Volunteer projects: 20 seats where you can become a wizard


There is some kind of dark garbage around us every day. And this is how it is just going around around such good people as we? Sometimes I really want to do something good in contrast to this very gloomy garbage. But I really do not know where to go with this good gust.

But for this just click according to the correct link. We have collected 20 places where you will be helped to sow intelligent, kind, eternal. In a good company ;-)

Do good people

"Old age in joy" A charity fund for assized persons with disabilities and the elderly, living in nursing homes, helps the old men feel that they need someone. And for this you need not only to help materially and bring the necessary things, but also to communicate, be friends, correspond. Many even become for grandparents "remote grandchildren." Join "Help Easy" - draft Advita Foundation ("For Life") It is possible to become a volunteer and help with sick children, even if you are afraid of hospitals or children. For example, carry medicines, sell souvenirs, conduct master classes, come up with gifts, become someone else by correspondence. "Just share what you love and know how to yourself - and everything will work out." Very correct motto. Join "Give Life": donation and volunteering The project leads a database of gratuitous blood donors, and also suggests to be a good angel in the hospital. Hospital volunteers draw with children, make presentations and contests, sing songs and make cartoons, duty in the Donor Call Center, buy economic products or carry children on cars. Join "Volunteer Club" Helps orphans. First, providing material assistance to the institutions of the boarding school. Secondly, visiting the kids undergoing treatment in medical institutions. Under care - several thousand children in the walls of orphanages and boarding schools. It is possible to help personal participation, new things, transport, money or dissemination of information. Join Volunteer movement "Fabyers" and charitable fund "Volunteers to help children-orphans" Good and responsible people are waiting for the care of young children, holding holidays and creative classes in hospitals for walking, friendly support and communication, including children with disabilities and having serious developmental disorders. To join the team, you need to interview, training and instructing, as well as surrender medical analyzes. Join Foundation for help children "Children's houses" There are methods to help kids in children's orphans and corrective agencies, as well as in needy families, there are many: from organizing excursions or circles to mentoring, making a child in the family "to visit" and not only. Join "Red Cross" Volunteers take part in the fulfillment of humanitarian programs of the Russian Red Cross, aimed at facilitating the participation of disabled people, single old men, large families, forced migrants. Join "Overnight" An organization that helps those who got into trouble and remained without a home. For example, within the project "Night Bus" Volunteers distribute food in need every evening. However, it is possible not only to hand out food and clothing: Translators, designers, editors, programmers, lawyers, doctors, psychologists and other specialists are free of charge. Join Program "Volunteer on the island of Valaam" Participants in three weekly camps help to restore the agriculture of the Transfiguration Valaam Monastery. Harding the body on hayfields, harvesting of firewood, clearing of fields, weeding and harvesting, you can skip the soul at educational meetings, excursions, lectures and tea drinking. Allowed to take both children from 13 to 17 years old if the child rides with someone from adults and worries on a par with everyone. Join Service of Volunteers of the Orthodox Group "Mercy" Main activities: Help patients, homeless and disabled. Service volunteers help at home old men and large families, wards in psychoneurological boarding schools and HIV-infected ... For those who want to help closest, training seminars and trainings are organized regularly. Join

Make good nature

Green bulletin board Here you can find current info about various initiatives (mainly "green"), which are required by non-indifferent people. In different regions of Russia (up to the Arctic!), As well as in Ukraine and in Belarus. Ecoleger, ecofesting and other useful shares. Join "Greenpeace" in Russia Muscovites and Petersburgers can become members of the Permanent Group of Greenpeace Volunteers and participate in shares, residents of other regions will help here techniques. You can organize in Greenpisov to organize garbage cleaning or other practical environmental projects. Join "Garbage. More. Not" Autonomous, but united by the general principles of initiative groups "garbage. More. No, "there is a hundred Russian cities, as well as in the CIS countries. You can simply come to their shares, and you can learn good and organize a volunteer cleaning, an action on a separate collection of waste, articraft processing in beautifulness and utility, planting trees or an eco-lesson. Join Reserved expeditions in Russia from the ecocenter "Reserves" The ecocenter organized volunteer camps at many natural territories: in Altai, Urals, the Caucasus, in Karelia, Siberia, the central part of Russia. You have a wonderful opportunity to visit places that are not touched by civilization, where ordinary visitors are not allowed. Only such as you, volunteers: not under 18, with basic English and desire to work in a team and help nature. The ecocenter still has a volunteer center "Burunduk", helps to take part in international volunteer camps and help staff reserves. Join Kenozersky National Park The park organizes volunteer camps, whose participants can help the protected area and join the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Russian North. Join Big Baikal trail The great-grandfather and great-grandmothers drove the Baikal Amur Highway, and their great-grandfathers go to build environmental trails in the Baikal region. To do this, you need to be ready for life in a tent, food on a fire and good physical exertion. But romance can be obtained - the sea! More precisely, the largest lake in the world. Join

Make a good one

Movement "Sphere" The main office of the movement is located in Nizhny Novgorod, but with its help those who want from all over Russia and from Kazakhstan can go to volunteer in different countries. You can choose an interesting volunteer camp personally (4 dozen projects in Russia, just 2628 in 73 countries). Or organize your own if you have interesting ideas. Here you will be helped to implement them. Join Mosvolont Metropolitan projects for the most different kind and useful directions: help orphans ("good Moscow") and old men ("V.N.K."), Nature ("Ekovyod", "ZoOVOGOD") ... you can also try artist - or sports volunteering. Join Children's movement Unites youth volunteering organizations in different cities and regions. Directions of work: classes with children, helping the elderly, collecting assistance, participation in sports events, environmental volunteering, holding master classes, assistance in organizing events and holidays. Join Project "So simple" Several non-profit organizations have made an information project telling about where and what kind of good deeds are - to find out, share experiences and participate. Join

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