16 signs that your child is good because



To live with children is like stay in the lair of deceivers, Charlatans and Screws. They know perfectly, what are their lovely, charming, innocent faces (genetics, you are ruthless bitch!) That you are ready to kiss.

So these little villains have no problems at all with the cottage of false testimony. We consider to warn you with your duty. Do not let the brains be taught! Here are obvious signs that the baby, let's say, is not quite honest with you.

  • You ask: "Golden, you don't cook there, the case?" And you hear because of the sofa the groove "No, Mom!".
  • He says he did not offend his sister, no, no. While sits on her riding, and it roars like a jet engine.
  • You found 48 pages in the history of the browser on request "how to paint the door of the cabinet", but the heir swear on the constitution that it does not know who walked the wardrobe, and you are talking about, not heard at all.
    16 signs that your child is good because 38995_2
  • You told him that there is no longer a cake. And he assures that neither a piece took, smearing the remnants of a chocolate cream in the physiognomy.
  • He will put his honest honest eyes and looks anywhere, but not on you.


  • She yells out of another room "It was not me!", But you hear how her little brother screams "it was she!" Through the pillow, pressed against the face.
  • He responds to your harsh question and immediately worn somewhere in the cruising speed.
  • This cat has at least one brother or sister on which you can dump the whole guilt.
  • The lips say "this is not me," and the language of the body says "Run, babe, run!".


  • They shout "everything is fine, la-la-la!" Immediately after some suspicious screen in the depths of the house.
  • He pretends that the concept does not have that he has a whole face in her blood or someone else.
  • She sneaks to you with a barrel and asks if you have a super block. Yes Nizach. Just. I wanted something.


  • When he says "no", it sounds like "not" Nothing? ".
  • Answering the question, she pulls the thoughtful "EEEEEMM" for more than 45 seconds.
  • He suddenly climbs to hug and tells you that you are the most beautiful mother in the world, and he loves you so much, and you are so beautiful, just don't look, please, in the storage room, because well there is absolutely nothing to look at.


  • Your baby opened his mouth.

Photo: shutterstock

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