Lilia Idrisova, the pride of Chechnya: "I am a doctor. This is my life. "


For Lilia Sultanovna Idrisova, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a surgeon, a candidate of medical sciences, March - a special month. March 11 - her birthday, on March 19, she made the first metroplasty, a unique operation for Chechnya.


The student of Mark Kurzer, after the end of the Medical Academy in Nalchik, she worked for more than 20 years in Moscow Roddomes. In 2016, Lilia Idrisova received an invitation to head the largest perinatal center in the Chechen Republic. For health care of the republic, it became some way a new turn in history.

March 19, 2016 was the first day of Lilia Sultanovna for the post of chief physician. She still did not have time to put in order the desktop, as it was urgently called to the reception office. The woman at the 39 week of pregnancy, there was the most bad diagnosis - the rotation of the placenta into the scar in the uterus. In big cities, such a complication is quite rare. And here, in Grozny, 3-4 children in the family are not uncommon, but rather the lower boundary of the norm. And, of course, the higher the birth rate, the more often various complications occur, which lead to surgical intervention.

The scar in the uterus - always increases the risk of rotation of the placenta. In the North Caucasus, in almost 100% of cases of rotation of the placenta, the surgeon after Cesarean goes to the amputation of the uterus. It is necessary to say, what a tragedy is for a woman from the Caucasian family, the attitude towards not her husband and his relatives directly depends on the kinity.

On March 19, Lilia Idrisova decides to make metroplastics - a complex operation on the separation of ingrown placenta. She later told his colleagues that he had never done such an operation before, just watched how Mark Kurtern operates her teacher. That first operation was successful. The patient with the child soon was successfully discharged. And the rumor that the doctor appeared in Grozny, who retains the uterus during rustling, instantly separated throughout the region. Literally a few days after the first metroplasty, the doctor's office already stood huge queues.


To date, Dr. Idrisova successfully conducted 60 successful metroplastics. 60 women got the opportunity to get pregnant and give birth. Patients from all over the North Caucasus are going to her: Ossetia, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, etc. It can be safely argued that for the year of work in Grozny, she gained invaluable experience, the lessons of Mark Arkadyevich Kurcer did not pass in vain. Lilia Sultanovna operates 5-6 turntions per month.

She demands that she reported to anyone else's most insignificant complication. Hi's houses, on a business trip or on vacation, Sultanovna Lilia is always aware of all operations and childbirth, which passed the day. She considers himself responsible for everything that happens in the walls of her hospital. "I am a doctor. This is my life, "she says everyday life in response to surprised questions, as you can not sleep for three days or memorize dozens of surnames and diagnoses. Batteries instantly sit at her phones, because calls from colleagues and patients do almost continuously.

Idrisova - a fan of his business. Gather in 5 minutes and come among the night to consult a complex case, stay at work for another couple of days and only gathering back home to see that there are different shoes on it - the usual thing. Rapid growing fame sometimes creates a reputation of almost a wizard. In the private messages of her page Instagram hundreds of letters with a request to accept, operate, advise or just answer the question. Every morning, near the adopted head doctor, no less than 20 women wishing to get to the "Dr. Lila", so it is respectful and homely called homeland. The second "Dr. Lily" in Chechnya is not.

Photos from the archive L.S. Seryovoy

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