Sweet November: 7 events in world history, without which it would not be so fun


Yes, yes, we are also not very good and glad to first snow before November. And also go to the underwear stores not for lace sconces, but for thermocraft. And all these flour selection of coats and down jackets? Nightmare. But in all, even in November, there is something good. We picked up 7 November events in world history, without which life would be much more boring.

Beauty Evolution

Cleopatra was born in the hot Egyptian November 2085 years ago, the one who taught women to extend youth and beauty. At its account scrubs, creams and face masks, nail polish, shampoo and detox. To cleanse the toxins, the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice drank the Cleopatra once a week. How would we live today without this knowledge?

Fantastic Four

Sweet November: 7 events in world history, without which it would not be so fun 38939_2
55 years ago, the owner of the Liverpool Store Store Gramplastinok Brian Epstine went to the cafe "Kevern Club", where the four local musicians played. Epsteen did not hear anything about them, but on the eve of one of the visitors of his store was interested in exactly these guys - The Beatles. Epstine became the group manager, put on them elegant costumes, forbidden to perform at the low fees and brought the Liverpool Four.

Internet shopping

The Chinese know how to turn the idea into a business. 5 years ago, on the site of Aliexpress, we decided to coincide with a big sale to the Chinese Bachelor Day on November 11th. The excitement turned out to be so huge that the tradition was allocated to sell everything in a row on International Shopping Day, when most online stores sell all with discounts 90%.

And Internet games

Sweet November: 7 events in world history, without which it would not be so fun 38939_3
In November 1994, Blizzard Entertainment was released on-line game "World of Warcraft" and the world stopped being the same. Two years later, millions of people are still played in the game at the same time, and they don't care if it is raining or snow. In the world of Workraft, everything is fine.

Happy childhood

In November 1963, in the Cabinets of Central Television, they began to prepare "good night, kids". On stories from puppet characters, not one generation has grown, forever got the habit to go to bed at 22:00.


Sweet November: 7 events in world history, without which it would not be so fun 38939_4
The letter, because of which still has to change the layout on the keyboard, and if not, it is necessary to explain what you mean - everything is all. In confusion, it's guilty as always a woman - Ekaterina Dashkov, who came up with a glood letter in November 1783. However, Karamzin took all the glory, boldly printed in the book "Tears" instead of "Sliosa".

Princess and cinema

November 12, the princess of Monaco and Muse Hitchcock, Grace Kelly was born. She became a celebrity literally in one night - the night of the Oscar premium. Then the ceremony was first shown on television. At least 50 million Americans looked at this show and did not have any doubts - the Golden Statuette will receive Judi Garland for the best female role, but the award suddenly got Grace Kelly for the role in the ribbon girl. But we remember Kelly not for Oscar, but for the stunning dresses in an absolutely every film.

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