Top 9 diseases with side effects that you at least once dreamed


And you, too, when you see the name of some unfamiliar disease, hurry in Wikipedia and check if you have her symptoms? It is impossible to stay, so went from the opposite - chose nine painful states in which you can find at least some advantages.

9. Priapism

If you ever dreamed of testing or seeing a multi-hour erection (it is a priapism), then for this you will need a spine injury, some cancer diseases also help. No, sex does not work: a member will pressed tightly to the stomach, it will hurt, and after a while there will be a gangrene. Well, at least see. Therefore, only the 9th place.

8. Hyperstasia

With a serious illness, of course, do not get bored, but you don't bother with hyperstasis, even if it is very sad. This is an increased sensitivity, in which sugar is lined into a cup with bully rollers, I want to cry from the autumn rain, and the prayer of the Charlotka seems to be semolina. Develops, for example, with lung tuberculosis. For obvious reasons, patients become very irritable. Sh-sh-sh! Again, these sparrows are hungry.

7. Lipodystrophy

Lipodystrophy allows you to have anything, never get to the gram or not to look like a dystrophic. Fat literally not postponed, but the muscles remain in perfect order. This is a rare hereditary condition. To acquire it difficult and, if it still arises (let's say, with HIV therapy), then in stupid and ugly - in some parts of the body.

6. Termannesia

The state of the nervous system, in which a person does not feel the difference in temperatures. In the summer, it is not hot, it is not cold in winter, turned off hot or cold water - absolutely no matter! Great to those who want to look fashionably and do not wear a hat. Unfortunately, high risk frost, burn or just caught. Well, it is usually supplied complete with a hysterical personality disorder. Least.

5. Jargonfias

Just the dream of a negligent student. There are different options for this disorder, including this in which your speech seems to be fully consisting of one "water", that is, clichés and stereotypical phrases, are correctly grammatically connected, but not really denoting anything. Neither you nor others will understand anything, but everyone will decide that it was something very clever. The trouble is that, if desired, such a disorder does not turn on, and, moreover, it does not turn off.

4. Foreign accent syndrome

62 people in the world recovered from stroke or injury in a strange state - they began to speak with a foreign accent. At least it sounds from the side. If you always wanted to seem foreigner, then this is what you need. For the sick syndrome, it is felt as if he could not correct the words that, in general, pure truth.

3. Hypertimezia.

This ability to remember everything. Play extremely high amount of information about your past life, not looking into the LJ story. So far, such patients found about two dozen. Some hypertime beauty helps in life, and some complain that how to recall for breakfast on the first Tuesday August 14 years ago, so they think about the past all day, they cannot fall asleep.

2. Sexing

The partner complains that there is no time for sex? Give sex! This variety of Lunatism is a psyche disorder, in which a person has sex in a dream. And, as a rule, more active and aggressive than revealing. Of course, it is desirable to be with whom. By morning you won't remember anything, except to think that you had an erotic dream, but all claims to the lack of sex will have to be removed.

1. Gourmet syndrome

The rare and very pleasant syndrome is sometimes striking people with injuries of the right front lobe of the brain. They suddenly develop a subtle taste for delicacies. Moreover, they don't just want to eat tasty, they want to think, speak, write about food. There is a case with one Swiss, who after a stroke immediately threw the work of the political coating and became an outstanding restaurant critic.

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