5 Changes that Hogwarts would be waiting if he had passed the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


There is no such ministries that will not bring the most important prose of life to the fairy tale. But our Minda is sometimes annealed.

No more mail

Pigeons more fraud. In the project on which the budget was allocated, and they will be white, thoroughbred and very fast. And in practice, everything will turn out in the calf of the Sizar party from the city streets, so all the letters will receive grandmothers - those who have more seeds.

Pottery teach now only boys

It will come in handy for the choice of profession, and girls need to cook soups, not potions. By the way, in classes and for boys, and for girls do not give to light the crucibles, so as not to spend in vain the refueling, do not wear the equipment and do not worry if anyone will unhand the finger, so the soups, and the potions at the end of the course students know how to cook only theoretically . But they write their names without mistakes and do not forget to retreat in the scroll on one and a half finger smoothly.

Prescribe director, which forbade girls to play Quidditch on Metla

Let them run on the grass, and then the meters challenge the girls genitals and do not give them normally.

Prunes will need to be donated as well as writings on literature

If the content did not coincide with the approved methods and recommendations of personally, the minister immediately. And right there, incorrectly, the tenth thing.

On the transfiguration half a year will turn the cup into the kettle

Well, and that the children are bored, well, and that that there is no time to study the many useful transformations, and even the fact that it will not be checked on triton, so that. But it looks very economically. It's enough.

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