Euthanasia - a serious question



We, in Russia, with this in no way from the word absolutely. Even passive euthanasia is officially prohibited, although it is she has a very wide walking. That is, if someone gets into mind to plant all doctors, at least once they said "Well, you can hold on the droppers, and feed through the probe, from six months. But it does not come to yourself, do not hope. So I would not be in your place, "only the registrars in the clinics remain on freedom. And oculists. Alas, as always, the severity of our laws is compensated only by the optional execution.

Why do you need euthanasia?

There are quite real situations when recovery is impossible, and the disease is painful. In addition to the obvious cancer, there are very painful forms of liver failure and skin atrophy. There is also a problem for long vegetative states, when there is no person in the body for a long time, and the body continues to breathe and be palitized under the influence of medical equipment. In addition to the fact that it is very, very expensive, all those who loved the person remain in the semi-free state - there is no favorite with them, and you can not melting and bury. It turns out something like the poor Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, sighing in Mausoleum: when will they leave me alone?

Forms of euthanasia


The most severe - Active euthanasia When one person kills the other. This is usually injections or strong sleeping pills. There are countries where, when performing a number of conditions it is possible. And we do not need here about the killer doctors, the situation when pain does not compensate even opiates, really exist.

For active euthanasia, even where it is permitted, four conditions must be documented:

1. The patient should suffer from unbearable physical pain.

2. Death should be inevitable in obviously close time.

3. The patient should give personal, written, legally certified agreement (the consent of relatives is not enough, and if the patient is insane - euthanasia will not).

4. The doctor must reasonably declare that all other pain relief measures are exhausted.

At the same time, the final decision is made by the Consilium of Expert Doctors.

Today, the country in which active euthanasia is allowed is Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The first country in the world where the concept of "murder from mercy" was introduced into the legal turn - Uruguay, it was in 1933, and since then, the permission for Euthanasia was canceled several times and again activated, depending on the policy conducted by the country's leaders.


Passive euthanasia which the Russian Criminal Code calls the "unconstitution of timely assistance", is permitted in a much greater number of countries. Passive euthanasia is allowed when:

1. The patient suffers from the incurable disease, at the final stages of this disease, and the restoration is extremely unlikely.

2. The patient gave (gave) written, certified consent to the cessation of treatment. If the patient is not able to give consent, the decision can be based on a previously compiled written document, for example, a testament, sometimes the joint decision of the group of doctors and family is allowed.

3. The region of passive euthanasia includes various types of stopping treatment: chemotherapy, dialysis, artificial respiration, blood transfusion, dropper, etc.


In most countries, this situation is simply "gray" - practice is, but in the eyes of the law it is no matter what, of course, generates a wide scope for fraud. It is clear that in those countries where the provision of medical care lies on the shoulders of the family, it is still easier - they paid for another month of dialysis - will live, they did not pay - die, and no euthanasia do not need.

Normal, transparent procedure of passive euthanasia, except those that are allowed even active - India, Israel, Ireland and Mexico, as well as Sweden and some US states. In Israel, which is characteristic, a specially designed mechanism that determines how the life-supporting systems should be turned off - it is built on the same logic as the famous Israeli "Saturday" switches - in some predetermined, not a specified moment at a certain period of time, the timer turns off the system. This does not change the consequences for the dying, but greatly facilitates the further life of people who do not have to "harm on the black button"



Objections against euthanasia exist two types - religious and criminal. All forms of Christianity and Judaism do not accept any possibility of imprisonment by man man, including himself. Unfortunately, the majority of theoretics of what "Christ endured - and we ordered" the hospital's threshold never agreed, although it would seem that Christianity is a direct text calls for an active mercy. People who are familiar with the realities of palliative medicine mainly believe that each case should be considered separately. A large, endless suffering does not purify, but humiliates, alas.

Criminal objections are also serious. Only the booster slit "There are cases when the murder is not such a murder," and how flies on honey will pull the hurry heirs and malignant rogues. But, as shown by the experience of many countries, it is a worked, thoughtful, transparent procedure is the best protection against abuse. If it is firmly said when, as, under what circumstances, under what kind of control, which records should be maintained by the institution for inspections and through monitoring of the issue - then neither doctors will not be afraid to turn off the device to the patient who clearly expressed such a desire, no descendants will be seen, Listening to how their favorite people from pain cry. And the crooks too will not be a move.

But, alas, for the time being for such an opportunity it is necessary to emigrate.

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