5 very winter and undeservedly forgotten dishes of Russian cuisine


As part of ubiquitous import substitution, we offer you to remember, so to speak, your roots: very cool dishes of Russian cuisine. Some stems, you will not be full of pancakes, but here are also holidays on the nose. It's time to think about food!

Kundyumi (Cundubys)


This old-circuit variety of dumplings is most often with a mushroom filling - a traditional lean dish of monks. Dough for coucrops is mixed on vegetable oils and hot water. The filling is most often prepared from fresh or dry mushrooms in combination with buckwheat or rice, but unlike dumplings, the coupes are not boiled, but fry or baked, and then tomatoes in the oven.

Ingredients (about 70 pieces)


  • flour - 2 cups (260 g),
  • Water (boiling water) - 75 ml,
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons


  • Frozen white or other forest mushrooms - 200 g (you can take 100 g of dried mushrooms),
  • Buckwheat or rice - 0.5 glasses,
  • Onion - 1-2 pieces,
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 spoons
  • salt, pepper to taste

Mushroom decoction

  • Water - 0.5 liters,
  • Bay leaf - 1 pcs,
  • Peas pepper - 5-6 pcs,
  • 2-3 sprigs of the parsley greenery (not necessarily),
  • garlic - 1 teeth,
  • Salt, pepper, greens - to taste


  • Pour boiling water in a bowl, add oil, stir the spoon, pour flour, quickly mix the dough with a spoon and knead your hands.
  • Knead the dough, put on a wooden board and cover the inverted hot mas or pan and leave to relax about 30 minutes
  • Mushrooms wash and dry a little.
  • In a small pan, pour water, bring to a boil, then throw a bay leaf, crushed clove of garlic, pea pepper and greener twigs and at the end - mushrooms.
  • To bring to a boil again, then reduce the fire and cook with weak boiling under the lid for about 10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of the cooking - a little salted.
  • Mushrooms to remove from the brave, the decoction itself, and mushrooms crail the smallest, the better
  • Swim buckwheat until half-ready, after which cover the saucepan with a towel, and leave languish for 15-20 minutes
  • Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil, lay out a finely chopped onion, fry until soft, add chopped mushrooms, cook another 3-4 minutes, and then add blood porridge and should be mixed. Salt, pepper and leave to be cooked for a couple of minutes.
  • The desktop is slightly lubricated with vegetable oil and roll the dough on it in a thin layer, then cut it into squares about 5x5 cm (in fact, the size can be arbitrary, but this most convenient).
  • On the middle of the square, put a little filling, the square is to form diagonally and protect the edges in the form of a triangle.
  • NB! The dough squares are convenient to turn the bottom side to be on top, that is, the side of the test, which inserted to the table during the rolling, should be at the top, then the edges of the test are good blind and the dough will not need to be additionally lubricated with water.
  • Kundyuma decompose on a lubricated oil to nasty and bake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 160 ° C. If you wish, you can not bake them, but fry in oil.
  • While the coupes are preparing, it is necessary to boil the mushroom decoction again, after which they lay out them in a wide and quite deep shape, pour hot mushroom decoction, sprinkle with cumin or dill seeds and fresh pepper.
  • Form cover with a lid or tighten the foil, get into the oven, and cook the coucrops for another 20 minutes at the same temperature.
  • The finished coupes are removed from the oven, decompose on plates and sprinkle with chopped greens. In will, you can sprinkle with chubbles with chopped garlic or fried onions.



Historically, this is a patty from a non-free yeast dough with a hole at the top (unbuttoned pies, pie) with various fillings. Traditionally served to soups: with fish - to the ear; with meat and mushrooms - to broths; With rice, onions, carrots and eggs - to fish and meat soups. We will take the option with fish as the most hearty and festive.


  • Fish red fillet 400 g
  • Wheat flour - 3 glasses
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 170 ml
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons
  • Onion - 2 pieces
  • Creamy butter - 5 tablespoons
  • Parsley - 1 beam
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cooking the dough: slightly warm the milk, make yeast in it, add sugar and flour, stir and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  • Mix the layer with the egg, add salt and softened butter, gently stir.
  • The remaining flour to sift the hill, make a deepening and add the resulting mixture (the creative director forbade us to use the word "substance", but know that it is her!). To knead the dough, roll it into the ball, put in a bowl, cover with a food film or a clean towel and leave for an hour in a warm place without drafts. After about 30 minutes, when the dough raises, slightly cheer it up - that is, to smoke.
  • While the dough is suitable, it is necessary to cook the filling. Fish cut into cubes with a side of 1-2 cm. Onions finely chop and fry on creamy oil, then mix with fish and cream, add fine chopped greens, salt, pepper.
  • Range from the dough balls the size of approximately the ball for the ad-pong. Roll them into cakes, to the center of each put mince and take the edge of the cake so that a small hole remains from above.
  • Little baking sheet with parchment and lubricate with creamy oil. Put on it the pie and let's relax 15-20 minutes. Then lubricate the pies whipped egg and bake the pies in the oven preheated to 180 degrees about 25 minutes.
  • NB! Traditionally, the dish is served with a saucer of fish broth - they are supposed to drink piers or pour fish filling.



