Public toilets and menstruation: running with obstacles


The social networks are blown up with text that can be called the female shout. And we, perhaps, join this cry. For the counterpart.


There is no toilet paper in the toilets of my school. This, in general, is a completely normal situation for public toilets in Russia. I was in a variety of public toilets in the capital and regions of Russia, and I can confidently declare that this seemingly inexpensive and extremely important item was absent in most places.

The student toilet does not even provide for the place where the roll could be, so I always wear a pack of napkins. In the pockets of all the clothes, I also dwell the napkins, a little petrified because I forget to take them out before washing clothes.

Sometimes, when I have menstruation, I have to use more napkins than usual. If my reserves approached the end earlier than I expected, I can on the way to the toilet to buy a pack of napkins in the buffet. For seven rubles. They lie in sight, called "handkerchiefs" (but not essence) and cost seven rubles - cheaper than a glass of boiling water with a tea bag thrown there.

But if my menstruation started earlier than I planned, and for some reason I don't have gaskets with me - at best, I will have to drink a stack of napkins, small, but nervous and fast steps to the nearest store - ten Minutes walk. There, perhaps, my inner radical feminist will be confused and take an even more embarrassing set of products - juice (which I did not want), chocolateer (which is impossible) and packing pads. In any case, I will need another ten minutes of small nerve steps so that the gasket has found its use.


And now, dear experts, the question: if the topic of menstruation is tabulated as well as for the same reason as the theme of the feces, why napkins replacing me toilet paper, I can buy in seven rubles five meters from the toilet (I can join the dining room for free ), and I have to get gaskets, passing the bar of obstacles?

And the cost, of course, will be much higher - even the simplest, uncomfortable, low-quality gaskets.

Why nowhere in the territory of a huge educational institution can be a magic machine with "hygienic packages", with "hygiene products for women", but you call them, damn you, you want - just give exactly the same access as access to the toilet Paper!

I do not argue - you can risk and somehow to independently organize a kind of initiative that supplies women with gaskets in public places. I can not imagine what resistance, ridicule and misunderstanding we will meet - or rather, I can not imagine its degree, but I perfectly imagine its presence.

But it's not that. The fact is that selling gaskets in public institutions in the same place where wet wipes and nasal shawls are sold - this is an achievement on the verge of fiction.


I once saw in a public toilet (I do not remember) a device that issued "hygiene products for women" - it was empty, dark from dust and explicitly did not function for a long time. You tried. Take the pate from the shelf.

In some educational institutions you can buy gaskets, but it is almost as fabulous rarity as the use of android robot in the educational process.

Students make up at least half of the contingent of educational institutions. Since their cycles are incomprehensible, it is likely that in each day of each month there are several menstruating women in the university. I can assume that they are more than ten. I can assume that there are many of them.

From time to time, some of them may not be a spare gasket, or there may be no hygiene tool, which for the time they could replace the gasket. It is absolutely logical, naturally and not catastrophically consistently ensure easier access to gaskets.

But it is not all. Buying pads in the store My story does not end, because I need to use it somewhere on destination. One of the reasons why girls go to the toilet together are the lack of hooks and normal constipation on the doors. I have no girlfriends in my educational institution, so I go to the toilet alone.

Theoretically, I could sit on the toilet, deploy and glue the gasket. In theory. In practice, I try at all in the direction of this subject not to watch. And do not touch him, even through the layer of napkins. I have the outstanding muscles on the hips with the complete disabilities. Guess why.

If I have a bag, I may have nowhere to put it or hang it, because it may not be hooks. I put a bag to the floor (and then I fiercely rub it out by the sink). I put the jacket on the bag. And I start the exercise in the semi-man.


I have a lot of experience, but the risk of blurred clothes is still very large, especially if severe bleeding began. Not yet a fact that I can clean and dry clothes. In addition, the conditions do not have compliance with the rules of hygiene. Ideally, it would be necessary to disinfect your arms before the contact with the doors of the public toilet touches the laying.

I can also drop it by chance. But this is a completely different story caused by, by the way, the same reason - the absolute inaptability of public women's toilets to the fact that women are menstruation.

And now one more question, dear experts: Women's toilet designers are at least anyone know about women's physiology? They know that we, for example, make a small need not as men do? What in these masterpieces of the environment design it is impossible to lean forward, bend the knees?

In one of the WCPPU toilets, where I received a second education, the toilet door is at a distance of 20 cm from the toilet. I demand to award me first in a non-gracious gymnastics. Therefore, it is still a little gasket - it is still necessary to use in extreme conditions. Honest word when I changed the gasket in the forest, it was much more convenient than in some public toilets.


This article will not have a positive and motivating output. While I just want to express my indignation - because the topic of menstruation is taboo. We are still hard to talk about its existence, and not just about what difficulties we face because of, actually tabernit.

Menstruation is normal and occurs in half of the population of the Earth. Half! In the end, we have the right to talk about it and recognize how much the environment is inadequate to our needs. Awareness of the problem is the first step towards it.

Photos: shutterstock

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