"Leningrad" lost the soloist!


    Alice Voks announced the launch of the solo project and thanked Sergey Cord for the experience gained. At the last concert of the Leningrad Group in Moscow, two vocalists were replaced at once.

    The leader of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov commented on the departure of the soloist Alice Vox in his Instagram.

    "I did not promise anything to anyone. According to his own whim, I make a lot of stars from medium singers. The myth-made meer and made by me and the team made by the team are quite quickly and naively read the believing in their divine nature. And we do not know how to godses. We burn pots here. "

    On the eve of Alice Vox, he said that he leaves "Leningrad" and wants to launch a solo project.

    "I decided to leave the Leningrad group, and I launch my solo project! I am very glad that I can share with you all this new stage in my life. Working with Sergey Shnurov gave me a huge experience of scenic life, I am infinitely grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve, "she wrote.

    Recall that earlier in the Leningrad grouping, Julia Kogan was solired, which since 2013 also engaged in solo career.

    Well, to cry - the clip is about Labutena, who brought Alice Vox widely fame.

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