8 habits from which your anxiety flourishes lush color


The most innocent habits can turn you into neurotic, which is enough for the ax at every rustle and is afraid to plan life further than before the weekend.

If you are so anxious person, stop doing it all immediately. If you are a person's careless and wings Bakyak, also stop - believe me, you do not want to know what anxiety is.

Sit in social networks

You do not just hold your hand on the pulse and the lying seams with puppies. The social network is a serious test for the psyche. These are platforms where we compete with each other in coolness, and each coming on Facebook is fraught with gloomy thoughts. Petya rides a hitchhiker from Minsk to Acapulco, a child has a child in the original three years, someone has lost three sizes, and someone bought a house. Why did you finish? Sit in pajamas on the removable hut. Poor you, poor.

To drink coffee

The first cup returns you to the ranks of mankind - before it you are zombies and undead. The second fixes the effect. And the third makes you a droagal neurotic, because in three cups espresso enough caffeine to breed the nervous system and set it up on the "Bay or Run" mode. And there is no one to beat and have nowhere.


Scientific fact - sleep deprivation increases the anxiety and risk of panic attacks. This is not we talking to you, but neurobiologists from the University of Berkeley.

To complain

Here as with coffee: if you dose, it even helps. And if you have a humping constantly and daily tell someone about your alarms about the future, everything will be even worse. Repeatedly voiced alarms acquire the status of a sentence that cannot be changed in your head. It does not allow you to think constructively and look for ways to solve problems. Tell me that everything will be bad, a hundred times - and everything will really be bad.

Stay home

We all need a personal space - but socialization is needed no less. The less information comes from the outside world, the more actively you chase the same monologue about Tlen and hopelessness in the head. So from time to time it is worth putting rubber boots and crawl into people to talk to someone else, except your personal cockroach in your head.

Breathe insufficient deeply

We argue while you read it, did you delay your breath several times? We all do that. And breathing becomes shallow when you worry. Surface breathing leads to a lack of oxygen and the head simply cannot work in full power.

Put on the collar

No, alcohol does not remove stress. He can slightly and bluntly distract from him - or not to distract, and then after three cocktails will begin to cry on the barnamer's shoulder. The alcohol lowers the level of serotonin - and from this anxiety rises and melancholy is rising.

Do not part with a smartphone

Work chat rooms, friendly chat rooms, mail - you are constantly in combat readiness. If you check the messengers and mail every five minutes, you just do not even give yourself to relax. What if something important? Or interesting? Or urgent? Such ultramilation tires and strengthens the alarm.

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