# Scientist: drink changing your personality less than you think


    Do you think that a pair of boxers makes you fire-girl and a soul of the company? Gives you faith in yourself? Turns into a sexy pantry? Or vice versa, do you fool and behave like a ballad? In short, you are sure that drinking makes you another person.

    Well, in general, it is about it. However, these changes are not so huge and not so striking as it seems to you.

    Researchers from the University of Missouri held tests to find out how they see themselves who subscribe themselves, as they see their other participants in the banquet and how large the gap between these two views.

    Clinical psychologist Rachel Vinogradov (here is the speaking surname!) Collected 156 subjects and asked them to describe themselves in detail and sober and self-sign. Then she staged a party and pretty rushed half of the participants. As long as the company was gained, 30 observers looked and noted changes in the behavior of the subjects - not knowing who they drink them with soda vodka, and who is one soda. Participants themselves also noted change in their behavior.

    And now the main surprise: the sober observers noted only one obvious change. Drunk testes have become somewhat more sociable, and even that is not particularly.

    At the same time, the signs themselves talked in their questionnaires in their questionnaires: and they had confidence in themselves, and the alarm disappeared, and the calm from somewhere appeared, and fun, and more funnier, they became more sexy too. However, no such observer was separated.

    So if it seems to you that a few mojito turn you into your own improved (or degraded) version, do not believe, this is an illusion. Whatever you think about it, surrounding see all the same sober you, only a little pointing.

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