Humanitarian husband vs husband-tech



Eternal division of people in physicists and lyrics leaves a huge imprint of a philosophical boot on our family life. If you are already married, then, of course, you know how your husband makes it, for example, trash. That is, the garbage is still in the bucket, but the reasons for it cannot be distinguished from humanities and techny. And is it important!

If you have not married yet, we have compiled a comparative table for you, as techyar and humanitarian will respond to an identical situation. Well, you choose the heart, yes.

Situation 1. You've got lost in the forest

Techinar. Give the navigator. If the navigator is discharged, invents how to charge it with lightning. If there is no zipper - invents how to call it. If navigator is not - will gather out of the scroll and fir bumps.

Humanitarian. For a long time, sniffing birchings in search of moss. Will lead you to the north. Then - south. By evening, fall into a bunch of fir branches. Said that it is a slut. Sweep tea from Castbreet and smiles happily: "Favorite, finally we are alone."

Situation 2. Triple wheel.

Techinar. Looks around, it will sleep, will cause technical support. On your: "Change, you are an engineer!", It will look at you sad and a little contemptuous.

Humanitarian. Says: "nonsense, baby, I will change, the bach jack!" Two hours later, you will call technical support. And, not excluded, mobile laundry.

Situation returned from the parent meeting

Techinar. Sits for a computer and yawns. All questions are answered "everything is fine." Questions on elevated colors is responsible: "fine everything." For desperate or: "I said that everything is fine, what are you?"

Humanitarian. Comes in tears and midnight beats his head about the wall. Because the normal person is not able to survive in this terminal system.

Situation 4. Wedding anniversary


Humanitarian. Will read poems. It is not excluded that, unfortunately, their own. But it will be very cute.

Techinar. He, actually forgot. But you do not know, because his electric reminder is lucky. Tehnar will make you a laptop. This is a cool gift, try to evaluate.

Situation 5. You have depression

Techinar. Say: "Do not fool your head and go to the doctor."

Humanitarian. Everything will understand with a half-clow, you will drag to you snacks and soap bubbles.

Situation 6. Mouse !!!

Techinar. He shrugs: she is afraid of you more than you.

Humanitarian. Nallet in the crystal salad bowl of vodka and sketches the bread crumbs there. By the morning you will have a complete crystal salad bowl of the booster mice, which the husband then will be carefully released on the will.

Situation 7. My husband was fired


Techinar. Even a little glad - he has a new summary and five places where it is ready to take.

Humanitarian. Even a little glad - he has excellent Bourbon, and now the reason.

Situation 8. Repair

Techinar. It will be hell.

Humanitarian. It will be hell.

Situation 9. Noisy neighbors

Techinar. It goes and does not return to the morning. Noise is enhanced

Humanitarian. It stands behind the door for two minutes, returns and says - I still walked, they will no longer. And rapidly falls asleep.

Situation 10. Cute, what will we watch?


Techinar. Said that he doesn't care. But all your suggestions are not suitable for him, because it is not a fantastic fighter

Humanitarian. He has already seen all the films. And he did not like everything. See movies with girlfriends.

Situation 11. He fell ill

Techinar. Finds the symptoms on the Internet, and then before Christ argues with a doctor, as it should be treated.

Humanitarian. Finds the symptoms on the Internet, and from this minute stops talking with everyone, because it all meaninglessly, the treatment will not help.

Situation 12. You divorce

Techinar. Suggested to divide the children equally. And if their odd number is to make one more.

Humanitarian. You can not be divorced with him, he has a tender soul. He will not lead it.

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