Work is not a wolf: how to strange the workaholic


You work on weekends. And on holidays. And at night. And in the morning of his own wedding answered business letters. Having finished one job, you are enough for another, even for decency without knocking in the nose. Excellent, you are a workaholic.

This is how much rising wherever it is in the fall. And workolism grows only on the soil, plentifully disrupted personal problems. And only an intelligent psychologist will help you understand what Leshego you are sitting at night in the office and fall asleep, falling face in the keyboard.

Whether someone's important called you in gentle years, whether at home is waiting for you something that you're better to dawn in the office. Or maybe it's scary that money suddenly end, although nothing foreshadows.

We do not put diagnoses for userpics. We just tell me how to make life easier if you still can not stop working and start relaxing. You look, time will appear for sleep, and there - and on a psychologist.

Stop scolding yourself for intermittent

Breaks exist to recharging batteries. But if you are making a cup of coffee, believing that the horse did not roll in the project, and you are lazy pig, you will not recharge any batteries. You will return to the workplace even more tired and crushed fault. Five-minute leisure every hour is not an indicator of profitable, but a vital necessity, how to go to the toilet.

Plan a rest

Just like you plan work. And, as well as from work, it is impossible to open from recreation - these are the conditions of the game. That is directly writing in the diary: "17: 00-19: 00 - do not care about the ceiling." It is not easier to teach an workaholic to rest than the procrastinator to teach himself to work, so it will not be easy. The first week you can be somehow uncomfortable from idleness. In order not to give yourself a chance to break and grab about work, get away from her away - go to walk without a phone (and that is, the risk to get into the working chat), buy a ticket to the movies, call someone to visit - only a word about projects. Talk about the cats.

Waste breaks for something useful

If you are a workaholic, then the idleness for you worse than the hangover. That is why you do not allow yourself to idle. But who said that rest is exclusively felting on the couch? To soften the feeling of guilt, spend free time to something meaningful. Something that will make you better, stronger, healthier and more. Stretching exercises instead of sofas, educational videos instead of social networks, bathing dog instead of contemplation of wallpaper. Choose myself - if only you did not seem that the time is lost in vain.

Don't take too much

Workaholic is the blessing of God for the whole office. You can dump any duties on it, and he will do everything at best. I will finish, bring to mind, coming and will turn back. Because sticking, and with sticking what to take? Tracking such prompting and learn to say "no". However, if you want, you can agree. Just first warn that you go to the boss and say that Masha does not cope with work, let me do it for her that's it. We assure Masha instantly freezes with his obscene offers. And if not, then you will at least get an increase in salary.

Do not eat at the desktop

Those who are carelessly throwing everything and have to eat away from the workplace, can boast a lower stress level and anxiety than those who chew sandwiches without separation from production. It is not necessary to spend money on the restaurant - you can paint the contents of Lanchbox on the park bench or on office kitchen. If only not the computer.

Find what to confuse

Workaholics generally love to fool, this is their natural state. All you need is to switch from one obsession on another, less stressful. Crawn soap. Learn Portuguese. Osawai Aikido. Find out who who accounted for whom in the Platagenets dynasty. You do not let go to work, but the new trouble will reduce the focus.

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