Miscelred at all. About teenagers who drink, and parents who beat


Does not eat anything - it consists in this stupid group "Ana", they praise there, as they did not eat anything today. Drinks, smokes, Mat swears, all the hands hit him, no sense. I slept with a half peers at school, and there would probably have met with some kind of boy and slept - she will fight with one and immediately quarrel with him and runs to another. Rides on trains, zasaining is called. Cuts hands like a drug addict, tantile's fool, I would like - long ago, the veins cut. All the time comes up with sickness and drinks pills with secret.

From the hands fought off. Bad character. It is not clear to whom. Teach them learned. Dismissed. Dismissed.


Familiar set of complaints. We know many of these languishing parents - Dad and Mom. Nothing can do nothing, just an age is just like that. Parents-martyrs. Parents sacrifices. They are not going anywhere from a little monster in their home. Especially if he is not small already, can be cigated from the balcony and two days by booties.

Sometimes people are born in psychopaths. Just soulless, with zero empathy. This is a medical fact.

The values ​​of peers and their approval for a teenager is of great importance. And if they come into conflict with home installations, the teenager can enter the conflict with his family. This is also a fact.

In the times of our youth and childhood in magazines for parents, the complaints of adolescents were depicted: "Mother gets. Father all the time notation reads. Tired, do not give to live as I want. " "As I want" meant, of course, immoral. Or just stupid. This is terrible when the teenager behaves stupid. It is unacceptable terrible. Or permissible. This was just arguing.


Now adolescents have more chances to speak by the first person. As if this change something. As if someone can hear them. "Overheard from" and the like groups in the abundance are found in social networks.

She beats me. He beats me. I can not see them. I dream that I kill my mother, am I freak? I do not want to live, I'm a freak. No one loves me. Nobody speaks with me. I'm a freak freak freak, such a freak that my parents hate me and beat.

I'm fucking stepfather, and I do not like it.

And I drink secret, almost every day, I fifteen, I'm an alcoholic. I ride on trains, because then it is terrible to die, as if there is a way to live. In "Ana" love me, and no one else does not love anywhere. I sleep with an adult man, because only he loves me. My father will kill me if I find out that I fell in love with a girl. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need her. Why did they give me me?

I just want to at least someone loved me, what's wrong with me ...

As you know, children do not understand anything in this life. And especially their own benefit.


When we talk about alcoholism and disorders of food behavior in adults, we use the term - "self-destructive behavior." Why is the same thing in people's people - just a sign of promotion?

Why not?

Because most children know perfectly about the dangers of alcohol. Many make a conscious choice in favor of extremely moderate use. Because most children who behave messy sex life, know what they do something wrong. They are about random sexual life as bad things hear constantly and everywhere ... what is something not only immoral and destroying, but also dangerous, especially for the girl.

Myth and nonsense that motivation only has adult acts. Even three-year-old children have any to do some motivation. Teenagers - especially.


Be cool, for example. You can drink or smoke to be steep among your own. With this motivation, parents agree often.

To do, for example. With this motivation, they agree too often, but forget to continue. After all, it was called - this is whom, and called - this is why. It happens just like that. I called to make someone who infuriates. Obloga make someone who hurts you. It was called to make someone who scares you, from whom you waited a lot - for example, protection, because it is no longer able to wait for anyone - and did not get expected.

Just attract attention. But if it is attracted - it means that they need it, it is incredibly necessary if they are ready to endure pain, do something scary or unpleasant? What bad go to meet and render? Get used to blackmail? If attention cannot be obtained by another way - yes, of course.

Self-destructive behavior in the teenager has only one reason more than adults. The attention of the most important people in the world - parents.

That is, they can have sex, because it is a fee for the satisfaction of tactile hunger, for receiving affectionate words and although there would be like love. As adults.

They can affect damage and abandon meals, without measure to drink and smoke, because they need to be transferred to the dissonance with their body in the event of rape or repeated rapes, and if the surrounding mock them and humiliate them. Like adults.

They can do anything called the one who beats them or systematically humiliates, because it is normal - to crave to do something to the tormentor. Adults are doing that too, but adults have more chances to do through direct aggression.

And yet - still - adolescents can do all this because they want attention, want them to be asked, that not so that they spoke to them, they talked to love them. Because they are not adults. And fifteen years old with breasts, like an adult, and thirteen with punching mustes, and even in seventeen, on the threshold of majority, they are still children.


And all the children are important to love their mother, loved dad to be important to their relatives. If our only way to show that they are important to us - screaming for misconduct, they will make misdemeanors. But if our main way to show that we love them - beatings, they will see only beatings, because when they beat - this is not about love. Even if we were deceived once that about love, and we believed.

They already do not believe in it.

Yes, because we, in fact, not very.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Photos: shutterstock

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