When you are forty: a truthful story about the problems in the team, where all the colleagues are under twenty years old


When you are forty: a truthful story about the problems in the team, where all the colleagues are under twenty years old 38951_1

For a year now I'm working in the company where all my colleagues (as well as the boss) are younger than me. I'm only forty-eight, but for them - twenty and twenty-five years old, I am auschalter ruins, standing somewhere for half to the graveyard. In the face they call me Aksakal, but I still know the truth. Once, I, too, was as much as they now, and all those for forty, I considered boring retrograds with one gill, and that - in the area of ​​the tailbone.

If I do a note for too loud music or for an inaccurately decorated presentation, they surround with such persons as if they saw the testing of Dragee M & M. If I suddenly be mistaken (and I trait a living person), they will smoke, and in their smile I hear "older ... brains are not cooking." If my computer hangs, they are sure - it is sclerosis, and I forgot to insert a plug into the outlet. You can convince them, only disassemble and collect an iPhone blindly. However, anyway will not work, because they will forget about it in an hour.

In general, the last six months I feel myself a walking dead on the ball elves or something like.

They are noisy and stupid

When you are forty: a truthful story about the problems in the team, where all the colleagues are under twenty years old 38951_2

They are constantly shouting, swearing, behave like foolish pioneers in the campcake during the midday life. They turn to "you", clap on the shoulder, called Cotan, Camrad, Dude. Can grab your smartphone from your table, a honeycomb sandwich and a cup with a brewed dye. All this is observed and put back. They are dressed, too, the hell knows how, and it is not because I dress in a sad costume from the factory "Bolshevik", but because, the cats, at least once a month you need to clean your "stylish Hoody" from ketchup and dog wool.

They are capricious and self-confident

Since the brains "human larvae" did not really grow, 90% of their affairs are solved through whim. And this is not a calculating chopper of experienced businessmen or criminals, and the teenager "I want it so much here." Calculate the robbed larvae, which cannot be "pregnant, to endure the child and give birth in three minutes" - it is impossible. The larva has no logic. She asks to "make installation" and is naive sure that it is possible.

They are stupid and gullible

They are somehow formed, they are not frighteningly read, often they do not distinguish Chipollino from Mussolini, they do not know what year there was a battle for rod, and most importantly, they do not want to know. They sincerely believe in any nonsense, like stories about successful startups and mastering Mars in the near decade. Most often it is mixed. Well, how can you be such fools? How?

They play work

When you are forty: a truthful story about the problems in the team, where all the colleagues are under twenty years old 38951_3

They do not work. They play a job, fighting the stamps that the film industry imposed them. Children are not interested in the result, but damn amuses the process. They depict the "adults to the uncle and aim" by the clock, glowing at the table of negotiations, with laser pointers in the projector screen, arguing about profits and losses. They also come across the office, demonstrating employment, the future projects are discussed and seriously discussed, when "for some reason" does not come out.

They are confident that everyone knows about the world

At twenty-five, they are confident that they have comprehended the truth. They consider their life experience invaluable, their wisdom is indisputable, their philosophy is unique and even ready to sit for memoirs and hit the world. Well yes! For sure! He had already changed the girl once, made a reprimand the head, twice they got drunk tequila to the "helicopter", and another father did not give money for damping the loft in the center. It all made from them dark lords and connoisseurs of life

They are terrible consumers, and it is minus

They constantly consume. Food, clothing, content. Whatever, but they constantly pushed something into themselves. Or discuss it. "What did you buy? What are you breakfast? What will you be for dinner? Where will you go on vacation? What are you listening to? What brand do you have pants? " The entire atmosphere around them is impregnated with conderseysis of varying severity. I would like to remind them about the hungry children of Angola, and tell about your youth, alcohol piano and only jeans that had to "save" and wear exclusively on holidays.

They have an idiotic sense of humor

When you are forty: a truthful story about the problems in the team, where all the colleagues are under twenty years old 38951_4

They rzut over the battles of a century ago and fake dog poop. They are amused by second-rate sysadmin's jokes with "Basha", and they have long swollen "pies" with "powders" they quote the way, as in their time I quoted "Anshan". But I quoted it in the bath and drunk, and they make it sober and they are really funny.

They are confident that they will be young forever

Because I know that they will not.

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