Types of athletes in your Fredlent


Have you noticed how the Fritret got well well? All these are the right: they recorded the clubs, they learned the word "plank", a member of the cinema. One opponents of another!


Dance, say honestly, the youngest. Unless sometimes lay out your videos from classes, certainly shot by a mobile phone, tilted by 45%. Under the video signature: "I am in a yellow trico behind a high pair in black on the 14th minute." Of course, you should not discuss with them movies or clips, where they dance, because everything is wrong there. And so, nothing, you can be friends. But if you are very cruel, ask why they did not go to the struggle, because more men go there!


Cheerful, wretched guys. They love an uncomplicated humor and demonstrating their own dissection, shot down knuckles, strange red spots and other friendly injuries. Ordinary content "We are with the boys here, we are with the boys there." Irritate, mainly an extrosting of dubious true male values. Do you want to look at the fist between the adults of deadly styles live? With a naive type of ask "What kind of sport is better to do for self-defense?" And run away.


Airsicball players, for example. Rodini fighters, but the fantasy, probably, because they work as teams and with equipment. With these, it is impossible to discuss any militants, films about war, thrillers ... In general, almost no good cinema. And God forbid you will write somewhere that you press the trigger - death to you, death. Revenge, revenge! With an even more naive type of ask, if they are not going to the army, they are going to hire, since so much is trained.


It would seem that developed intelligence should not interfere with physical culture, but oddly enough, lovers of chess or, let's say, sports "What? Where? When?" Self looks as defable. There is abuse of doping in the form of coffee and chocolate. Love to post in social networks "simple" tasks and funny "questions" with a comment "Well, how can I not solve it!?" It is difficult to bite the intellectual, he himself for you, for sure, regularly walks with a list of noticed typos and actual inconsistent in your story "How we drove a cat to the veterinarian." Purchased its bore. A smuggie can help your child to make your homework for a very long time, which works for free.

Exotic bourgeois

It doesn't matter what kind of sports he is engaged, the main thing is that in his Frandlent he depressingly alone. With a slight feeling of guilt, he tells about his departures, Golden Cups and is constantly calling for training with the same discount, only kidney remains, and you will miss the level for beginners. Promises that he has full of cute girls, solid men ... Any references about the courtyard teams suffering from new balls are wounded by poor and at the same time useful for his conscience.


Mystery of the century! Among the yogis in your Frandlent, for some reason there is no old, wrinkled, bearded grandfather. Some pretty young ladies. They love lists of 50 types of healthy and 135 species of unhealthy (and absolutely poor) food. They know how to cure a runny nose, throwing his knee behind the shoulder. Yes, in principle, almost any disease. Love motivators with Morihem Wesico. Have you seen such an old Japanese with a beard? Here. He is not yoga, but it looks very wise. Ask, how yoga is combined with Orthodoxy ... and run away, yes, while you did not roll in the pretzel.


It is clear why they became heroes of jokes. It is probably due to the fact that they are hated both motorists and pedestrians, these guys are extremely politically active. If the cyclist goes somewhere, he is going to the rally, on the march, or his ride itself is already a call, for example, a call to corporations that destroys the environment. And all in the tape are obliged to know his route and give up to him the road. Take the appearance of a "girl girl" and ask how to walk on dates with a sweaty, dirty guy in Triko?! I do not understand. And how do you go to work? Are you working at all?

Fitness Nyashka

Nyashka walks to the gym for beauty. If she forgets his iPhone, count, the training failed. If it is still difficult for her to show himself, beautiful, then there will show other trainers - ugly. Or at least his new kediki, near the new row in the new sports bag. Loves motivators, perhaps, most of all others, but emphasizes sexuality. First of me with the help of British scientists. They always have some offensive study, which has proven that the sport reduces libido, 75 kilograms - the heaviest weight, and the muscles grow their hair on the back.


It does not matter that he began there: I got on skis, started a subscription to the gym, discovered the site about a hundred pushups, or bought jugs, all the endorphins received from sports he directs it to the Internet. The most cruel revenge is to be patient until he leaves, wait a little bit, and then ask how the successes!


Worst of all. First, they are technically grounded and constantly have a smartphone with a lot of applications with them, which at any time of the day fills the Fritthleant messages of the type "Put like that I have been dependent." Secondly, they love to blame those surrounding in Leny. Thirdly, constantly campaign everyone becomes runners, do not be broaded for this video with people running on the prosthesis. Like, these can, and what prevents you from, eh?! Runners live online as if they are throwing them every day, and a fire is waiting ahead. A terrible mystery of the runners - sports injuries. Ask a question about health risks and just wait for them with their bloody stories themselves will spoil their mood.

All illustrations: www.shutterstock.com

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