Pinocchio, Snow White, Munghausen is real people!


As it turned out, fabulous heroes may well be real people with difficult fate. Pics.Ru collected several stories about people who were the prototypes of famous fabulous characters.


In our childhood, this Wooden Torvan was known as Pinocchio. Alexey Tolstoy adapts a famous Italian fairy tale for the Russian reader, changing some details. But the meaning remains the same: the adventures of the guys, painted from a chumbachk skillful master. In fact, a person named Pinocchio Sanchez really lived in Italy at the same time with Carlo Colodi, who wrote a fairy tale about Pinocchio's adventures. This discovery made a group of American archaeologists at the end of the last century. They spent excavations in the area of ​​the cemetery, where the dust of the late colodi lies, and found another grave not far from the place where the storyteller was buried. She belonged to someone in Pinocchio Sanchez. Nevertheless, a person with such a rare name, buried close to the writer, who taught the same name to the whole world, is more than a coincidence. Historians began to dig the archives of the City Hall, but nothing special was discovered. Then archaeologists have achieved permission from the local government to exhumation of the Body Sanchez, buried in 1834. Officials themselves were intrigued and went to meet researchers. As-in no way Pinocchio is a local brand. After opening the grave, scientists saw the remains of a person of low growth, simply say - dwarf, with artfully made wooden prostheses instead of legs. Moreover, instead of the nose he had a wooden insert. What a twist! On one of the prostheses, the stamp Masters Carlo Bestugi was preserved. So it turns out that the name was the famous Pope Carlo! By examining church books, archaeologists found the history of a person named Pinocchio Sanchez. He was born in 1760 in a poor family. Soon it became clear that the boy would be a dwarf. Then the "game of the throne" has not yet been filmed, and the guy did not shine anything good in life. Liberation from the army of small growth also did not give, so the young Pinocchio Sanchessa called for a gun. For 15 years, Sanchez service turned into a complete cripp. Once he fell out of the cliff, she broke down both legs and smashed his nose. In the end of the broken demobilized it. You can imagine that I waited in the 19th century a dwarf with such injuries. At best, hungry death. But the local self-relocine Carlo Beszleji decided to help the guy and made a couple of high-quality prostheses on hinges and a wooden nose for him. Such a fancy view allowed Sanchez to settle in the circus, where he became a sought-after artist in the chali of freaks. He spoke quite a long time with the circus group until he died during the execution of an acrobatic trick. So would be a dwarf Pinocchio and went into oblivion if not carlo cacis. The fate of Sanchez inspired him to create a famous history about a wooden boy, who made Pinocchio one of the most recognizable fabulous characters in the world.

Snow White

German historian Eckhard Zander spent great work with the archives and found that the history of snow-white, ruined angry stepmother, relies on specific events. In 1553, the wife of Count Philip died in childbirth, and the child stayed alive. The baby appeared on the light called Margaret. The graph married the second time. In general, everything is like a fairy tale. It is known that stepmother finished his days in prison, convicted of killing his stepper, that very Margaret. Exploring fragmentary documents Eckhard found that young Margaret von Waldek was surprisingly beautiful. The Spanish King of Philip II, having learned about the German girl of unearthly beauty, decided to marry her. But alas - the monarch did not come out: the jealous stepmother poisoned the maiden. True, not an apple, but simply mixing her poison to a meal or drink. And she, of course, was not a witch, but the most ordinary squabble, envious woman who could not survive the fact that the girl would marry the king, but she will have to continue to live with the count. By the way, and the gnomes take grimm too, not from the ceiling took. The fact is that the native brother Margaret, who comes with an evil countess, owned the copper mines, on which children worked. From hard work, they quickly became small, crumpled disabled, rarely surviving before the age of adulthood. Workers wore hats that defended their heads from sand and stones. This fact also found reflected in the fairy tale. Of course, there were no relationship with the poor girl of the poor girlfriend, but as colorful characters for the plot were very useful.

Robin the Hood

Such a character really lived in medieval England and leaned about the same than the fabulous Robin. In those days, many went to the forest to escape from Normanov, ruining villages. In the forest cups, whole settlements were formed, the head of one of which was Robin Hood. The task of people was simple - survive. Therefore, they produced hunting, from which they had problems with the law. According to the Rules, the whole game belonged to a king, and anyone who will shoot the pheasant or a hare automatically became a criminal. On the murder of a large animal, like a deer, and not to speak - for this it was quite possible to lose their heads. Accordingly, the forest residents quickly crossed, no matter how they say, to the wrong field. Well, the criminals have nothing to lose. They attacked the calls, took the goods and were even given to the poor, for which they were considered almost saints. If Robin was, rather, a positive character, then it is impossible to say about his heroic friends. For example, the baby Johnny walked the cruel killer and the robber, for which the authorities hunted a long time. And he lived much later than Robin, and they could not be familiar. The same applies to the monk Tuka, who was actually called Robert Stafford. It was nursed by the same than his "colleague" Johnny, and definitely was not a favorite of the British.

Baron Münhhausen

Baron Carl Friedrich Jeronim von Munhgausen is also an absolutely unreasonable character. Münhhausen lived near Hannover in the city of Bodenverder from 1720 to 1797. At the age of 14, the young Karl with his uncle went to Russia, where he became the cornet of the Braunschweig Draghunsky regiment, which served for many years. Upon returning to the native city, Baron healed at his own pleasure to the inheritance left by the well-to-face daddy. Merry and sociable carl spent a lot of time in beer, telling about his extraordinary adventures in Russia. Its stories were so bright and interesting that in speed they began to be passed from the mouth of the mouth as urban legends. Moreover, the cheerful Baron did not hesitate to complement his stories with fiction. So, he talked about hares with additional pairs of paws, which could not catch up with the fastest hounds, and about the horse, which was pulled out of the snow drum, tied to the bell tower. A few years later, a "guide for merry people" was released, the author of which was a certain Mr. Mr. Mr. The book later translated into English writer Rudolph Erich. After him, the story about Munchhausen was complemented and reeddied many times, but it was the reserved by the author of the stories about boastful Baron.

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