23 phrases that can not speak to a woman


On the family front there is a prohibited weapon, the use of which leads to such victims and destruction, which is better not to use it at all. Because the world and the firecracker after such blows will not be. Even if the frying pan does not fly to you, your demarche will not remain without the defendance. And the behold, to be honest.

So, let's start counting.

"You would only find face for anything ..."

Yeah, it was not he put black socks in the washing of white delicate here with these her own hands, and she, a villain, he threw them. It is to substitute it. In her eyes. Kowarent Mother:

"Once this intelligent, take it myself and ..."

A natural question "But why do I need, and for some shag, I feed you with valuable fire cutlets" Let's leave for the scenes.

"Decide myself finally at least something! ..."

In this place, Pozhagsky, as a rule, begins tantrum. You, by the way too.

"We have already talked about it with you ..."

The very fact that he learned once to call the word on this topic, makes this topic sacred-untouchable for the nearest geological period."It's not what you think"

"This is not what you think ..."

Yeah, and owls are not what they seem, and in general the world is an illusion, and the chairs for your back turn into a kangaroo. Something is flying there in your direction, no? Exactly - Kangaroo!

"You did not say that! ..."

A polite allegation: "Dear, you are fatally ill: one chromosome is not, the other is clearly superfluous, and also, it seems, Alzheimer on the threshold."

"Listen, you already have boots! ..."

Well, yes, tell me the gardener, that in his garden there is already a whole single violet.

"Well, I don't call you to buy spare parts with you! ..."

Ai Thank. Good man Stirlitz. But I could and butt."... could not ..."

"You still sit at home, really could not ..."

After the windows were caught in the rooms, she washed the floor, she took the floor, blew seven pink bushes under the windows, knew himself, namolol coffee for seven weeks ahead and put three frilance?! Yes, of course, could! Stupidly lazy. Oh, it seems to be flying a kangaroo again!

"I work so much, I can finally ..."

Oh yes, yes, Javol, Baby. This Mega-Supermansky feat, worthy Guinness in all its senses, gives a blanche card for everything in the light of bulk. You can even have babies and do not drink them to compote. Because you are sorably, poor.

"You always have something hurt ..."

Of course, this is a direct consequence of the fact that at night she secretly pours his own wax figure ... insidious, cunning.".. Well, how much can ..."

"Well, how much can I? ..."

Universal answer to which the universal soldier comes out of any fight. The main thing - eyebrows strive to higher and vowels to pull longer.

"Not a male is a matter ..."

Well, yes, we live in the Middle Ages at the courtyard, where every silence is painted: die, but the ceremonia is not aughing. And folded the plates in the dishwasher is not royal, no.

"So we, men, arranged! .."

It usually finds out that men have a scary cool device. Approximately the same as a bust of the pericla: the thing is strong, by and large nafig is not necessary, but at the same time it is better not to breathe on it - because God forbid himself.

"Oh, just don't start, please! ..."

Magic spell capable of reduce the space scale problem to the size of the cilia infusori-shoes."... just don't start please ..."

"And you go there! .."

She is Bruut, he is Caesar. What else can I talk about?

"Woman driving is ..."

Plus women's logic, PMS and another bunch of such terribly witty formulas. Relationships are strengthened - to the level of reinforced concrete.

"So what, you won't love me now?"

And this magic thing is called indulgence. Issued for all occasions. Of course, the best excuse is the charge.

"But you, probably, not interesting ..."

Well, it is clear, women only in the trees can scream and Kakak on the head passersby. Embroidery with a cross - their ceiling, cosmetic with cosmic confuse. And even Sklodovskaya-Curie was a disguised man."... I didn't have so good with anyone ..."

"Yes, of course, of course ... what did you say?"

He is the God of Attention and Communication.

"I was not so good with anyone ..."

Decoding: Look, this is the Sultan himself made a compliment. Fades of the NIC.

"Never mind. Everything is fine ... "

The funerary intonation and the nobble grimace make this brilliant answer to the question: "Are you sad, something happened?".

"I'll love you anyone ..."

Wrong answer. You are a weak link and drop out of the game. On the complaint: "Hard," you need to answer "yes nothing like this!". You can not respond anything else. Because Kangaroo.

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