# Scientist: 3 questions that can predict the future of your novel


    90% of guys who, in the opinion of the application for dating, will make you a great pair, in reality turn out to be horrified by terrible, longing dreary and non-non-not, for nothing. If you please it - you are not alone. Algorithms choosing the "ideal" couple is a complete failure, despite all the efforts of developers.

    And psychologists have proven in practice. The algorithm picks up a pair, based on common tastes, interests, age preferences and others, it seems to be quite logical parameters. Researchers decided to repeat the actions of the algorithm and forced the subjects to fill out questionnaires consisting of more than hundreds of issues. It turned out quite a convex social profile - psychologists knew what kind of music were dancing, for which party, they vote that they would be valued in other people and where they hang on Saturday night.

    Based on this data, they tried to predict how the subjects would like each other at a personal meeting. And they arranged such a meeting - the evening of a one-minute dating. So it turned out that there is almost no correlation between the answers and those who have asked the phone. The conservatives flirted with liberals, the extroverts built eyes with introverts, and the careerists are lazy.

    However, the answers to some questions still can predict, you will get something or not. According to Okcupid's research, most often people who ended up seriously became interested in each other, answered the same three issues. Ready? So:

    • Do you like horror movies?
    • Would you need to quit everything and move to live on a fishing boat?
    • Have you ever traveled on someone else's country alone?

    Yes, like this. We are also somewhat amazed, but statistics are not lying - those who come to an agreement on these undoubtedly fundamental issues have the highest chance to be together.

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