Autumn aggravation: Top 9 Runet Scandals Over the past week


On the fourth week of September we expected, to be honest, the scandals around the past elections and the continuation of the discussion of the new "Mrs. Telegory" Ombudsman, but the runet suddenly blew up at all other reasons.

And again, most of the holivars on social networks are spinning around ethics issues. Man of the twenty-first century is excited by the moral side of any question, and it is probably beautiful!

The client is always right ... does not have


The visitor of the Network of Georgian restaurants "Saperavi" turned to their hostess Khatun Kolubai with a question why the "Saperavi" do not allow charging phones. Hatun's responses During the conversation seemed to users of Facebook rather aggressive and caused the censure. Clements "Saperavi" complained that the phones were not allowed to charge during the celebration, when it was necessary to orient the approaching guests, as well as for the common rudeness and unfriendly to the client of restaurants' staff.

Probably, under the influence of public outraged, the flask launched to explain their policies regarding phones - they say, the outlets burn out. However, few people believed her. The ability to charge the phone is in many restaurants and is considered to be the usual courtesy in relation to the visitor - there somehow do not burn out the outlet?

Three and a half thousand euros badly grabs a month, Muscovite complains

"Salary in three and a half thousand euros often lacks until the end of the month and I, oh horror, I go to the presentation and not a broach canape, because I hate to take money," - complains of readers of the magazine "Grazia" Moscow PR and lists the most-most uncommon Tracts that are needed by a modern woman. For example, an apartment in Sokolniki is an invalid, shameful fact, which in the life of a decent person is not a place, and Shellac and Pedicure, so as not to run on the correction every three days, no way will cost less than 20,000 rubles per month.


"The lady accurately complains, and not boast?" Wonder alone bloggers. "What is shameful to start living by means, and not for chic?" Others are perplexed. Third, next to the link to the story of the PR, lay out statistics on the level of life of pensioners, the minimum subsistence level, the amounts of children's benefits and the average earnings of the Russian office. Contrast is obtained very impressive and speaking.

Children woven snails: how to educate little gourmets

Karina Doballoye shared the need for a price of any effort to educate a good taste in food on the example of their children.

We drove children in Michelin restaurants from three to four years. My children patiently ate all that they were submitted to a slightly abbreviated gastronomic set, including snails and oyster.

My husband and I have always slightly chitri: they said that the chef was watching eaters through a special hole in the wall and terribly suffers if someone spits or moves the plate.

When Basilic sorbet filed, children with poker people were digging in him, then politely asked to reach for a moment.

Later, they admitted that they rushed into the toilet, where they immediately rushed - both snail, and oyster, and basilic sorbet.

So the upbringing of their gastronomic feelings was not smooth.

It was hard work, like any upbringing.

The work that for some reason most parents prefers not to do, escaping the children's menu, consisting of variations on the Fastfud themes

Meanwhile, the daughter of Karina complains that her mother suffers a heavy disorder of food behavior that his daughter herself would like to love her even with a non-ideal body and that they and brother were cheating for many years; secretly eating sweets, pasta and sausages instead of gourmet dishes.

Of course, some of the bloggers immediately got up to the side of the sophobal and blame the girl for recognition, weak will and the difference in the mother's image. Other residents of Runet regret and protect the girl.

Pregnant Sobchak offended Large Valery

Ksenia Sobchak spoke in his microblogger about receiving Valery of the title of "People's Artist", hinting that Valeria earned him constantly demonstrated loyalty to the current government and its politics, and not at all with his ability to sing.

Singer Valeria became a folk artist. Is this connected with its political speeches and a "trustee"? No, that you, as not ashamed! :)

- So literally looks like recording. Valeria was deadly insulted, and her husband Joseph Prigogin said that he would definitely destroyed Sobchak, if he had been president, and reminded that in the oldest times, Ksenia was everywhere "Propane" power circles, so, as they say, whose cow would be soy.

I must say, this is not the first case when Valeria finds jokes and saying Ksenia Sobchak to their own by insulting. Two celebrities only seems to have, and they are quarreling. But their fans do not get tired of breeding every time holivar, who is painted here.

Stern of my child for 160 rubles a day: a man gives the instructions of the former wife

Bloggers raised last year's printscreen of the correspondence of the former husband and wives, in which the ex-husband gives instructions how much money is enough for the normal life of his child. Conclusion is simple: from the father enough to give a baby and 3200 per month, for this money he will not be deprived of anything. After all, dinting the child can be excellent for 40 rubles, in the case of illness for the eyes, there are enough 400 rubles (although it is not clear whether the dad considers only medicines or the fact that the child in the days of illness eats at home, and not in the kindergarten), but on the clothes of the child 6000 rubles will be enough per year.


