What do people fear openly write about themselves in social networks? Survey PICS.ru.


The times were when the texts of bloggers, known or not, were simple and frank. Trolli, chams and cybercriminals made people much more careful.

But if you look at, people began to write less not only about their lives. There are many topics by which social network users are wary of expressing their opinion. We asked our readers that they would avoid writing about themselves in social networks. Here are their answers.


About politics

I do not like what follows, in friends people with opposite glances. I generally think for a very long time before writing something - who can offend and why I write it all.


Not from fear, but because on different sides of the barricades friends. It's not why scary - I just don't want. What for? Already saw loud slamming doors from my loved ones. And friends are not only on the FB - in life ... they break up. So it became less to write about politics. Some less.


About Putin. The rest is OK, even what can not be much like to millions. Why, in addition to the problem with millions, still have a problem with Putin?


About how the near-industrialistic hysteria is annoyed, how because of it is ready to pull any fact and any unhealthy exacerbation on this topic. I consider hysteria simply unworthy quality. Wherever she happened.


About its attitude to Ukraine and the revolution of 17 years. Who knows - he knows. And the politics on the wall is not needed at all.


About the war, because friends on both sides. About the bodily bottom, by virtue of education and audience.


I'm afraid to write any anti-government information and make the replacement. There were cases of legal proceedings in our country.


I'm afraid to write about my position: I do not support Navalny and I like that Krymnash. I generally in this sense for stability, because I remember the 90s well.


I would like, but I am afraid that I do not have enough strength to a mandatory discussion, write about my socialist anti-government views, about the look at the militant Russian world, and on Bandera, too.

About work

About your vetertains. First, because a bunch of supremacy from the end of zero is wildly interested, I pay taxes and give a check directly on the call (emigration did not help). I regret the times when such a question was considered tactless. Secondly, I would have to hardly process my stories. Ethically bad - writing, how recognizable and deeply, about your experience, because my patients have a host and first they need to ask, what to write about what you can, and in general it is possible. It is easier not to take / write in the table.


I do not write what can offend friends and what customers may misunderstand. Therefore, as a rule, I do not write anything about work.


I try to talk very carefully about work. Only what I can express absolutely publicly, which is evidence. Because Russian education is a very vulnerable zone. If I'm talking about something, I try to monitor the accuracy of the wording - at the level of a magazine publication or speech at the conference.


I'm afraid to write a blog about the patriarchate sentiments in the special structure, where I work. And not even because "arrive", but because the environment is still confused, and they will not read, and will begin to mock, everything will be past brains and even worse - will cause aggression ... people are simple for mostly. And at the same time I have broken my head like this system to break. So that finally stopped, for example, to popularize the images from the series "Muzhig-Fireman carries a half-fire citizen from the fire."


I try not to write anything about work. Because read, and the authorities / colleagues may not like what I think about them.


Medical cases, oh, I have something to say! But I can not, the mystery of the private life of patients, I have no right to disclose, and therefore silent.


I do not talk about work plans about unfinished work. First, the idea can "lead." Secondly, it is necessary not to talk about work, but to do it - not that "steam in the beep will go."


I am afraid to write about my bad experience with the previous works. It can be used against me Eichara or bosses. And we also control us very hard on networks. For example, I was reported for me to write about overwork.

About your problems and other personal

About his depression. Moreover, I'm afraid not negative by mimocrokodils, but what it can somehow affect employment. From one job I was already kicked out when I learned that I had depression.


About her fears - from diseases (which are on the verge of age and heredity and are waiting for their o'clock) to problems, especially small-shameful-domestic, still about all problems with children, their behavior, training. Instead of complaints, I just rush to solve these problems, moderate my forces. Why not complain? I will not help in such situations sympathy. On the contrary, dries. And if at least one kind of good soul says "I told you that you are all (not all, but half, not half, but this is certain) you do wrong," I can scrape from Paul again. I don't want this, my resource has a small resource, only a little more than it is necessary for survival, and I try to routine it optimally. I can renew that "accidentally happened" something and three more in a row. It happens. I can raise that I am abstractly tired. But I don't want to write here, from what I am ready to beat your head about the wall, because I do something daily - and it does not work.


There was such an action - # Yaneboless token. So, I am afraid so far. Although telling there is a lot that ...


I try not to write about those problems, in the solution of which foreign people cannot help (as a rule, it is finance-romances, kids teenage children and her husband's opposition). Because you will definitely be the advice in the spirit of the "Mouse" by the Hedgehog ", as well as folk wisdom of the type" saw the eyes that they bought "and" Samadavinovat ". When to live and so hard, I don't need an additional negative.


I do not write about personal life, aspects of sexuality and gender identity. Because I'm asking to remove people with their invaluable opinion from her panties. I do not write about the achievements and charitable activities, because it is even an intimate, sounds like a barrack and "see what I am well done", and I have almost everything so much. We almost do not write about most problems, because "you are strong you can cope."


I don't write about the loot, because among the Frances there are people who my problems are small pearls and those that can drink from dinner for dinner. Before the first are inconvenient to boast, before the second - to whine. And in general, noble dons about money in public do not speak.


Never post any literary attempts that would not smoke. If you do not know what I was published only in youth, paranoia and not noticeable. And, by a couple of times, I'm sicking, now I don't write anything anymore than you can also reproach me, no information that can be turned against me or my loved ones.


Usually I am afraid to write about bad events that have not yet ended. Perhaps this is something superstitious. Plus, I unpleasantly gloating.


About personal problems, health, with business. About Mount, About pain. This adversely affects the company's image. In general, sincerity and frankness harm the blog and business. It is necessary to be silent, successful and all pleasant.

About loved ones and acquaintances

I'm afraid to post a photo of myself, husband and son. So that some kind of readiness did not use them for magic. Because really dangerous things have become available to any fool.


I survived several stories when I gave birth to a blog without names, and people learned themselves or acquaintances. Nothing critical, but gossiping now with great caution. Stories from my life on the contrary, I try to publish everything sooner or later, considering the important detalation of some forbidden topics. Well, type there, yes, I have been lice several times, and cho? The more about it they say, the less chances to run them, I shield.


There are no other secrets, even in the format "in one distant kingdom with Princess N". Anyway, someone guess and everything will be bad.

About their beliefs

I support sexual minorities, but I do not write about it, since I work as a teacher and it can damage my work. Sad. Feminism remains, I'm not afraid of writing about it.


About some religious experiences - the evil fighters for science will be resorted and they will prove that I am Markobes.


No reasoning about religion (I am agnostic), God forbid, even on a friendly audience - there is always someone who disagrees and intends to prove your wrong.


About atheism. Because they immediately impose that "protruding", or recall the church destroyed by the Bolsheviks. That is, I am also a chapel.


About religion is terrible than everything that I am a believer, but not at all religious and religion in the sense of temples, joint prayers, compliance with the heap of rules and other Middle Ages to me.


I do not want to discuss religion. I can congratulate on the holiday, if I know about him. But I will not talk about religious and theological topics. I am not a specialist, but you can substitute. You can offend someone or insult - inadvertently, but why?


I also choose expressions when I write about my atheistic views.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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