All you did not know about bipolar disorder


On the American roller roller rolling rolling, but to live very badly. If you alternately throws out of deep hopelessness to Euphoria, you can't cope with emotions and feel that you have a clinical steering wheel and brakes - perhaps it is not just an unstable emotional background - this is a bipolar affective disorder.

What is a bar?

Bipolar affective disorder is life on a swing. The person alternately chats from depression in an inadequately elevated state and back. Euphoria episodes are replaced by black longing episodes, and between them life becomes normal and quite ordinary.

In this case, no system and uniformity in these oscillations is observed. Phases can replace each other hardly daily or in general to disappear for several years. Depressive moments are usually more than euphoric, and they last longer.

Sometimes we are not talking about deep depression and crazy euphoria, but about alternating periods of depressed and elevated mood depending on the circumstances is cyclotimia, a light shape of the bar, but still it is also a bipolar disorder.

What do depressive episodes look like?

Just as clinical depression. The feeling that the world turned all the handles to the left - the food becomes tasteless, books and films - empty, any conversations are meaningless. Forces enough only to lie on the sofa, without holding it. While you are lying, you can exclude you from the institute or dismiss from work - and it is hardly concerned that, because still your life is over. The most difficult moments fall on the morning when you wake up into the world in which - as you think - nothing to do.

Depression is a dementor, sucking up to drop all the joy of life, and Joan Rowling, who herself who had herself knew what he wrote about. Depressive episodes can occur in a flat place and continue from 2 weeks to several months. Depression more often covers in autumn, in winter and spring, but also in the summer it also happens.

What do manic episodes look like?

On the surface view, a manic episode looks like a fairy tale. You seem like a fairy cracked the magic wand and turned into everything you would like to be. During Mania, Euphoria and Faith overflows you - you are beautiful as a dozen miss of the world, witty Jeremy Clarkson, are ingenious, your ideas are genius, and sleep has come up with weakliks.

You want everything immediately - three new projects, mad sex every half an hour, a ticket to Botswana and jump with a parachute. Very fast to the raised mood is added a feeling of bulletproofability. The framework of the permissible is blurred, and in the stage of Mani, people make things from which then they are horrified: we are seduced by the guys of the best friends, with a laughter of the world's prospectus at the rush hour, invest all savings in Martian uranium supports or buy Ferrari family to family funds.

Sometimes instead of a mental lift, a person is experiencing a long irritation, becomes aggressive and cannot even bear the slightest disagreement with his opinion. In the most difficult cases at the peak of Mani, a real nonsense can begin, a person suddenly decides that he is immortal or that in his power to restore the world on earth. When mania goes on no - but it happens quickly, the manic episodes rarely continue more than a couple of weeks, a person seems to be waking up squeezed and devastated among the ruins and cannot understand how he thought to such nonsense.

Where does it come from?

Unknown. That is, researchers carefully suggest that there is a genetic predisposition to the bar, but it can be paid, even if your ancestors before the seventh knee were absolutely balanced and satisfied with life.

Sometimes the symptoms of the bar are manifested in childhood, but in children the mood at all unstable and parents do not pay attention to these "scraps", and we do not remember them. Most often, bipolar disorder unfolds in full swing in the interval of 20 to 30 years.

A trigger can be a personal drama - divorce, loss of work, the death of close. After such a shake, reactive depression often develops - and then the pendulum swings back. Over time, the stress necessary for the start of depression becomes more small - enough quarrels with parents or fear over the exam, even later - a long flight or overwork. Alcohol and all sorts of interesting substances can also become a trigger.

How to distinguish the bar from depression?

Everything is relatively simple here - if you had at least one manic and one depressive episode, then it is with a large probability of a bipolar disorder. If you didn't see anything friend in the description of Mania, but black melancholy attended you several times, then this is a recurrent depression.

How to distinguish the bar from the usual unstable mood?

A man with a bipolar disorder is the most disorder and feels like a mood of extraordinary intensity. But the usual emotional instability is distinguished by several principal moments.

When changing the phases bar, not only the mood is changing, but also well-being. In the manic phase you can sleep for 2-3 hours a day and feel great, appetite or disappears at all, or you eat everything that is not pied.

The speech becomes fast, and the interlocutors are also losing the thread, because you will jump from the fifth to the tenth and do not even notice it.

In the depressive phase, everything seems to turn upside down. The decline of strength can be so strong that you can not get out of bed. Insomnia is replaced by day intensity at night, and with the appetite, some Shaitan is going on. Began problems with digestion - some constipation, others - diarrhea. Menstrual cycle is knocked down, incomprehensible pain appear here, then there, and the concentration of attention is enough only to go to the toilet, do not forget that you go to the toilet.

Where to run?

To a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. But not to a psychologist. The fact is that the bar is treated only by drugs that stabilize the mood - antidepressants, normatimics and tranquilizers. Pick them very carefully and jewelry, fixing the reaction to each tablet and calibrating the dosage. Only on the choice of suitable funds will go about 2-3 months. Psychologists, unlike psychiatrists, have no right to diagnoses and prescribe drugs. But after the treatment is chosen, you can talk with a psychologist - it will not cope with the bar, but will help develop a new reaction algorithm to life conflices and deal with stress that can provoke a depressive episode.

Is it very bad?

Nothing good, of course, but you are not alone. In one company with you Stephen Fry, Ben Stiller, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Drew Barrymore, Van Gogh, Tennison, Ted Turner, Elvis Presley and many other decent people. There is a certain relationship between bipolar disorder and creative abilities. Not all bipolar studies turn to doctors, and therefore it is difficult to calculate them, especially in Russia, where many years of fear of punitive psychiatry reliably scares people from circulation for help. But according to the approximate estimates, about 3% of the world's population suffers from bipolar disorder. If the bar is treated, you can achieve a long-term remission - that is, neither mania nor depression will no longer cover you. Consider this chronic disease - we do not yet know how to cure a bipolar disorder finally, but to return to you the opportunity to manage your life doctors can.

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