Parents who are real, and not on weekends live with their children, shocked. Unnamed dad unconditionally became one of the most discussed dads in RuNet. It was possible to get around it only Brad Pitt, and only because

Bradd Pitt and Angelina Jolie bred

Autumn aggravation: Top 9 Runet Scandals Over the past week 38959_4

The exact reasons are unknown, but some of them writes that Pitt allowed himself a manual attracting against accelerating children, and Jolie was furious. Runet instantly divided into four camps: supporters of Pitt, supporters of Jolie, supporters abandoned once Pitt Aniston and finally just observers with pop root.

The marriage process only began, and in the museum of wax figures Madame Tussao, the stars have already placed apart from each other, dividing them by the main vampires of the twenty-first century - Robert Pattinson.

Well, of course, the news became a reason for the next turn of holivarov on the admissibility of physical punishments against children. Immediately say, the editors of is unambiguously against!

"They don't go here. Here, dear food, one of the most expensive in Moscow "- in the" crossroads "refuse to accept coins of 10 kopecks

Blogger Denis Yatsutko retold the scene in a network store, shook him - and our imagination.

"In the store, the intersection has now joined a conversation with the cashier. I went on the way from a walk to take a bottle of cola, in front of me the guy something also bought and paid for cash. He counted the last minute, he counted in the artistic coins, and the cashier suddenly said to him:

- We are not accepted.

The guy began to rummage in his pockets, and I asked:

- How it is not taking?

- Well, we will not give the surrender of 10 kopecks, we do not have such prices, we have prices up to 50 kopecks. Here in pharmacies, for example, there are prices that end on 20 kopecks, 23 kopecks - so they even take a penny. And we are not. In thenime, I found a full penny, paid and left. And I continued the conversation:

"So now I'm just a random observer, but if I had said this, I would give you such a scandal here - I would not seem enough.

- Because of ten kopecks? - Surprised by the saleswoman.

- Not because of ten kopecks, but from the principle. This is a barrier coin that has official walking in this country. Its coins this state. As far as I understand, it should be mandatory for receiving all types of cash in the country, without exception.

"But you understand," the saleswoman continued, "we don't need ten-leading coins." We do not accept their bank.

- What is this bank?

- Sberbank, - answers.

- Sberbank does not accept the Russian exchange coin?

- Takes, but per percent of the exchange.

- Whatever it was, I say, it should not be a buyer's problem. He has Russian money, the right amount. He must take them.

- How can this be a problem? She asks.

- Yes easily. Man walked past, did not take a card and wallet. I went, I decided to buy something small. Specified exactly per calculation, including the last ruble, for example, with ten-thermal coins ...

- In the store of the intersection?! She interrupts me. - These do not go here. Here is expensive food, one of the most expensive in Moscow. "

Yatsutko sets the question as legitimate for the store to establish such rules regarding buyers. We, too. Commentators in the meantime frankly outraged.

Sati Kazanova: "Our foundation is not engaged in oblique children's curves"

TV presenter Sati Casanova outraged Russians with his statements, which defines the children to whom its fund does not do, like "curves and oblique." The indignation instantly reached such a scope that the TV host had to apologize for a dismissive tone against children with disabilities, referring to the fact that the thought was incorrectly translated into Russian, which was built on his own Kabardian. But, alas, it is certainly not to get rid of it from stain to reputation. Recently, more and more Russians opposes contempt and rudeness towards disabled people. Good trend!

The founder of Aviasales reported the need "You # AT" a journalist accused of non -ethicity


Aviasales on the wave of interest in the divorce of Pitt and Jolie released advertising with Pitt's fake statements in relation to receiving children, which insulted both the actor fans, and simply reveal racism in the presentation of non-discrect children with a paid "mass" of bloggers. Among their "Fu!" Was the main editor of the magazine Wonderzine Olga Staraskaya. The founder of the company instantly responded to its indignation by a statement that the journalist needs "You # AT", accompanied by Khamsk comments in relation to her intimate life.

So Holivar Aviasales Double Router is ridiculous or disgusting their advertisement and sharply or rude commentary of the founder in relation to insurance. Passion boils are serious. Of course, we are on the side of the journalist and Pitt, because there is nothing!

Scandals collected: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Scattered over the Internet and shutterstock

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