10 celebrities refused


Even the best of the best sometimes refused. So, you should not despair. You will succeed.

1. Madonna

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"Listen to Madonna was nice. Compositions, arrangements, she herself - everything is very strong. The direction, in my opinion, is chosen faithful. What is missing in this project is the content ... I don't think it is ready, although I see the background of becoming a strong performer. I will not take it now, but wait for the following samples. " Madonna has retained this letter for motivation, and when her debut album has developed more than 10 million copies, proved that it is already "ready."

2. Tim Burton

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"Dear Tim, here are some of my impressions of your book" Giant Zlig. " The story is suitable for a children's audience (4-6 years old), it is common and demonstrates good language proficiency for a high school student, despite some flaws in grammar and spelling. True, in order to enter the market, the history of too seconded ... ". Disney editor decided that the first children's book of Berton would not bring profit. Burton took comments close to the heart, took up his studies and after a few years it got a job as an animator assistant. What it ended - we all know everything perfectly.

3. Andy Warholl

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"Dear Mr. Warholl, last week our committee ... got the opportunity to consider your picture called" Boots ", which you have so kindly provided our museum as a gift. We must inform you that after careful study, the Committee decided that we could not include a picture in our collection ... "In 1956, Warholl offered his picture to the Museum of Contemporary Art for free. It is unlikely that the authors of polite refusal guess that in Pittsburgh will open the museum dedicated to the artist, and 168 of its works will be included in the collection of modern art museum.

4. U2.

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"Dear Mr. Huson, thank you for the U2 group provided by the cassette, which we carefully listened to, but we decided that it does not suit us at this time. We wish you good luck in your future career. " RSO Records's sound recording company did not impress Bono debut. Monthly months, the group signed a contract with another company, Island Records, and released its first international single 11 O'Clock Tick Tock. As a result, U2 sold more than 150 million records and received 22 Grammy Prize.

5. Kurt Vonnegut

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"Dear Mr. Vonnegut, we, as usual, spent a summer clearing of manuscripts and found on our" spare shelf "three samples of your work. It is sincerely sorry to me that none of them is suitable for our publication. Description of the bombing Dresden and your article "The true cost of gold eggs" deserve attention, but both of these things are not fascinating enough for the final approval ... "In 1949, the three sketch of The Atlantic Monthly magazine has sent a mocking refusal. He put a letter to the frame, and today it hangs in the Vonnegut Museum in Indianapolis. It is said that from one of these passages became the basis for his famous novel "Lobby Number 5".

6. Sylvia Platter

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"Dear Miss Boards, unfortunately, we decided not to print this poem. We really liked the second part of Amnesia, but we do not see any connection between it and the first part. Perhaps we misunderstand something. Could you consider the possibility of publishing only the second part under this title? If you present the poem re-in this form, we will be happy to consider it again. " Probably, later the editorial board of New Yorker seemed rather strange that once they offered the future winner of the Pulitzer Prize to throw half of her poems.

7. Gertruda Stein

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"Dear Madame, I am alone, one, one. Single existing one at one time. Not two, not three, only one. Only one life to live it, only 60 minutes in one hour. Only one eye pair. Only one brain. Only one essence. Being one, having only one one pair of eyes, one time and one life, I can't read your manuscript three or four times. And even once. Only one glance, one glance is enough. There is no copy of any instance. Yes, and one is unlikely. No one. Many thanks. I return your book by mail. Only one manuscript with one mail. Yours sincerely". It must be the most mocking refusal in literary history. The editor not only did not read the manuscript of Roman Gertruda Stein "Formation of Americans", he also mocked the author. He would know how to respect Ms. Stein her disciples, for example, Ernest Hemingway.

8. Jim Lie

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"Dear Mr. Lee, your work looks like 4 different people did it. It is best that you managed to page 7, the part where the agents are drawn (lower left corner) and face close-up. The rest of the drawings are much worse ... Send us your work when they become uniform, and when you learn how to draw hands. " Hard criticism did not save Jim Lee from dreams to draw comics, and he became the author of the "people X" - the comic of all times, as well as the COMICS co-founder.

9. Stig Larsson

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In a letter received by the Young Larsson in 1972 from the Committee of College of Journalism Stockholm, it is said that he is not good enough to become a journalist. Larsson kept this letter of 32 years old, and eventually became not only the author of the most popular trilogy, but also a famous journalist, the founder of an outstanding Swedish magazine.

10. Edgar Rice Burrow

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"Dear Mr., we return to you ... The story" Tarzan - acceptance of the monkeys. " We carefully considered your work, and although it is interesting, we decided that she did not fit into our plans in the present year. "And in vain decided. For the "Tarzan - accepting monkeys" the 25 most popular adventure books followed, only published them and collected completely different people from them.

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