A closed pie with any complex filling (most often it is a minced meat out of anything), shifted by thin pancakes from the dough. It is important that the volume and weight of the filling constitute more than half of the total cake. The dish is quite universal: it may be a snack, and the main dish, and the addition to it. Traditional Culeboyaka is made from yeast dough, but can be taken puff or fresh.


  • Wheat flour 1 kg
  • Milk 1.75 glasses
  • Creamy butter 125 g
  • Yolk egg 5 pieces
  • Dry yeast 50 g
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Farsh.


  • NB! Culebyak differs from the cake to its shape: it should be narrower and high, while the pie is usually done wide and flat. In addition, Culebyaki is sometimes prepared with two or three different fillings, having their layers, for example: a layer of boiled rice, then a layer of meat minced meat and, finally, a layer of steep eggs, chopped with circles. In order for the bottom layer of the test from the inside in the finished couch, it is wet, the dough is laying less wet mince, as, for example, rice, crumbling porridge, and on top - more wet and juicy meat or fish minced meat.
  • Dough, cooked with a dual or unopertful way, roll out the strip along the length of the battle or sheet (1 cm thick, and in a width of 20 cm), put on a towel, slightly flipped with flour, put on the middle of the test in full length a narrow strip stuffing, raise the edge of the dough , combine them and protect them; Then, lifting the towel over the edges, shut down cautiously Couples with a seam down on the baking sheet, lubricated with oil.
  • Cullcayaka can be decorated with thin stripes from the dough, having them across at some distance one from the other. In order for the test strips to hold better on Couples, the ends and the middle of them on the bottom you need to smear the egg.
  • After that, put Culebyak to a warm place, give her a little approach, and then lubricate the egg, to do in two or three places in a knife for the failure of a couple during baking and put in a hot oven.
  • Couplek baked for 35-45 minutes. If only one side of the couch is shoved during baking, then it must be turned it with another end, and if it starts to burn, cover with wet paper. To find out whether Culebyak is ready, it is necessary to pierce the dough to the toothpick, and if there is no dough on the rauchink, then there is dry, then Culebyak is ready.
  • Cull to remove from the battle, covered with a towel so that she, cooling, saved soft crust. Serve with meat or chicken broth.

Ureated apples


Vocration is a traditional Russian method of workpiece of products of the future, the same as a salting or quay. There are three types of urine: simple, sour and sugar. As a rule, taking apples of late varieties and soaked them with spices in barrels or tubs. The cooking process takes about a month, in a cool dry, apples can be stored for more than six months, and if it is very cold - it will continue to the new crop. It is important to take the appropriate variety - the best for the urine is suitable for Antonovka.


  • Apples (approximately 4 buckets)
  • Leaves of black currant (cherry, or rye straw)
  • Pouring (on 4 buckets of apples it will take 20-25 liters)
  • Water - 10 l
  • Salt - 150 g
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Malt or rye flour - 50-75 g
  • Honey 150 ml to taste


  • The enameled large pan is well to wash and fold the ingredients in the following order: layer of leaves, selected well-washed apples with cuttings up, then again the layer of leaves and so on until the pan does not fill. From above, there should be a layer of leaves.
  • Top to cover with a clean cloth, pickled shield (small board or cover) and directly overt.
  • Make a solution for fill): malt pour boiling water (1 liter). (If you use rye flour - then first dissolve it with cold water, and then pour boiling water). In the remaining (9 liters), water add salt, sugar, malt and honey, well stir.
  • Pour apples with cooled mortar. It must completely cover the top layer of apples (if the pouring is not enough a little, you can simply add water) and put a saucepan with apples to a cool place (in the cellar or on the balcony).
  • After 3 weeks, apples can be tried.
  • NB! In a warm place, the uroin apples will prepare faster and stored will be worse.
  • NB! You can soak apples with the addition of a wide variety of products, spices, herbs and spices: kvass, flour, honey, sugar, lavender mustard, mint, basil, sewer, with apple tree leaves, cherries or currants, etc. The most common and popular recipes of urea apples are honey, currant leaves, kvass, cinnamon.

Beetter kvass


Beets - Unique Vegetable: It contains not only vital vitamins (B, C, PR), minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.), antioxidants, bioflavonids, but also the most important chemical elements for the treatment and prevention of hypertension - Rubidium and cesium. In short, there is a beet, but it is boring, so we suggest drinking it! Especially this is a classic old-circuit recipe. When you nick your hand, you can experiment: add raisins, black bread and some sugar to the drink.


  • Beets - 1 kg
  • Water - 3.5 l


  • Beets to wash and clean
  • One small beets cut into circles, one leave the whole
  • All lay down together in a saucepan, pour water and cook until readiness
  • Remove from fire and put in a warm place for 3 days
  • After three days, transfer the container into a cool place and insist 10-15 days. The drink will be peculiar, but rather tasty. With a hangover, it will go great at all!
  • NB! You can not cook, but simply pour with warm boiled water, cover with a lid and put to roam in a warm place. As soon as the drink wandered - ready, you can drink!

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