Do not carry New Year's gifts in children's homes!



In December, on the eve of the impending New Year and Christmas, everyone still pulls to put a little good and causing joy to those who need help. Some with the tripled force save dogs, and some buy bags of gifts and are brought to the nearest orphanage. PICS.RU Together with the project, good. Mail.Ru tells why it should be done with the mind.

Each for the needs

What do they usually give children in orphanages? According to the public, they lack toys, gadgets, sweets and, possibly, beautiful things. In reality, many children's homes lack completely different things: diapers, disposable diapers, catheters, specialized nutrition and a lot of other of the items of daily use. Often there is not enough money for salary to employees, repair or new furniture. If you want to really help, it will be best to contact a specific orphanage or a specialized fund and find out what is the urgent needs. Sometimes come and help remove the territory, dress up or spend the New Year's performance - the best gift!

The Ministry of Health warns!


If an orphanage has a children's home for children with features - mental or physical, then you need to be attentive doubly! First, children in the homes of this type most often most often need adult people, especially if we are talking about palliative departments or departments of "Mercy", where the wards lie for years, without leaving the street or beyond the orphanage. Secondly, in the overwhelming majority of cases, special children need special toys - in no case plush (they collect dust), not difficult (it is difficult to manage with them) and the corresponding rather strict sanitary standards. All this is better to know again in a specific orphanage or a specialized fund.

Stop, corruption!

Children living in orphanages are deprived of a social picture of the world: they do not know how to conduct the economy, plan expenses, take care of themselves. They are not able to appreciate the efforts that were attached to buy all these gadgets, tablets and candy, do not understand their values ​​and need. That is why it is easy to get a gift that can be sold, exchanged for cigarettes or alcohol, or to become the subject of manipulation - if the administration suddenly decides that the child gave himself and the gift he does not need. So think three times before buying dear gifts.

Tunevism - Fight!


On average in Russia, each pupil of the orphanage receives a minimum of 2-3 gifts for the new year from completely unfamiliar people. Children are getting used to that being orphan - it is advantageous, you can speculate on this, put pressure on pity. And after the exit from the boarding school, a dependent model of behavior itself is correct, which is not surprising - they lived so all their lives! In addition, the installation "I all should" also disappears anywhere: the child constantly come to the child, who in half a day are trying to float him to death, they give something, do without any effort from the child himself. That is, we teach your gifts and offer them, but about the work of orphans should guess somehow. Think about the statistics: on the exit of state institutions, only 10% of pupils are successfully adapted to the new life conditions for them. The remaining 90% is crime, alcoholism, suicide, bums, and so on.

If you really want to do something worthwhile for children from orphanages, and not just put a tick to calm your own conscience, then become a volunteer or donate money into one of the funds that fight for each child, thousands of children are saved throughout Russia, are engaged in Socialization and adaptation of children who are simple human participation in their fate many thousands of times more likely gifts. And catch cool infographics from the pre-Mail.Ru! We are waiting for great things!

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