erotic fanfishes. As if we were not seen there!

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