Who lives in your head?

The expression "cockroaches in the head" is rooted in deep antiquity, when people were poor, hungry and could not afford other pets. In the modern era of consumption a variety of fauna in our heads reached unprecedented heights. Want to know who lives in your head and give you valuable guidelines for action?

Question 1 of 10. On TV said that a meteorite flies to the earth on terrible speed. Your first thought:

Thank God, well, finally!

Oh no, I'm still so young!

Television? Khm, a serious source ...

Now I am drought Borsch, and I will have a hysterical

Question 2 out of 10. You broke your heart.

What, sorry, broke?

I urgently need to do 1973875 calls

Cake. Another cake. Ice cream and chocolate

Ivette, Lisetta, Muzetta, Jegestta, Georgetta

Question 3 of 10. Son scratched your car.

You can make a new, there is a chance that it will work better

Did not scratch yourself and okay

I will give the car to him - why should I scratched?

Scars decorate the car

Question 4 out of 10. Transit Venus in Sagittari !!!

Sounds like a sentence

Children! Urgently home!

This is in what language is the question now?

The goddess of love? Hurt.

Question 5 out of 10. How will you celebrate the tenth anniversary of marriage?


I will make children learn the poem about dad. And about mom, approx.

Sex. Excellent gift - cheap and efficient

I am not married, not married, but sex

Question 6 out of 10. The spouse of the President of France is going to visit you.

And she eats dumplings?

Je Suis Très Heureux

Need dimensions of spouses - an inflatable mattress or clamshell?

Just shoot me please

Question 7 out of 10. Do you have a dog?



Yes and not alone

Yes but cat

Question 8 out of 10. Do you have warm at home?

No bad batteries, there is a bad old sweater

It's warm in the summer

Yes, I have air conditioner

Yes, I have air conditioning, heater, warm floors and oven included

Question 9 out of 10. Do you smoke?



And drink

And many more questions?

Question 10 out of 10. You have a million dollars. How do you spend it?

I have five thousand. I will spend their killer for those who constantly makes represent that I have a million

Buying Island

Buy house

I'll buy everything, keep me four

The next question is complete to start re-

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